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Continued Prayers for Tanner McGuire
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Post Carolyn Smith
Another Amazing day in Gods grace!

By Mark McGuire — 38 minutes ago

It has been another amazing day here at Shepherds. Every day that I walk onto the floor I thank the Lord for what I have. Today Tanner made more progress and he has graduated to another type of chair to sit in. His new wheel chair is more like the one that we see everyday and does not have the head supports attached. Patti and I have been signed off on helping him transition from his chair to the bed and in the bathroom. I am currently working on his SSI benefits and trying to get the little things put together. I can't talk too much without telling each of you that God gets all of the glory for this one. I hear the medical staff as they come by and make the comments of how well Tanner is doing. They are just amazed at where he has come from and how he is progressing. I share the message with everyone that will and will not listen. I explain how he is a miracle, and sometimes I just introduce him as Miracle boy Tanner. Today Tanner walked a little more and by this evening you could tell he was tired. His appetite is slowly returning and each day we continue to see the Hand of God working in Tanners life.

As I returned to my room tonight my phone buzzed and I looked down and saw I have a message. I read it and it was from a person at the North Kingsport COG. I read the message and I saw a pic that has another person in the same shape as Tanner was in back in August 4th. I don't have a last name but the man's name is Barry. I truly understand what this family is going through and I have already prayed and I am asking you when you mention Tanners name in prayer please bring Barry's name in prayer also. Our God is a healing God, a problem solving God and a God who can give wisdom to the medical staff working with him. Let's pray that God will give this family peace and wisdom through their journey and that God will intervene in this gentleman's life.
Finally I am including several photos so you can see how God has moved in Tanners life. If someone ask you to see a miracle you can show them these pictures because it is absolutely a miracle. Patti spoke with our case manager here at Shepherds Center and we have been given a tentative discharge date of October 10. The unique thing is that October 9th is my birthday and what better present could I ask for. Again thank you for your prayers and lets continue to pray that God will continue to touch Tanner and get his appetite back, and the sinus infection will continue to keep getting better. To God be All the Glory!
Hard earned but God Given steps to getting well.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5918
9/19/15 1:22 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Yesterday's post:


By Mark McGuire — 1 hour ago

Today was a special day here in Atlanta. Today my youngest son Coleman got a chance to see Tanner for the first time since 8/4. He was so excited to see his older brother or as he calls him brudder. The one thing that concerned me was when Coleman asked Tanner if he wanted to wrestle. I had to laugh because nothing had changed between the two. Tanner would tell Cole that he was a baby, and Coleman would reply with no I'm not you are. Boy that was so good to hear and for an instance it was like a glimpse of normal. Before Coleman arrived Tanner again had some OT this morning and boy was he impressive. One of the things I have learned here is board games and card games are a must. I never knew how therapeutic playing these types of games are. They use these games for fine motor skills as well for thinking and judgment. What is the amazing part is sitting back and watching Tanner think through the process and to think about his next move. Guess we will be having game night at the McGuire's house along with nightly devotions.

I would like to say thank you to my dad and mom for how they have been such a blessing with taking care of Coleman. Every morning they have taken Cole to school and had him there on time. For a round trip from their house to Cole's school it is about 30 miles round trip plus the traffic. Thank you mom and dad for your help. I would be wrong not to mention the Spurs and them letting Jocelyn hang out at their place. I have been impressed by my daughter through this process. Jocelyn you have really impressed me with you level of maturity both spiritual and mentally. I have watched you and I have always had confidence in you but you never know how someone is going to handle the rough times. It is easy to make the right decisions during the easy times but when the tough times roll in that is where you see the truth. Jocelyn I can't wait to get back to normal and I promise you a shopping trip for sure. People you just can't imagine the strain that a situation like this has on your family. You are scattered about, your family is here and there and the one down requires the majority of your attention. This is where God steps in and gives you peace, friends and family. I owe so many thank you's to everyone out there.

