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"What I Saw At The Jericho March" (article by Rod Dreher) Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post "What I Saw At The Jericho March" (article by Rod Dreher) Dave Dorsey
In case you missed the extreme syncretism at the "Stop the Steal" rally yesterday:
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
12/13/20 8:20 am

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Post Cojak
This amazes me no end: prepare themselves to fight to the last drop of blood — an actual quote .

Imma wondering, as always, when people say this will they have their weapon and be in the front lines? Or like most politicians Ask/tell someone to do it for them?

I was stationed in DC when George Lincoln Rockwell Nazi leader, was assassinated. I watched live on TV when his followers were going to defy the police and bury him in our national cemetery after a Judge denied the request. Their new leader stood on the top of the Hearse and gave a rousing speech ending with, "Follow me," The crowd had been yelling, screaming agreeing with him. BUT when he jumped from the top of the Hearse to the hood and the ground The police calmly handcuffed him and the crowd faded away.

Some of this is becoming treasonable talk. And yes some will probably go to jail, but I do pray that when none of this 'prophesy' comes to pass most Christians will use some common sense.
I received an e-mail once from a very educated cousin (rip) feeding me some anti-gov line and said, "I cannot find any real proof for this, but I believe it."

Personally I have no indication from our Lord. I am only trying to use some logic and believe HE will work this out.

I do believe Trump has done some very good things for the country. Even added some real salt to the Supreme Courts. BUT no man is above the will of the people, no matter how badly they want to change facts.
Our AG has been level headed since appointed. I do not think he nor our SCOTUS have all of a sudden gone bananas.
God Bless us and the USA! Smile

I will definitely apologize and seek forgiveness if I am proven wrong, I won't even try to blame it on dementia! Embarassed Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24283
12/13/20 12:53 pm

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Post Roger Woodard
I was highly honored to be a part of this demonstration of Patriotism. Before the Supreme Court & U.S. Capital to pray for the preservation of this nation. Groups of Catholics marching around the Capital reciting the rosery, praying the Lords Prayer. Charismatic/Pentecostals speaking in tongues, non Christians speaking in known tongues. Thousands, thousands, there for America. People who came, some of us a great expense, who decided we had to get off our couch & be counted. Complaining on facebook & to the choir is not going to stop the steal. Thank God these & others are standing up & many within the church are waking up. Many of us are convinced the time is now & we won't get a 2nd chance. GOD SAVE AMERICA FROM THE ONSLAUGHT OF SATAISM & WITCHCRAFT!!! Hey, DOC
Posts: 94
12/14/20 11:46 am

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Post The COG Apostle
Roger Woodard wrote:
I was highly honored to be a part of this demonstration of Patriotism. Before the Supreme Court & U.S. Capital to pray for the preservation of this nation. Groups of Catholics marching around the Capital reciting the rosery, praying the Lords Prayer. Charismatic/Pentecostals speaking in tongues, non Christians speaking in known tongues. Thousands, thousands, there for America. People who came, some of us a great expense, who decided we had to get off our couch & be counted. Complaining on facebook & to the choir is not going to stop the steal. Thank God these & others are standing up & many within the church are waking up. Many of us are convinced the time is now & we won't get a 2nd chance. GOD SAVE AMERICA FROM THE ONSLAUGHT OF SATAISM & WITCHCRAFT!!!

Prayers as to be seen by men. Having nothing to do with Jesus but a county. Christian Nationalism at its best. What a clown show.
Posts: 566
12/14/20 2:39 pm

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Post Roger Woodard
Apostle, "Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?" (Job 38:2). I don't know you since you hide behind a pen name, but you obviously don't know what you are talking about. People were preaching the gospel at intervals along the route. Some were saved on the street & Christ was exalted. You have every right to say what you want, (because of people like us who got involved over the years): but that freedom gives you the right to be wrong. And you definitely are wrong. BY the why, who made you an Apostle? Self appointed maybe? Hey, DOC
Posts: 94
12/15/20 10:28 am

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Post The COG Apostle
Roger Woodard wrote:
Apostle, "Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?" (Job 38:2). I don't know you since you hide behind a pen name, but you obviously don't know what you are talking about. People were preaching the gospel at intervals along the route. Some were saved on the street & Christ was exalted. You have every right to say what you want, (because of people like us who got involved over the years): but that freedom gives you the right to be wrong. And you definitely are wrong. BY the why, who made you an Apostle? Self appointed maybe?

