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Recapturing the purpose of the General Assembly...
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Post Recapturing the purpose of the General Assembly... OHIOBISHOPBILL
What if we were to recapture the meaning and purpose of the General Assembly and we spent our time in serious prayerful contemplation of Scripture and the call of God's mission for the Church of God?

Seems like every year we seem to get excited about our fiery debates about issues that are hobby horse items for some and emotional rants by people who seem only to want to get their "15 minutes" of fame (as evidenced by the Soddy Daisy)…

When was the last time we wrestled with the Word, grappled with our place in the Mission of Christ upon the earth, felt the weight of God's calling on our ministry and lives?

I'm not condemning anyone because we all made this what it was from leadership to the floor participants who have allowed our precious and expensive time be spent in discussions and semantics about things that have no kingdom impact?

We know that there were times when the floor distrusted the platform leaders (remember Flavious Burroughs -- I did not vote for any of you rascals) and the platform leadership distrusted the floor to talk about their heart issues…

Maybe times are changing…

Dr. Williams and his team seem to be really trying to focus on meaty issues that matter--and I'm sure there will still be others but I like what I'm hearing that we will seek to recapture the purpose of the General ASsembly and come together as ONE body to hear from God and walk into the future with faith and courage.

If that happens…I'm gonna be proud to be a registered delegate to that kind of Assembly.

In your opinion, what are some of the critical issues and agenda items this Assembly needs to be focused on?
Friendly Face
Posts: 101
1/21/14 8:45 pm

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Post DHDRabbi
I have a passion to see our people live a healthy lifestyle. Somehow, it got left out of personal Holiness. I am not for a legalistic rule but for an emphasis to placed on how we treat the temple. Too many of our people are dying way too young due to a lack of knowledge when it comes to healthy living OR they just ignored it.

My Dad lived an unhealthy lifestyle that was passed to me. He died with diabetes at age 53. I think of all the people he never got to minister to because of this. I don't want to see others go the same route.

So, I would like to see some sort of emphasis with some help for those who need it when it comes to healthy living. Let's lead the way in our communities and make a difference in the lives of people. Along the way, we get to talk to them about Jesus!

Last edited by DHDRabbi on 1/22/14 1:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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1/21/14 9:01 pm

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Post Cojak
There are many ministers who cannot afford to attend the General Assembly. since the technology is available, it would be good it a committee was set in motion to make that happen. Even if it had to be at district churches or State Hq. Some way to allow everyone to participate in the vote and even eventually in the debate on issues. More people would feel apart. Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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1/21/14 11:40 pm

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Post Unity and harmony Dow Moses
Bishop, I love the question. I have always been against the 4 year assembly, because as an international assembly this is the only time we get together. Since the general elections pasted to 4 years the 4 year assembly will soon pass as well. I totally understand the cost, but I believe the purpose behind the assembly was to make the body feel closer. This move has been pushed, pushed pushed and will pass, but it will do nothing to restore unity. If we want to restore the meaning of the Assembly it must be more about us being a family and not a corporation. Everyone knows a four year assembly means the family is involved in making even fewer decisions than they are now. If and when the 4 year assembly passes. What if anything can we do not to lose our since of family?
Friendly Face
Posts: 100
1/22/14 10:28 am

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Post If we were to dedicate ourselves to prayer and fasting... W. Ray Williams
and truly seeking God mission, purpose and will for the COG, it would require us to lay aside our pettiness....and we just do not want to do that.

It is a "not in my backyard" type argument. Everybody says we should do it, but in the back of our mind we are long as you’re seeking causes you to think more like me and my supporters.

It is a universal truth (I believe) about human organizations that have evolved into beurecratic institutions. The COG has evolved from a movement, to an organization to a bureaucracy. It is extremely hard to move an old structure in the way it should go. Some want to stay the same, some want change, some want a hybrid and all feel it is the God called direction.

How do we parse the call from God...who is going to receive we need another Acts 2.4 where they were all in agreement?

Tough questions and even tougher answer. If we could parse the true call of God on the COG, there would be no losers in the spiritual sense...but there would be losers in the temporal. Can we accept that our opinions are not the "call of God", but just our opinions?

