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You can get an idea of someone saved or not if they smoke, use tobacco
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Post You can get an idea of someone saved or not if they smoke, use tobacco caseyleejones
....or are not faithful every Sunday to church or when the doors are open.

Sadly, taking an introspective look at my life and beliefs 25-30 years ago really leaves me embarrassed. The above are such instances.

We who have the Holy Ghost are more enlightened than those who don't...

People are weak spiritually because they don't spend enough time in prayer...
(element of truth....but it's attitude)

Churches not having sunday PM service are a little loose....

Why don't people talk about Jesus at their work place? Do they no love him?....

I will stop for now
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11796
4/27/19 10:46 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Here's one I've been thinking about lately...

"We sure had church today, brother! The pastor didn't even preach a sermon!"

Church was extra special because God's word wasn't opened and the gospel wasn't proclaimed? Confused Confused

I have had many of these attitudes and beliefs in the past as well.
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Posts: 13654
4/27/19 11:23 am

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Post sheepdogandy
It was special because the Holy Ghost rained down on God's people and they were blessed, encouraged, healed and strengthened!

My people know, if the Spirit begins to move, I am going to move with Him.

With no disrespect to the Word of God.

The Lord pities His people, sometimes He will not wait for the sermon to be delivered.

Not here anyway. Very Happy
Charles A. Hutchins
Senior Pastor SPWC
Congregational Church of God
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 7305
4/27/19 11:35 am

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Post Admittedly, I don't understand the concept of "having church" caseyleejones
IF it is a God thing, why are only pentecostals/charismatics enlightened by such? Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11796
4/27/19 11:40 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Yeah... that's not biblical, Andy. Sorry.

You shouldn't confuse ecstatic emotionalism with a move of God's Spirit. Jesus said that His Spirit would speak of Him. If the gospel isn't proclaimed, God's people have been left wanting, no matter how great they felt during worship. It is God's word that is our bread of life. God's word that washes and sanctifies us. God's word is the truth that sets us free.

I'm very grateful for moves of God's spirit, but I think much of what we describe as a mighty move of God is largely just an emotional experience, and while those experiences are wonderful, I have come to believe that if an experience comes at the expense of God's word being preached, God's people have missed His best.
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Posts: 13654
4/27/19 11:41 am

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Post I know some are offended because churches have no altars.... caseyleejones
is this a problem? Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11796
4/27/19 11:42 am

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Post sheepdogandy
Son, when did you visit SPWC?

How could you know what is happening here.

Oh, you don't. Rolling Eyes
Charles A. Hutchins
Senior Pastor SPWC
Congregational Church of God
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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4/27/19 11:44 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Andy, if you want to continue this discussion with Scripture sometime, just let me know. Smile [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
4/27/19 11:46 am

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Post sheepdogandy

Show me where worship in the Spirit is forbidden.

I wonder if you have ever had a genuine encounter with the Holy Spirit.

Are you Church of God?
Charles A. Hutchins
Senior Pastor SPWC
Congregational Church of God
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 7305
4/27/19 11:57 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Andy, I never said worship in the Spirit is forbidden. I said that God's people are missing it when they celebrate Scripture being absent in a service. It's one thing to celebrate a move of God's Spirit, but to do so in a manner that suggests such services are superior to those where an elder declares God's word is not correct. If you have never heard anyone boast about how great the service was and use the absence of God's word as evidence, then I'm not talking about anything you have been a part of.

Boy people get grouchy when you poke at their traditions. Laughing
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Posts: 13654
4/27/19 12:02 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
And yes, I have had extraordinary experiences in the Holy Spirit. I could talk about them for hours. Starting from the moment I came to Christ. I rejoice for all of them. I celebrate all of them. I am grateful for all of them. They have been times in which God has shown his mercy, love, and grace to me.

But how much more the preaching of the gospel, whereby men who are dead in their sins return to life!

