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Restoring ministers and a possible amnesty program Forum Index -> Feature Presentations This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics.   This topic is locked: you cannot edit posts or make replies.
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Post Restoring ministers and a possible amnesty program Dean Steenburgh
In light of all the discussion on restoring ministers who here erred, would it be a appropriate in light of the time & age to consider offering amnesty to those who have fallen?

I'm not suggesting wholesale 'slaps on the wrist', but in light of another thread where the subject matter discusses restoring the minister as opposed to destroying the minister, I'm wondering what we would possibly experience from an all out change in the way we handle moral offenses? (I'm not talking about illegal activity) but I am talking about moral/ethical sins.

In a way I'm asking what we might do if the policy changed toward a complete & restorative process where the offense is forgiven but the title is not destroyed. Judgment & discipline brought about through man often bring destruction as well. But forgiveness & restoration bring about healing & constructive progress if handled properly. Now a repeat offender who engages in the same sinful act over & over again would have to be dealt with on a case by case basis.

I see the thought process behind our current system but I've seen my share of shattered lives that couldn't rise above the stigma & ended up in horrible messes. There just has to be a better system & possibly Bishop Gause has something we should approach & apply.

Would an amnesty program bring out more than we want to know about and secondly what things would you consider in the development of an amnesty program?

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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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4/25/11 5:27 pm

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We could go to the other extreme and have a preacher sex offender registry, with every preacher whose been involved in a sexual offense's name and offense posted on the Internet for as long as the Internet lasts.

That would be a horrible idea. I don't think the amnesty approach is a good one either. If someone has dealt with a sin, is he going to bring it up for amnesty? If he is trapped in the sin, and he doesn't seek help already, is amnesty going to change his mind?
Acts-perienced Poster
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4/25/11 6:06 pm

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Post Re: Restoring ministers and a possible amnesty program Nature Boy Florida
Dean Steenburgh wrote:
Now a repeat offender who engages in the same sinful act over & over again would have to be dealt with on a case by case basis.


Let me get this straight.

Everyone pastor gets one free get out of jail free card for adultery or whatever.

But once he does it a SECOND time - then you would deal with it - or as you call it - "destroy" a minister.

Not sure your idea is an improvement.
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4/25/11 6:26 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
I tend to side more with the grace and restoration side, but amnesty isn't something that can work in terms of sin in my opinion. To commit adultery against your wife you need to fully give yourself to sin, and that's not something you can just say "my bad" to and then change and do better. There has to be genuine repentance, forgiveness and transformation. You can't just say "I've been cheating on my wife for six years -- but I'm so glad it's all out in the open now. I've dismissed my mistress and my family and my church and I are ready to move forward." There needs to be a dismissal and a time of restoration, not as punishment but for the sake of the wayward believer's soul. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
4/25/11 7:24 pm

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Post The dilemma doyle
It really is a dilemma isn't it? We understand that even good men, even men who love God with their whole heart, can fall into sin and everyone of us knows that without the Grace of God, any hope of heaven would not be part of our future.

Also, most of us are people who do believe in restoration. God not only puts His approval on restoration but even says it's a sign of spirituality.

"He who is spiritual, let him restore such a one."

The dilemma is how does an organization like the Church of God maintain a high standard for ministry unless there is severe results when that high standard is broken?

I thought Dr. Gause's thoughts on restoring erring ministers in place instead of throwing them aside, has real possibilities. But how is that done without seeming to condone or overlook such failure?

There must be strong consequences in such cases. A Pastor who is involved in sexual situations outside his or her marriage, absolutely must step down from their area of responsibility. And repeat offenders should be forced to turn in their credentials.

But what about the first-time offender?

Presently, the COG response in such cases usually seems to be fair. The same punishment is meted out to all in ministry whether they be Officials, state leaders, local pastors, evangelists etc.

Once exceptions are allowed, does that open the door for the more powerful and well-connected to get special favors in such cases?


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Acts-celerate Owner
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4/25/11 7:53 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
If I recall correctly, the Assemblies of God changed their bylaws back in the 1980s to where if the moral failure came to light at least 10 years after the fact, they did not hold it against the minister. (Not sure if they have since changed this).

I remember thinking a guy who has been living a lie for that many years would be far less trustworthy (and certainly far less above reproach) than if he had confessed, repented and forsook it openly.
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4/25/11 8:08 pm

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Post RaceForTheCure
I do believe in restoration. After all, if Jesus Christ is just to forgive us the who would we be to deny forgiveness. However, I think every case must be considered on an individual basis. Without offering any details, I know pastors who have stumbled and I have seen how the punishment they put on themselves was worse than anything a denominational office might put on them. But, amnesty just can't be an "across the board" kind of thing. Anything of a sexual or violent measure should immediately result in the person's removal from a position of authority. Then I think the board, with the input of state offices, could determine if it would be appropriate for the offender to be reinstated to a position of authority in a church.
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Acts Mod
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4/26/11 6:48 pm

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Post helping hand
Restoration and forgiveness is fine and truly what the Lord expects but not without restitution. Too many times there is sin almost exposed and hidden that is never challenged. Restitution may be promised but never paid or maid. Too many times the innocent party is quietly removed and pays the price for the COG Pastors sins for the good of the church and the congregation. He may never even step down or step back. Everyone knows "something" but no one does anything except to quietly get the offended party out of sight and out of mind.
The real kick in the head is during the course of the "Restoration", the true character of the pastor proves to be a liar a cheat and a thief and an imbezelor. As such, he doesn't repent of anything and so is restored from what? The restitution is never made and the offended party is further offended and ostracized.
Do not be decieved! Your sins will find you out! You will be exposed just as was everyone that tries to hide their sins. Just because you haven't lost your position yet doesn't mean you won't be exposed and the last be worse than the first.
Make the restitution you need to and get honest with God, yourself, your family and the church. Maybe you can still salvage your integrity.
Posts: 41
4/27/11 9:25 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Restored to what?

He was a secret adulterer.

So we are restoring him back to his position of secret adultery - the lay minister in chief so to speak.

No thanks.
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Acts-pert Poster
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4/27/11 9:30 am

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I wonder if anyone will think, "I'd better have that affair I've been thinking of before the amnesty program runs out."
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
4/27/11 9:45 pm

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Post CHARACTER helping hand
I'm wondering whatever happened to self honesty and true repentance with humility and the courage to admit to God and whomever else neccessary and to do whatever neccessary to make amends? THEN leave the results up to GOD! Let the Holy Spirit do His job and let man do man's job.God doesn't ever get confused and think He's one of us! WEhy do we get confused and think we can do His job? ONLY GOD can RESTORE a preacher to his prior state and although we may impose some sanctions and judge the fruit of his repentance only God can restore. Where I come from repentance requires you make ammends for your wrong doings. Member
Posts: 41
4/28/11 7:34 am

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