I would like to think I could accept that. Not sure I could. Something I need to pray about. Thanks for reminding me.

Posts: 881
1/22/14 12:26 pm

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Post Clint Wills
DHDRabbi wrote:
I have a passion to see our people live a healthy lifestyle. Somehow, it got left out of personal Holiness. I am not for a legalistic rule but for an emphasis to placed on how we treat the temple. Too many of our people are dying way to young due to a lack of knowledge when it comes to healthy living OR they just ignored it.

My Dad lived an unhealthy lifestyle that was passed to me. He died with diabetes at age 53. I think of all the people he never got to minister to because of this. I don't want to see others go the same route.

So, I would like to see some sort of emphasis with some help for those who need it when it comes to healthy living. Let's lead the way in our communities and make a difference in the lives of people. Along the way, we get to talk to them about Jesus!

Hey Rab...I completely agree!! However, since you'd do it, I figured I'd point out that it should be TOO young.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5161
1/22/14 12:42 pm

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Post GA... Clint Wills
I think it depends on what we want GA to be. In one argument I hear that we want more people involved in decision making, and in another I read that we should spend a lot of time in prayer and fasting about decisions. Those two, IMHO, are somewhat mutually exclusive. It's really easy to get 12 guys to commit to prayer and fasting - it's impossible to get 6 million people to make the same commitment (and follow through with it). I think GA is a decision making time. I don't go for the fellowship and people. Sure there are people there that I enjoy seeing - former youth pastors and fellow Acts posters - but that isn't the reason I go. I go to be a part of the voting and decision making process. When I was asking "why do you want to get your OB license?" my answer was, "I think there are things in the COG that need to change. I can either sit back and complain about it, or I can become an OB and be a part of the change." I'm not naive enough to believe that change is going to happen tomorrow, but I am only 35 years old, so I have a lot of time ahead of me to hopefully leave the COG a better organization and movement than it is today.
So I think that the GA needs to remain a decision making event. I think the emphasis on prayer and fasting leading up to the event is a GREAT idea!! When we have large decisions to make in our church the staff commit ourselves to prayer and fasting.
As far as issues, I think that one has remained the same for me for years now - complete transparency of finances. I believe that any member-in-good-standing should be allowed to look at the finances of the COG. Anyone in our body can know what I make each year. Admittedly, I think my dad is more apt to give out his own information than he is mine or any other staff member, but they can know. I think that breeds trust as well as financial responsibility.

I do enjoy the parade of nations each time...I think that is absolutely one of the highlights of the event for me.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5161
1/22/14 12:57 pm

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Post DHDRabbi
Clint Wills wrote:
DHDRabbi wrote:
I have a passion to see our people live a healthy lifestyle. Somehow, it got left out of personal Holiness. I am not for a legalistic rule but for an emphasis to placed on how we treat the temple. Too many of our people are dying way to young due to a lack of knowledge when it comes to healthy living OR they just ignored it.

My Dad lived an unhealthy lifestyle that was passed to me. He died with diabetes at age 53. I think of all the people he never got to minister to because of this. I don't want to see others go the same route.

So, I would like to see some sort of emphasis with some help for those who need it when it comes to healthy living. Let's lead the way in our communities and make a difference in the lives of people. Along the way, we get to talk to them about Jesus!

Hey Rab...I completely agree!! However, since you'd do it, I figured I'd point out that it should be TOO young.

You know I flunked English, don't you? Thanks...I fixed it.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13680
1/22/14 1:05 pm

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Post Bro Bob
At this point distrust has morphed into apathy.

Trust is not an entitlement, it is a result. Apathy is what God was feeling in Isaiah chapter 1.

Last edited by Bro Bob on 1/22/14 6:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
Posts: 3944
1/22/14 5:48 pm

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Post Monday, January 27th Mat
The 1st Assembly Commemoration Service will be held on January 27, 2014 at 2:00 PM EST at the First Assembly House in Murphy NC (near Fields of the Wood).