Finally there has been many request of how people can send letters and cards to Tanner. Here is the address:

2020 Peachtree Road NW
Room 240 A
Atlanta, GA 30309

We are asking that people do not call because after Tanner has therapy they require him to take a nap. However if you want to send a card we will put those on the wall and he can read each of them. As I looked through the pictures with Tanner today and reviewed some of the post on this site, Tanner made the comment, "Boy I must be popular". I laughed and said, "your not just popular you are loved". It has been great for Tanner to read these post and he just looks at me in amazement. Tanner is doing great and is continuing to hold his own. As I tell him everyday you need to praise the Lord and Thank God for his healing touch. I started to just post two pictures on here, one from the first day and one from today but decided to hold off until we head back home. So you will just have to sit and wait until then but after you see the photos there is no doubt that God took the reins of this journey. Good night and I hope your Sunday is filled with Worship and Praise. To God be all the Glory.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5918
9/20/15 9:52 pm

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Post Cojak
Sweet, you are loved! Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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9/20/15 10:06 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
(There were several pics with this one. Still haven't figured out a good way to post pics other than Photobucket. Anyone have suggestions?)

This is an old song my Poppa George used to sing.

By Mark McGuire — Sep 20, 2015 11:56pm

The song says:
Got any rivers you think are un-crossable?
Got any mountains you can not tunnel through?
God specializes when things are impossible!
But He can do - - what no other -- Power can do!

This was a song that my grandfather (Poppa George) used to sing. Another song that my dad sings is:

Hold to Gods unchanging hand, Hold to God's unchanging hand.
Build you hope on things Ete--r--nal, Hold to God's unchanging hand.

I felt that these photos and these songs just said it all. No other words are needed. Continue to pray that Tanner will continue to recover and God will use him in a mighty way.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5918
9/22/15 5:48 am

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Post Carolyn Smith
Latest Journal Update

Turning points; Day 48

By Mark McGuire — 7 hours ago

It is hard to believe that it has been a total of 48 days since the accident happened. It was almost 5 weeks ago when we were staring at a life or death situation. I remember where I was standing, outside of Erlanger, under the walkway with Andy Hughes and we were told that they were going to perform a procedure that would basically shut Tanners lights out. They were going to perform a procedure that would basically shut Tanners lights out. Then the word came down that there was a shortage of the drug they wanted to use. I will never forget what you were willing to do for me Andy and wow that's what a true friend is willing to do to help. Andy was willing to help me that day regardless of the cost or what it would take. I also look at that moment, and as I always have, I wondered why this was happening. I questioned why we were having the doors closed in our face especially when I was staring death in the face. As I look back to that day I finally received my answer, to me it was like Abraham and Isaac. We were looking for that sacrificial lamb in the brush and it was there. That was a turning point for me. God never said we would not get hot, just that we would not be burned. God did not say that we would not get wet but that we would not drowned. You see God knows the future and He has it in His hands. I can't answer why we have to go through such turmoil and trials as we all go through, but I know one thing for sure, that God does intervene. I know that I have changed my perspective on a lot of things.

During this journey I was introduced to Jimmy Harper, the pastor at Lee University, and he really made an impact on my life. If you have a child at Lee University, trust me Pastor Jimmy Harper is pouring into your child's life. While here away from home and away from your friends and family, you have moments where you feel alone. It is times like this that God sends people your way, like Lindsey H who of all people has been through the ringer of life, Tripp H who text me constantly asking how Tanner is doing. Then there was Mark and Tara R who came down and brought Matt and Ali with them. Then what amazed me the most, the grand daughter of a minister that I have looked up too walks into the room and says to us, "my COG people here," talk about amazed, I was. Then tonight in walks a nurse and she was just as bubbly and happy as she could be. You could tell she had Jesus all over her and she says to me, I was in church this weekend with your dad Dr. McGuire. She explained that she went to a church where a dear friend of our family, Dr. Keith Gunter pastors. Wow was it not God who said I will never leave you nor forsake you! I have realized that even though we have our spats (regardless of denomination) we all have something in common, we are a church serving one true God. It was brought to my attention through this journey that there are people of all walks of faith, even non Christians that have been praying for my son (can't explain that but hey praying is where it starts) I even had a 7th Day Adventist that came to me and said I am praying for your son. Speaking of prayer, I had asked several days ago for people to let me know where they had been praying from and literally it is world wide even West Green, Georgia was in the mix (my old stomping grounds). I have just been blown away by how many nations were represented and every state was included or better yet from Sea to shinning Sea!