I am not saying we should not have moves of God's Spirit in our churches. I am not saying Scripture necessarily declares that God's word must be a part of EVERY Christian gathering. I am saying God's people are missing it when they celebrate a service because Scripture was absent from it. Celebrate a move of God's Spirit, yes, but not the absence of Scripture.

If you've never heard something like the quote above, then I question your Pentecostal credentials. Laughing But that's what I'm talking about. Not anything else.
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Posts: 13654
4/27/19 12:23 pm

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Post sheepdogandy
These folks are not celebrating an absence of the Word of God.

They are celebrating a move of the Spirit.

You have misread their meaning.

I have said the same thing and I am the Presiding Elder (preacher).

"How was Church?"

"WOW! It was great, I didn't even preach. The presence of the Spirit was so strong and so many were blessed!"

The Church of God had dwindled until the Pentecostal awakening.

I do not question God's timing.

Very Happy
Charles A. Hutchins
Senior Pastor SPWC
Congregational Church of God
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 7305
4/27/19 3:03 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
sheepdogandy wrote:
These folks are not celebrating an absence of the Word of God.

sheepdogandy wrote:
"WOW! It was great, I didn't even preach."

Okay. Will have to take your word for it, because I'm not sure how this could be interpreted any other way. The service was so great there was no opportunity to preach -- which is to say (to me, at least) that it would not have been so great had there been a sermon instead.

I understand that's not the intention, but what I'm saying is that's what's being communicated and that's what's being believed (consciously or otherwise).
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Posts: 13654
4/27/19 3:43 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Dave Dorsey wrote:
sheepdogandy wrote:
These folks are not celebrating an absence of the Word of God.

sheepdogandy wrote:
"WOW! It was great, I didn't even preach."

Okay. Will have to take your word for it, because I'm not sure how this could be interpreted any other way. The service was so great there was no opportunity to preach -- which is to say (to me, at least) that it would not have been so great had there been a sermon instead.

I understand that's not the intention, but what I'm saying is that's what's being communicated and that's what's being believed (consciously or otherwise).

I agree with sheepdog on this. I don't think people are celebrating that the Word wasn't preached. Usually, it happens when the Spirit of God showed up in such a powerful way, that the minister felt what God wanted to accomplish in the service had been done. Sometimes when the Spirit comes down in a service, He can accomplish much more in our hearts in a matter of minutes or even seconds than a preached word can.

When our pastor comes to church with a word from God on his heart, he almost always delivers it. Making that call is entirely the pastor's decision.

When God's Spirit takes the service, it's pretty obvious what's happening. And I don't mean just an emotional experience where people shout and dance (though there's nothing wrong with that expression of worship), but a time in God's presence where He permeates the room and you know without a doubt, you have been with Him.

Perhaps there is a balance between the two extremes...
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5918
4/27/19 5:19 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Carolyn Smith wrote:
Sometimes when the Spirit comes down in a service, He can accomplish much more in our hearts in a matter of minutes or even seconds than a preached word can.

Just my humble opinion, but I think this statement has no biblical warrant & misunderstands both the ministry of the Spirit and the ministry of the preached Word. I don't mean that as any kind of attack, so please accept this post as just a humble difference of opinion. Nowhere in the whole of NT Scripture is the ministry of the Spirit portrayed as something that happens apart from the Word. His ministry is to take the Word and reveal it, show it, unveil it John 16:13-14), and in so doing wash us, sanctify us, and change us with it (Eph 5:25-26).

I have been a participant in a lot of very emotional services like this, and I know what it feels like to have felt like I met God in a moment of deep emotional experience. But I have found the change from such moments is short lived, and the lasting change in my life has always come as a result of the engrafted Word of God. This has also been my experience when lasting change happens in the lives of others.

In John 16:13-14, the Lord says, "When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you."

I think there are a lot of things Pentecostals and charismatics believe because that's what we've always believed, and I think this is one of them. I humbly urge everyone to examine this belief in the light of Scripture and see if it is so.
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Posts: 13654
4/27/19 5:32 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
I think there is absolutely a time to yield a planned service to God, perhaps in a time of prayer and supplication for the needs of the saints. This is good and proper, and a gracious move of God!