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1988
1/22/14 6:11 pm

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Post To Tom Sterbens... OHIOBISHOPBILL
I've always had a wary eye for guys like you…probing and poking the hornet's nest (hahaha)…

But it is a discussion I want to have, have had in some of the same circles you have and believe there remains an element of both leaders, followers, pastors, sons and daughters who desire to be part of a community that takes seriously the mandate to represent the Savior, to fulfill a God assignment and to use our talent, time and resources for things that will matter when we are gone. (how's that for big time preaching?????) That said, I'm not in the apathy crowd and while some will scoff, I don't consider myself a key influencer to much in our church, except in the places where I'm privileged to serve. I honestly don't know how I got to where I am and I'm fearful to waste such occasions and that is my concern for our church…

Somebody trusted us…fathers and mothers, leaders and teachers who invested in our potential believing we would treasure our place in the kingdom and work with passion and focus on the assignment God gave us. I'm confident some of them truly believed that we would not buy into politics, gamesmanship and hyperbole and would seriously read our Bibles, pray and live like Calvary was something…so when we castigate others, ridicule differing opinions, devalue people on basis of education, culture, church size, etc. I feel bad for those who trusted us. We could have been better than we are.

The General Assembly was first a gathering of seekers and humble people who had no clue what they were doing but trusted in God and each other. My sense of reading our history tells me they were bound together in a strange unity that felt like--we don't know what we should do but we carefully go in the direction we feel the Lord is leading. God blessed our church.

Tom, I think the General Assembly is organic and alive in more ways than we think and I think there is a movement to try to regain some of the momentum toward unity and brotherhood. We want to trust one another--most of us do-- and Tobias and Sanballat are always around but we must have Nehemiahs who refuse to come down and play the games that distract us.

Bottom line, God loves it when we humbly seek Him, His plans and act upon our total dependance.

So, I'm thinking…

Establish environments where ministers are valued, loved and accepted
Train and mobilize laity for greater ministry involvement
Restore broken people who fall in ministry
Open our doors and engage those who disagree with us
Make the church a voice of hope to sinners again

Your turn and I love you man!
Friendly Face
Posts: 101
1/22/14 6:33 pm

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Post Re: To Tom Sterbens... OHIOBISHOPBILL
Tom Sterbens wrote:

Your turn and I love you man!

There is an old joke, I've long forgotten...but it had to do with a couple boys bragging about things and after one of them said their piece the other one hit him and said, "You didn't leave me anything to say!"

The punch line applies here (I'll hit you when I see you)! Smile

Great words, in spirit and in letter. I join you in this hope and pursuit.

I don't hope that things will be perfect or that we will never have disagreements between brothers, in fact, I welcome the open and free discussions that allow us to differ, wrangle and engage with each other and God over things we don't understand or even like. Where my struggle comes is when we demonize those who disagree or have differing opinions and when we devalue one another by "camping" them in categories and establishing covers of distrust, suspicion and cynicism.

I love our church. I want to be part of doing something for God that matters and I want to be faithful. I suspect that almost every person I work with and know in our church is the same.

I'm coming to that conclusion about you too…although …well, let's just leave that for another post!

Friendly Face
Posts: 101
1/23/14 9:16 am

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Post what I want wayne
I've always had a wary eye for guys like you…probing and poking the hornet's nest (hahaha)…

But it is a discussion I want to have, have had in some of the same circles you have and believe there remains an element of both leaders, followers, pastors, sons and daughters who desire to be part of a community that takes seriously the mandate to represent the Savior, to fulfill a God assignment and to use our talent, time and resources for things that will matter when we are gone. (how's that for big time preaching?????) That said, I'm not in the apathy crowd and while some will scoff, I don't consider myself a key influencer to much in our church, except in the places where I'm privileged to serve. I honestly don't know how I got to where I am and I'm fearful to waste such occasions and that is my concern for our church…

Somebody trusted us…fathers and mothers, leaders and teachers who invested in our potential believing we would treasure our place in the kingdom and work with passion and focus on the assignment God gave us. I'm confident some of them truly believed that we would not buy into politics, gamesmanship and hyperbole and would seriously read our Bibles, pray and live like Calvary was something…so when we castigate others, ridicule differing opinions, devalue people on basis of education, culture, church size, etc. I feel bad for those who trusted us. We could have been better than we are.

