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Whining about nominating a SCOTUS judge Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Whining about nominating a SCOTUS judge Link
The Democrats and the media are trying to make it seem unfair that the POTUS plans to nominate a judge for the SCOTUS when so many Republicans spoke out against doing so with much more time before the last election.

The whiney arguments they give are so unconvincing. Many Republicans gave the same sort of rational last time-- we are close to the election, let the people decide.

Do they all think we are stupid? We know what is going on. Republicans did not want to replace an empty seat on the SCOTUS with a liberal judge last time. They had the votes in the Senate and opening up a nominee for a vote opens up a possibility that such a terrible thing could happen. They didn't want to lose a conservative seat.

And now, it would be completely irresponsible and a dereliction of to even leave open a bit of an opportunity to allow for the potential of a Democrat controlled Senate and president to put another left-wing activist who does not believe in protecting the constitution onto the SCOTUS. If Republicans kept the Senate and lost the presidency, they'd get left-wing candidates and have to keep refusing to vote or spend time vetting them before voting now. If Trump won and Republicans lost the Senate, there would be more gridlock.

We understand the Republicans were trying to give nice-sounding excuses for not opening up the possibility of damaging the SCOTUS by putting a liberal/progressive on the court. We understand that Democrats think these judges are good for our country.

Do they think we are stupid? Do they think we will buy the arguments the Democrats and network media channels, besides Fox, are making? Are the masses fooled by this?

Trump's response to this made sense. It was different then. They didn't have the votes. Republicans have the White House and the Senate. That's the real reason, not 'let the people decide in the election.'
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
9/25/20 7:36 am

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Post UncleJD
agreed, the people already decided in an election that paired the POTUS and SENATE in the same party. Much different than in 2016 when the people overturned the Senate specifically to NOT rubber-stamp Obama's pick. The only hypocrisy is the left who demanded the Senate to "do their job" and by "their", they meant the democrats. And now they demand the Senate not do their job. After the way they treated Brett Kavanaugh, I'm not interested in any nicety and giving in to them one iota. Follow the law, get it done. In fact, do it all behind closed doors and don't allow any Democrats in the room during the hearings, just like the Dems in the House showed us how to do. Lets have hearings sans-democraps, and then a nuclear option vote on the floor without discussion. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3145
9/25/20 12:05 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Uh... yeah. It's naked partisan hypocrisy. The entire "let the people decide" argument, which is what EVERY Republican said last time, was a total and complete lie. It was never about anything more than pure partisan politics.

Which is fine. The Senate has every right to take up or not take up judicial nominations. What's objectionable here is that the GOP is trying to make the case that this situation is somehow different. It's not (except that the vacancy occurred in September rather than March). They had the votes and didn't want a nominee in 2016, they have the votes and do want a nominee in 2020. It's objectionable because they told a false story in 2016 that we needed to know the will of the people and now, in an identical situation, they're saying things are completely different. "The McConnell rule only applies when the White House and Senate were controlled by different parties." Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

It's not different. Just tell the truth, the Constitution lets the Senate do what it wants when it has the votes. Don't try to sell this stupid nonsense about this being somehow different.

Last edited by Dave Dorsey on 9/25/20 12:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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9/25/20 12:53 pm

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Post UncleJD
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Uh... yeah. It's naked partisan hypocrisy. The entire "let the people decide" argument, which is what EVERY Republican said last time, was a total and complete lie. It was never about anything more than pure partisan politics.

Which is fine. The Senate has every right to take up or not take up judicial nominations. What's objectionable here is that the GOP is trying to make the case that this situation is somehow different. It's not. They had the votes and didn't want a nominee in 2016, they have the votes and do want a nominee in 2020.

It's objectionable because they told a false story in 2016 that we needed to know the will of the people and now, in an identical situation (except in September instead of March), they're saying the situation is completely different. It's not different. Just tell the truth, the Constitution lets the Senate do what it wants when it has the votes. Don't try to say 2016 was different though, it wasn't -- except for the fact that the vacancy occurred in March rather than September.

I Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3145
9/25/20 12:57 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
UncleJD wrote:
Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

This reply was smarter than what I've come to expect from you.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
9/25/20 12:59 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Link, your argument borders on incomprehensible here.

You said, "The whiney arguments they give are so unconvincing. Many Republicans gave the same sort of rational last time-- we are close to the election, let the people decide."

So... the Dems are "whiney" because they're making the same argument the GOP made in 2016?

"Do they all think we are stupid? We know what is going on. Republicans did not want to replace an empty seat on the SCOTUS with a liberal judge last time."

So... you know the Republicans were lying to you in 2016 (they were), and it's somehow the Democrats who are trying to pull a fast one on you?

I agree with the gist of your post, which is that the Senate has the right to take up or not take up any nominee it pleases. I just can't understand why you're acting like it's the Dems who are pulling a fast one here by saying the Republicans should support the same view they espoused in 2016 (which you acknowledge was deceitful).

It's fine to say the Republicans have the right to do what they want here, and should do what they want. It's fine to say you know they were lying to everyone in 2016. I'm just not sure why you surrounded that with a bunch of nonsense about how the Dems are the ones who think you're stupid.
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Posts: 13654
9/25/20 1:21 pm

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Post Link
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Link, your argument borders on incomprehensible here.