Self-appointed Apostle. It’s as scriptural as Christian Nationalism and the worship of an evil president.
Posts: 566
12/15/20 7:44 pm

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Post Patriotism will not get you to heaven. Mat
Patriotism will not get you to heaven, yet many Christians equate the two as being one and the same. It has been my feeling/thinking that many who are so verbose and emotional about both Trump and America are struggling with a spirit of fear of the future and blindness in the present. It's not that I'm happy about Biden administration being in power (I voted for Trump and every other Republican on the ballot), rather for me its the realization the spiritual condition of the nation is rotten to the core, including much of the so called "church."

Yes, there are many who fear for the future of the nation, but are we simply nostalgic for a nation that really no longer exist? We (seniors) realize we are being replaced by generations who do not share the same faith values, and we cannot stop it. In the end, we really cannot "leave" a Christian nation to the next generation, they have to want it for themselves. The coming generations of Americans will get the government, and nation, they voted for and deserve (you reap what you sow). We find ourselves like Job, trying to make sacrifices for the sins of his children who only wanted only to party, but Job could not save even his own kids from their sins.

My mind is clear enough to know, my days of service to the nation have become days of hoping my Social Security/Medicare will last to the end of my life. Its the following generations that must fight and serve for the kind of nation they want. Now, I don't think most of them have the moral fiber to fight and serve for freedom. Mostly they want the newest IPhone and apps, and will be happy with their Chinese overlords giving them the "scraps-of-the-table" of life as long as they can party.

Seniors, don't be fearful, don't be angry, and don't worry about leaving anything to your kids, as many of you are supporting them all ready and they are about to drain you dry. God will take care of you in whatever kind of country you live in, as he does in every nation of the world.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1988
12/16/20 2:20 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Michael Horton -- again, no foe of the president -- had an exceptional piece today in TGC: [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
12/16/20 2:33 pm

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Post Re: Patriotism will not get you to heaven. Cojak
Mat wrote:
Patriotism will not get you to heaven, yet many Christians equate the two as being one and the same. .......
Seniors, don't be fearful, don't be angry, and don't worry about leaving anything to your kids, as many of you are supporting them all ready and they are about to drain you dry. God will take care of you in whatever kind of country you live in, as he does in every nation of the world.


I see some Christ-like logic in your comment. Our center is HIM, I know in truth HE is incharge, and itn that I do give Our Lord and God Thanks. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24283
12/16/20 3:56 pm

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Post Cojak
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Michael Horton -- again, no foe of the president -- had an exceptional piece today in TGC:

I seldom refer to 'groups or groupees' as a cult. Partly because I was raised in a church that was considered a cult by many in the 40-50s era. I was shunned by many of my age and older. The title cult was directed at the 'Holy-Rollers' and was the Church of God.
BUT In fact in the Trump frenzy there is a lot of 'cultlike' actions. I was some disappointed in our GO when he said amen to a 'prophecy' that Trump would prevail and have 4 more years when the legal dust settled.
I will say that in the original Jerico march the walls came tumbling down.
Presently Trump is my president. Soon Biden will be my president. I will pray for his leadership to be Godly and good. That is my part.

I did agree with a lot contained in the article. Idea
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24283
12/16/20 4:09 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Some really good thoughts there, Cojak. Especially about the walls coming down at the real Jericho march. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
12/16/20 4:15 pm

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Post Roger Woodard
Well, well, well. After 62 yrs of ministry, I'm now equated to a "cult" & "groupie" status for being convinced America is too young to die & is still capable of being saved. It's about more than a man, BUT, make no mistake about it. Donald Trump has been the greatest friend Christianity & Israel have had in the White House in my lifetime. He's fought for the unborn, marriage, preserving the sex of children, our religious liberty, and on & on. We will have none of that under a Harris Administration.
Anyway, I'm not going to carry on an Acts-celerate debate, especially with an Apostle. However, it's good to learn who I don't want to be in a fox hole with or who is behind me in a battle.
Hey, DOC
Posts: 94
12/16/20 5:39 pm

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Post Cojak
Well I do hope it is not the Harris Administration. I understand it is the Biden administration. I know the tales that Biden will be in jail, nursing home or dead before the year is out. I certainly hope that isn't the case. And Brother W I sure hope you are not expecting to go to war over an election against your neighbors. I hope that is just a little over blown.
Anyway I have appreciated many of Trumps actions and some policies. I voted for the man both elections, but the people, courts, Barr and the Electoral college have spoken, it is time to move on. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!