The General Assembly was first a gathering of seekers and humble people who had no clue what they were doing but trusted in God and each other. My sense of reading our history tells me they were bound together in a strange unity that felt like--we don't know what we should do but we carefully go in the direction we feel the Lord is leading. God blessed our church.

Tom, I think the General Assembly is organic and alive in more ways than we think and I think there is a movement to try to regain some of the momentum toward unity and brotherhood. We want to trust one another--most of us do-- and Tobias and Sanballat are always around but we must have Nehemiahs who refuse to come down and play the games that distract us.

Bottom line, God loves it when we humbly seek Him, His plans and act upon our total dependance.

So, I'm thinking…

Establish environments where ministers are valued, loved and accepted
Train and mobilize laity for greater ministry involvement
Restore broken people who fall in ministry
Open our doors and engage those who disagree with us
Make the church a voice of hope to sinners again

Your turn and I love you man!

I so desparately long for a day like this. I remember the excitement about going to KY campmeetings, youthcamps and the "dream" of going to GA. It seems many of the great stories I've heard come from meetings where "God's people" from all over got together and just worshipped.
I remember district fellowship meetings where people were truly happy to see each other. For a while it seemed that this was replaced with "oneupsmanship" and "hey vote for me". In the area I pastor, we have some new ministers entering into the pastorate and they seem to be pastoring with their guard down and looking for serious fellowship and truly trying to grow the "kingdom".
I personally don't really care who get's elected as long as their heart is on the Church and reaching the lost. Debating over women being ordained, doesn't really matter to me, I'm not even one to debate scripture much.... I want to get together with the body of Christ and celebrate each other and our accomplishments as a group.
Let's bring our kids back to the GA and let them show off their talents. Bring all the missionaries back and let them tell their stories. Lets reverse the damage done and start rebuilding something awesome that our children will be proud of and willing to work in. I could ramble on and on but I agree with OHIOBISHOPBILL I want to see us unified, differences and all and working to win the lost.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1274
1/23/14 2:58 pm

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Post GA Topics Billy Humphrey
I'd like to see us pray for and discuss the injustices we face in the world and the churches' response to issues like poverty, human trafficking, and disease. Things that are bigger than anyone one church but things that we can make a difference when together.

I'd also like to see some top notch prayer, evangelism, and leadership training from a spirit filled perspective. What better place to equip us then at the General Assembly. Ie. Bring in Pastor Nico from Indonesia to teach us about a prayer movement in the COG.

I'm not for spending a couple thousand dollars to discuss changing a "thee" to a "thou" in the minutes anymore. I'm not for playing gotcha. I'm not for everyone giving their two cents on retirement actuaries when we should be trusting the men we elect to handle matters of that kind.
Friendly Face
Posts: 254
1/23/14 3:39 pm

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Billy Humphrey wrote:
I'd like to see us pray for and discuss the injustices we face in the world and the churches' response to issues like poverty, human trafficking, and disease. Things that are bigger than anyone one church but things that we can make a difference when together.

I'd also like to see some top notch prayer, evangelism, and leadership training from a spirit filled perspective. What better place to equip us then at the General Assembly. Ie. Bring in Pastor Nico from Indonesia to teach us about a prayer movement in the COG.

I'm not for spending a couple thousand dollars to discuss changing a "thee" to a "thou" in the minutes anymore. I'm not for playing gotcha. I'm not for everyone giving their two cents on retirement actuaries when we should be trusting the men we elect to handle matters of that kind.


Maybe its just me but I don't think it is…but we seem to always slide into management mode when we get together and I think that is because we don't trust one another to lead. You mentioned people we elect doing things we ask them to do and that is so true. Travis talks to me a lot about our missional drift and I think it is true that we gently slide from our missional heart to our management protection when we don't trust others to do what we need them to do. God has placed in the body all that is needed for health and wholeness.
Friendly Face
Posts: 101
1/23/14 3:49 pm

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Post just a thought wayne
What if several pastors and members got together and created the environment that we are talking about. Maybe, we need to model what we are speaking to prove to the masses that it can be done and will be accepted. Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1274
1/24/14 10:28 am

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Post Rodney Mullins
Hey who is this OHIOBISHOPBILL guy thats talking commen sense soultions to a complex issue????

