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The vaccine-hesitant are understandably cautious
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Post More like MikeBarnes
Sheeeple. If Fauci said we all need to wear paper bags on our heads, 50% of America would gladly do it and then try to convince the rest of us that we need to follow the science. Lemmings all.
Amazing really that Christian people supposedly filled with the Spirit follow along so easily. Scary really.
Posts: 39
4/28/21 7:14 pm

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Post Yet... FG Minister
Mr. Barnes said he WILL get the vaccine if he needs it for foreign travel. Hmm. Maybe the Holy Spirit gives waivers for travelers. Or maybe the vaccine is only appropriate IF a government somewhere requires it. I have a saying - "Be consistent in your hypocrisy."

Fauci has flipflopped all over the place, but I expect born-again believers to be consistent. Just be fer it or agin it. No exceptions. But please don't join Fauci with a flipflop for travel.
Posts: 875
4/29/21 8:45 am

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Post Re: Rhetoric or Research georgiapath
UncleJD wrote:
FG Minister wrote:

People need to stop fighting these vaccines and get protected. They're safe. Get the jabs and go on with your life and stop with these conspiracies.

Thank you Wolf Blitzer

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
Posts: 7595
4/30/21 7:47 pm

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Post Re: More like georgiapath
MikeBarnes wrote:
Sheeeple. If Fauci said we all need to wear paper bags on our heads, 50% of America would gladly do it and then try to convince the rest of us that we need to follow the science. Lemmings all.
Amazing really that Christian people supposedly filled with the Spirit follow along so easily. Scary really.

I read the other day that Dr. Fauchi is being paid almost $500,000 a year by the government. Guess he doesn't care how stupid he looks or sounds, for that kind of money.
Posts: 7595
4/30/21 7:52 pm

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Post DR . fauci MikeBarnes
gets $ 417,000 per y r. and as of now, I do not plan to ever take any vaxx. Israel is NOT vaxxing any of its citizens who have already had the infection as they have determined it is dangerous to their health. I agree.
Posts: 39
5/1/21 7:30 pm

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Post My story 4thgeneration
In case you care... lol

I had severe covid in September, 2020. I spent 5 days in ICU once it developed into pneumonia in both lungs and resulted in the bottom half of both lungs collapsing. I experienced a 3 week window of fighting low blood oxygen numbers before, during and after my hospital stay. I still deal with after effects from that. And it took me 5 weeks before I could sit in a chair at a table and speak for 15 minutes to the church I pastor.

My Doctor, who has had the vaccine, highly recommended that I also get the vaccine. His words were specific that I did not need to risk getting this again. And he added that while I had great protection against the same strand I had in September, there are 8 known variants in the US currently. And the antibodies I had wouldn't provide good protection against those.

So, based on his instructions, and based on information I received through a connection to doctors at the CDC, I opted to get the vaccine.

If you opt not to, then so be it. I won't argue with you, calling names and insulting your decision, like kids on the playground. You do you and I'll do me. And God bless!

Just my O!
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1604
5/3/21 1:53 pm

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Post Sorry you had such a bad time with the virus MikeBarnes
There is nothing wrong with an abundance of caution, so you followed your drs advice as you should have and got vaccinated. My only consideration is that far too many of our drs are just following the standard guidelines and not doing any research as to the whether those guidelines have all the information. While variants are real, it appears from my reading as a "web surfer" and my discussions with other drs and pharmacists that what your Dr told you may not be altogether true. Fortunately you experienced no adverse response to being vaxxed after having had the virus. Unfortunately, many others do experience reactions and death after their vaxx. As I pointed out previously Israel which has the highest percentage of vaxxed people in the world, is NOT vaxxing those previously infected as they have determined it is too dangerous.

They just released today a new abstract on their investigation of 3 classes of people in Israel regarding vaxxes and those recovered. This paper state that in their opinion people who have recovered have at least or more immunity to reinfection than those people vaxxed, including variant strains.

Still don't intend getting the shot. Herevis the new link if you want to read it.
Posts: 39
5/4/21 2:42 pm

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Post Link
The most extreme theory that I heard against vaccines is that it is trying to change our DNA, and that the Nephelim were not human because their DNA was different... something along those lines. And somehow it was supposed to be the mark of the beast. My objection to that is that the mark of the beast involves idolatry. The Bible doesn't mention DNA, either. My guess is no version of the book of Enoch does either.

But I do have concerns that this is an experimental treatment, and we do not know the long-term effects. I am a middle aged man, not in the highest risk age category. The level of propaganda the news and the government is using on the vaccine also makes me wary.

It reminds me of the stupid commercials in the 1980's or early 1990's that insisted that the only ways to get HIV were through sex, injections, or something like that. Anyway, whatever it was, there were theoretically other ways that did not fit with the rhetoric. if HIV were found in saliva, was there no chance of getting it that way? What if you got a cut and someone else got a cut and their blood dripped into your cut? There were many scenarios I could think of that did not fit the propaganda.