I just have really come to wonder about the elongated times that come at the expense of the Spirit declaring the Word, through the pastor, to Christ's people.

Having been a part of many such services, I can affirm that it is true that they are a great relief, especially during a time of trial. You get a feeling of the realness of God, and that brings peace. But only the engrafted word produces faith that will sustain you in that trial once the emotion wears off (Rom 10:17). Only the Word, mediated to us by the Spirit, produces confidence and assurance in God and His promises. Only the Word, mediated to us by the Spirit, can sustain us and bring us through trial. The emotional experience is a wonderful relief from the anxiety of trial. But it is Christ's word that sets the captives free (John 8:31-32). It is the proclamation of the gospel, anointed by God's Spirit, that sets at liberty those who are oppressed (Luke 4:18).

Just my two cents!
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4/27/19 5:39 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
I agree the Spirit's interruption into the service shouldn't happen all the time, but there are "times of refreshing" that the Spirit brings at times. But I also think in a lot of Pentecostal churches, the Spirit's interruption isn't even welcome anymore. I am glad to worship in a body of believers that welcomes the Holy Spirit to do what He desires at any time. The altar is always open, and in most every service, the Word is preached. There is order in our services, not chaos, even when the Spirit moves.

God has spoken words into my spirit (not by man, but the Spirit speaking to me directly) that have encouraged and sustained me at times. We just need to get still enough to hear them. And yes, this can happen in my prayer time at home, but sometimes it also happens at church.

The Word is my foundation. Everything the Spirit speaks must be in accordance with the Word, so I need to know the Word to know if everything is from His Spirit. I am not disagreeing with the need for the Word. But it doesn't have to be a competition. The Word & the Spirit work together! IMHO, it is up to the pastor to discern what God is doing and how He desires to do it.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5918
4/27/19 7:45 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Carolyn Smith wrote: doesn't have to be a competition. The Word & the Spirit work together!

On that point we can definitely agree!

It is always a pleasure dialoguing with you Carolyn. Smile I hope you have a joyous time tomorrow as you gather with God's people.
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4/27/19 8:10 pm

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Post Cojak
A ver Godly man, Brother Aldridge, of the 4 Square, said to me on an occasion after a marvelous blessed spirit interception, but he still preached.

We had become very good friends, and I said to him later, Hey Brother, we could have shouted all afternoon. His answer, "Yes my brother, but when I KNOW God has given me a message, It will be delivered, even if I must give the Reader's digest version. God gives a message for a reason and that is not to be ignored.

I was there in the service and I knew he was going to preach, and he did a marvelous job, anointed and we all were blessed. The church enjoyed (or were blessed) both ways.

I know and most here KNOWS there have been times when the minister was very happy to let it run it's course.

I am thinking of Joe Lawing, pastor of Unity Baptist Church. His church loves the 'fellowship minute' they allow on Sunday mornings. He told my son once, "I think I am going to let them continue until 12 noon then dismiss. They would love it."

Shocked Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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4/27/19 9:09 pm

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Post Re: You can get an idea of someone saved or not if they smoke, use tobacco Cojak
caseyleejones wrote:
....or are not faithful every Sunday to church or when the doors are open.

Sadly, taking an introspective look at my life and beliefs 25-30 years ago really leaves me embarrassed. The above are such instances.

We who have the Holy Ghost are more enlightened than those who don't...

People are weak spiritually because they don't spend enough time in prayer...
(element of truth....but it's attitude)

Churches not having sunday PM service are a little loose....

Why don't people talk about Jesus at their work place? Do they no love him?....

I will stop for now

These 'statements' have been in our church for many years. I have been doing a series of 'Men in my Life' on my Blog. I am on my DAD now. I am sort-of mentioning the same statements of 'our gauge' of salvation. I have come to the point of 'Salvation is in his area of expertise, not mine.' Shocked
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24282
4/27/19 9:15 pm

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