LOL - Thanks Bishop for being a voice of Clarity for those of us that long for it. So sad you are leaving us and praying for an appointment that will allow the rest of the COG to see the true gift you bring to the "Future" of our church.
Being a missionary to my community is the joy of my ministry.
Friendly Face
Posts: 322
1/24/14 12:06 pm

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Post Recapturing the Purpose of the GA Change Agent

"So, I'm thinking…

Establish environments where ministers are valued, loved and accepted
Train and mobilize laity for greater ministry involvement
Restore broken people who fall in ministry
Open our doors and engage those who disagree with us
Make the church a voice of hope to sinners again"

Tom Sterbens wrote:

"For the last decade I have met with and talked intentionally to those who lead at the highest levels in the COG...We have held extensive dialog about the leadership culture in our fellowship"

Apparently Tom has talked till he is blue in the face to discuss issues with those that can make a difference. Why is there a leadership culture that is not willing to step out and make a difference? Does the organization need to change to accomplish those things that OHIOBILL listed?

This is a very important topic by good men wanting change. What is hindering it? The process at the GA? The political entitlements?
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1449
1/25/14 12:45 pm

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Post Re: GA Topics Nick Park
Billy Humphrey wrote:

I'd also like to see some top notch prayer, evangelism, and leadership training from a spirit filled perspective. What better place to equip us then at the General Assembly. Ie. Bring in Pastor Nico from Indonesia to teach us about a prayer movement in the COG.

Actually, Billy, I can think of better places than the General Assembly for doing such training (much needed as it is).

Years ago the General Assembly served as both a decision-making body and as a kind of National Camp Meeting for the USA, with CoG people flocking from across the nation for fellowship and great evening services.

However, today the vast majority of CoG ministers & members live outside the United States. Leaders from other countries make great financial sacrifices to attend the GA, but despite the 'International' tag we've put on it, the GA still tries in many ways to be a National Camp Meeting.

My suggestion is to have National USA Assembly (maybe in the off years between Assemblies) which could fulfil the National Camp Meeting ideal and provide a forum for decisions to be taken that purely affect the American Church. Have as many choirs, Christian recording artistes and sweating shouting preachers as y'all want.

Then, for General Assembly, let's gather to do the business of the International Church which affects 13 million adherents around the globe(but let's ditch Roberts' Rules of Order and replace Roberts with the Holy Spirit). At night, instead of choirs, soloists & preaching pyrotechnics, have heartfelt intercession for the Church. No display areas or food courts - just prayer where we cry out to the Lord for the holy business that will be transacted the following daytime.

Btw, I don't think it is fair to blame individual leaders, past or present, for what the General Assembly has become. Large organisations develop a culture & momentum all of their own. The 4 years I spent on the Council of 18 left me with the impression that no one person, not even a General Overseer, can turn around a runaway train in the short time they are in office. To make meaningful changes means axing departments, terminating employees, and changing bylaws. Every step towards reform will be resisted bitterly - not least here on this board.
Senior Pastor, Solid Rock Church, Drogheda
National Overseer, Church of God, Ireland
Executive Director, Evangelical Alliance Ireland
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1021
1/25/14 3:30 pm

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Post Billy Humphrey
You seem to have misread my email Nick...

"My suggestion is to have National USA Assembly (maybe in the off years between Assemblies) which could fulfil the National Camp Meeting ideal and provide a forum for decisions to be taken that purely affect the American Church. Have as many choirs, Christian recording artistes and sweating shouting preachers as y'all want." - Nick Park

I'm not interested in any of that per say.

I'm more interested in this...

"At night, instead of choirs, soloists & preaching pyrotechnics, have heartfelt intercession for the Church. No display areas or food courts - just prayer where we cry out to the Lord for the holy business that will be transacted the following daytime." - Nick Park
Friendly Face
Posts: 254
1/25/14 4:24 pm

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