The national TV news media obviously has an agenda they are promoting. It's like a morality play, with scripts designed to promote a certain agenda on certain issues without any nuance. It's like they assume their viewers are idiots who will just parrot what they say.

This disease is serious. A pastor's daughter, about 30, of a church I used to attend in Hawaii, passed away from the disease several months ago. She worked with the youth. She'd just gotten her degree and was wanting to continue on in youth ministry. It was truly sad. This is the first person I knew personally to pass away from Covid 19.

I work for a state university. Some faculty and staff met to discuss our Covid-19 policies going forward. I was on a committee that got an invitation, so I attended. I was concerned that vaccines might become mandatory. One of the stronger anti-mandated-vax faculty, who was well-spoken and made many good points. He was sitting with the nurses, but someone told me he was from some kind of exercise science field. He pointed out that Europe was better about tracking adverse affects of Covid-19 vaccines, and that there had been over 7000 cases of them in the EU on their website. The US tracks a small percentage of such cases and only had 1000 reported on the VAERS site.

Since the vaccines are not FDA approved, one opinion was that the university, as a government entity, could not compel students to get the vaccine. Some private universities might go a different route. There was also a legal opinion that may or may not be correct that Covid is excluded from HIPPA. This was suggested when I pointed out if we said unvaxed students who had not had the disease were the only ones who had to wear masks, that this might be an implicit HIPPA violation. We would be forcing people to disclose their medical history.

I wore a mask to the meeting. Maybe a quarter of the room did not. Mask wearing is required under our current policy.

My understanding is that the disease is maybe 3 to 5 times more likely to kill than the flu, which has a low mortality rate. I hear it is more likely to result in double pneumonia than the flu. People who get pneumonia from it get it in both lungs. If I get a respiratory ailment while going out and about and minding my own business, that is not really my fault. But if I get a shot that causes me major health problems, I am going to feel responsible for my choice in that.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
5/6/21 8:53 am

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Post Re: My story UncleJD
4thgeneration wrote:
In case you care... lol

I had severe covid in September, 2020. I spent 5 days in ICU once it developed into pneumonia in both lungs and resulted in the bottom half of both lungs collapsing. I experienced a 3 week window of fighting low blood oxygen numbers before, during and after my hospital stay. I still deal with after effects from that. And it took me 5 weeks before I could sit in a chair at a table and speak for 15 minutes to the church I pastor.

My Doctor, who has had the vaccine, highly recommended that I also get the vaccine. His words were specific that I did not need to risk getting this again. And he added that while I had great protection against the same strand I had in September, there are 8 known variants in the US currently. And the antibodies I had wouldn't provide good protection against those.

So, based on his instructions, and based on information I received through a connection to doctors at the CDC, I opted to get the vaccine.

If you opt not to, then so be it. I won't argue with you, calling names and insulting your decision, like kids on the playground. You do you and I'll do me. And God bless!

Just my O!

I went through 15 very bad days myself. I didn't get as bad as you did (and I'm thankful you're ok now), but I will say that until there is ample evidence that you can get this twice , and that subseguent infections are as bad as the first one, I will NOT be getting a vaccine for Covid any more than I would for the measles or chickenpox which I already had once. I mean its all "follow the science", but its "no do this now with masks, no we meant this, no we meant that, and now its " antibodies aren't what they used to be before Trump" Yeah, I know "the flu needs repeated vaccines, etc.." but as so many have pointed out, this is NOT the flu. I believe the very few cases of second Covid infections were likely misdiagnosed first infections followed by legit second ones (or vise versa). But if anyone has any real numbers and data on this I'd like to see it.'

edit: there are 71 cases reported of second infections as of April 2021. Out of hundreds of millions of primary cases. Its looking like you probably can't get it twice or if you can the symptoms are so mild that they go unreported or detected.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3145
5/6/21 5:32 pm

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Post Cojak
I do not PLAN to take the vaccine. I don't take the flu shot. I just do not like to have something injected in my body. I normally take my dr. orders and suggestions.
I do not give medical advice to anyone. I am sure MR Fauci is much better qualified than I will ever be I am sure he is more qualified than many others on the subject. I am sure he has changed his mind at times. We all have. It would be ignorant to keep the same course if you learn of a better one.

All I know is this nation has more 'generated hate' for individuals in leadership than I have ever seen. I have heard "THEY SAY....." so many times I am sick of it. I am reminded of what my DI said in boot camp, "They say" are some of the biggest liars in the world, "THEY" can get you killed, USE FACTS YOU KNOW or you will die.
just sayin....
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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5/11/21 7:25 pm

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