Last edited by Cojak on 12/17/20 4:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24283
12/16/20 5:48 pm

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Post There's a scene ... Mat
Cojak wrote:
Well I do hope it is not the Harris Administration. I understand it is the Biden administration. I know the tales that Biden will be in jail, nursing home or dead before the year is out. I certainly hope that isn't the case. And Brother W I sure hope you are not expecting to go to war over an election against your neighbors. I hope that is just a little over blown.
Anyway I have appreciated many of Trumps actions and some policies. I voted for the man both elections, but the people, courts, Barr and the Electoral collage have spoken, it is time to move on. Cool


There's a scene in the John Wayne movie "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon" that has always spoken strongly to me about generational change and leadership. John Wayne's character (Captain Nathan Bridles) has just retuned to the fort after leading his last patrol before forced retirement. He reports to the commanding officer that the patrol was a failure in all aspects, including having to leave a couple of squads of troopers under the command of a young lieutenant who was inexperienced to hold a river crossing so the rest of the patrol could escape the Indians (not sure of the tribe(s).

Wayne wants to immediately return to the field to relive the holding force. The fort commander says he cannot go due to his retirement, and the troop must have a nights rest and leave in daylight so the other young lieutenant can have a fighting chance to effect the relief. John calls the lieutenant a "babe in the woods" and volunteers to go as scout, but the commander says, "I thought you liked the boy, do you want to ruin him? Every time he gives a command all the troop would look to you before obeying. We had to learn to ford a river under fire, so do they."

Wayne agreed, prepared for his last inspection of the troop the next morning before they left to relive the holding force. During the inspection he is given a silver pocket watch and chain with an inscription. He is embarrassed that he has to pull out a pair of reading glasses from his blouse, because his old eyes could not read the inscription. Wayne realizes the relief of the holding force much be led by the other young lieutenant, and it was not his place to speak doubt.

We have got to let the next generation fight the good fight or they will never stand for anything.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1988
12/16/20 6:41 pm

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Post Re: There's a scene ... Cojak
Mat wrote:
We have got to let the next generation fight the good fight or they will never stand for anything.


True dat!

Christmas is a-coming... God is Good. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24283
12/16/20 9:05 pm

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Post The COG Apostle
Roger Woodard wrote:
Well, well, well. After 62 yrs of ministry, I'm now equated to a "cult" & "groupie" status for being convinced America is too young to die & is still capable of being saved. It's about more than a man, BUT, make no mistake about it. Donald Trump has been the greatest friend Christianity & Israel have had in the White House in my lifetime. He's fought for the unborn, marriage, preserving the sex of children, our religious liberty, and on & on. We will have none of that under a Harris Administration.
Anyway, I'm not going to carry on an Acts-celerate debate, especially with an Apostle. However, it's good to learn who I don't want to be in a fox hole with or who is behind me in a battle.

All I needed to see was your Facebook page with a “I’m actually glad the Proud Boys were here......” quote on it. And your “Christian” reply: “The antifa cowards wait till it's good & dark & then sneak attack from the rear. Thank you Proud Boys, go crack a few more antifa heads.”

BTW, just for your’s or anybody else’s info, my pen name has nothing to do with me thinking I’m an apostle. It is a takeoff on the movie “The Apostle.” I’m no apostle so don’t get all hung up on that with your videos of how you called out an apostle from your own church.

Laughing Laughing
Posts: 566
12/17/20 7:38 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
The COG Apostle wrote:
All I needed to see was your Facebook page with a “I’m actually glad the Proud Boys were here......” quote on it. And your “Christian” reply: “The antifa cowards wait till it's good & dark & then sneak attack from the rear. Thank you Proud Boys, go crack a few more antifa heads.”

Shocked Shocked Shocked
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Posts: 13654
12/17/20 10:19 am

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Post Roger Woodard
You weren't there. You don't know. And yes I meant every word of my facebook post. Antifa/BLM are evil & treasonous. They will continue their violence as long as someone else is getting hurt. The little Christian couple Antifa attacked, the 4 stabbed nearly to death, were saved by the Proud Boys. These folk were preaching & people were getting saved on the sidewalk, IN SPITE of Antifa/BLM attacks. Wake up! We're fighting for the soul of our nation. Hey, DOC
Posts: 94
12/17/20 12:24 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.” [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
12/17/20 2:30 pm

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