You said, "The whiney arguments they give are so unconvincing. Many Republicans gave the same sort of rational last time-- we are close to the election, let the people decide."

So... the Dems are "whiney" because they're making the same argument the GOP made in 2016?

"Do they all think we are stupid? We know what is going on. Republicans did not want to replace an empty seat on the SCOTUS with a liberal judge last time."

So... you know the Republicans were lying to you in 2016 (they were), and it's somehow the Democrats who are trying to pull a fast one on you?

I agree with the gist of your post, which is that the Senate has the right to take up or not take up any nominee it pleases. I just can't understand why you're acting like it's the Dems who are pulling a fast one here by saying the Republicans should support the same view they espoused in 2016 (which you acknowledge was deceitful).

It's fine to say the Republicans have the right to do what they want here, and should do what they want. It's fine to say you know they were lying to everyone in 2016. I'm just not sure why you surrounded that with a bunch of nonsense about how the Dems are the ones who think you're stupid.

I don't see it as a 'lie'. The Republicans thought they should let the people decide who the next judge was....when they had the votes and they could make that happen and the sitting president was a left-wing president who would probably appoint someone else who would not respect the constitution. Now that the sitting president will likely appoint a decent conservative judge and they are the same party as the president, the want to go forward with it. It's not a 'lie.' Maybe a bit of spin.

But I find making a big deal out of it a little childish. Those who follow the news a bit and understand how the system works just a little know what's going on. It's no reason for outrage.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
9/25/20 5:21 pm

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Post Link
UncleJD wrote:
agreed, the people already decided in an election that paired the POTUS and SENATE in the same party. Much different than in 2016 when the people overturned the Senate specifically to NOT rubber-stamp Obama's pick. The only hypocrisy is the left who demanded the Senate to "do their job" and by "their", they meant the democrats. And now they demand the Senate not do their job. After the way they treated Brett Kavanaugh, I'm not interested in any nicety and giving in to them one iota. Follow the law, get it done. In fact, do it all behind closed doors and don't allow any Democrats in the room during the hearings, just like the Dems in the House showed us how to do. Lets have hearings sans-democraps, and then a nuclear option vote on the floor without discussion.

I do not know all the rules of debates. Is it possible to have a vote on something like this without a discussion?
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
9/25/20 5:22 pm

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Post UncleJD
Dave Dorsey wrote:
UncleJD wrote:
Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

This reply was smarter than what I've come to expect from you.

And defense of leftist rhetoric is what I've come to expect of you.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3145
9/25/20 5:55 pm

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Post UncleJD
Link wrote:
UncleJD wrote:
agreed, the people already decided in an election that paired the POTUS and SENATE in the same party. Much different than in 2016 when the people overturned the Senate specifically to NOT rubber-stamp Obama's pick. The only hypocrisy is the left who demanded the Senate to "do their job" and by "their", they meant the democrats. And now they demand the Senate not do their job. After the way they treated Brett Kavanaugh, I'm not interested in any nicety and giving in to them one iota. Follow the law, get it done. In fact, do it all behind closed doors and don't allow any Democrats in the room during the hearings, just like the Dems in the House showed us how to do. Lets have hearings sans-democraps, and then a nuclear option vote on the floor without discussion.

I do not know all the rules of debates. Is it possible to have a vote on something like this without a discussion?

That is what the House did during the fake impeachment, they only allowed the GOP in for the vote.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3145
9/25/20 5:56 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Link wrote:
It's not a 'lie.' Maybe a bit of spin.

That's fine, but you have to be consistent here. You're acting like the Dems are trying to pull a fast one when they're just "spinning" as well.

In the main, you're correct. Everyone who knows how Washington works knows what's going on here. And you're being honest about it -- the Republicans are using the power they have. The Republicans are trying to portray this as a radically different situation than 2016, though, when it's not. Their "McConnell Rule" applied then but doesn't now because of blah blah blah.

It's the same situation -- the party with the majority gets to do what they want. And that's fine, that's the power the Constitution gives them. You're being honest about it. The GOP is not.
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9/25/20 5:56 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
UncleJD wrote:
And defense of leftist rhetoric is what I've come to expect of you.

Yes, the part where I repeatedly said the GOP has the power to do what they want here because that's what the Constitution gives them is grade A leftist rhetoric for sure. The part where I said they have the right to take up or not take up a nominee, for any reason, is leftist rhetoric for sure.

If you're going to reply to my posts it sure would be nice if you tried to do so with the tiniest little bit of substance.
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Posts: 13654
9/25/20 5:59 pm

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Post Cojak
Most times it is 'whining' if things just don't go our way. We all want things done according to our 'interpretation'. WE THE PEOPLE should accept what our congress does (or change our representatives next voting cycle) . We may not like it, but it works, or has for a long time. I am always amazed at the original foresight of those leaders of long ago, I cannot imagine thinking that deep to cover us here in this century.

So we can whine when things don't go our way, but the ball is in the court of congress. I think it is great to have a chance to put in a conservative, but that is because that is what I would like to see. Embarassed Embarassed Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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9/27/20 9:25 am

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