Tomorrow will be day 49 or 7 weeks since this happened. Let me bring you up to speed. This week Tanner has had his meds reduced to just two pills. One is an anti seizure and the other is an anti acid med. Cognitively Tanner is way beyond where he should be. As the therapist today said, "Tanner, I just met you last week and I am amazed at how well you are doing". She began to work with Tanner and when she had to raise the level of intensity, Tanner completed the task in less than 4 minutes. The therapist explained that someone that had been through what he had, it should take at least 20-30 minutes. Our God is a good God. Truly if it was not for Tanner being non weight bearing on his right leg I would say the boy would be walking. In fact he is doing so good that they have already set it up to take Tanner to the gym and let him shoot some hoops. Now he will have to be helped while standing and he will have and entourage around him, I am sure including Patti and I. I promise to get a pic and post it. Also this week he has had his peg or feeding tube removed and it is healing great. Then as the Doctor came in he asked Tanner how he felt about not having the trach? Tanner said that would be great. Around 430pm today they came in and removed his trach. The only thing Tanner is hooked up to is an IV for his antibiotic. I still remember them hanging two bottles of propofol at a time, I still remember them lowering his body temp to 92-93 degrees and having 12 infusions going at the same time and that was less than a month ago. Today after the trach was removed and we received some training we were allowed to resume some form of normalcy. We went down to the cafeteria here in the hospital and ate supper together for the first time not in a hospital room. Oh yea, God is so good.

Finally this has not been an easy road nor do I ever wish anyone to have to take this journey, but if you find yourself wondering where is God? Just reach out you will find him because he is always right there. In closing we have been told that Tanner, for long term, will be at a high risk of having a seizure. The possibility is lowered after six months, then a year but it could happen up to 2 years. It is my prayer that God will continue to keep Tanner from having any problems related to this incident and will continue to thrive in this healing process. Ahead of us is one more surgery and that will be to put the flaps back in that are in a freezer at Erlanger. I just want to thank everyone for all you have done and all of the prayers, prayer cloths and love that you have shown my entire family. This would not have been possible without God nor without your help, prayers and support. I have more Facebook friends than I can shake a stick at and people who call us, message us or text us that I have never met but I feel like you are great friends. Thank you again and Lord, as for me and my house we will serve You!
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5918
9/22/15 6:00 am

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Post Carolyn Smith
These are some of the pics that were posted a couple of days ago:

Tanner McGuire, Day 1

Tanner McGuire, Week 2

Tanner McGuire, 9/15/15

Tanner McGuire, 9/17/15

Tanner & family, 9/20/15

"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5918
9/23/15 10:59 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Day 49 and What a day

By Mark McGuire � 23 hours ago

Today just like any other day I awake and Thank God for another day. I stayed in the apartment longer than I usually do trying to get some of my school stuff done. I know this journal is all about Tanner but this school stuff is really tough just trying to keep up. That is one of the reasons that my journal updates are late getting in. Well enough of that. As I promised I said I would post a picture when Tanner was up shooting hoops. Well here it is. If this does not have Miracle of God written all over it I don't know how else to prove it to you. I know that the nurses at Erlanger read this journal to check up on how he is doing. Well the pics I have been posting says it all. Sometimes you just don't have words to express what you see and that is the beauty of our human body and how God equipped us. Today was another first for us since August 4th and you are not going to believe this one. The therapist came in and asked Tanner if he would like to go to Firehouse Subs? He liked to have jumped out of the bed. Yes it is true Tanner shot some hoops today, went through his therapy and around 430pm got on one of the Shepherd Center buses and went out to eat. Patti and I did not know what to do so we did the next best thing, we went on a date. We went to a restaurant called Houston's. The food was great and the atmosphere was a little upscale for two people wearing t-shirts and I had on jeans and Patti had on sweats. When we walked in people just looked at us and I thought Patti was going to kill me. She asked, "do you think we are a little under-dressed?" I replied no they just don't know how to relax. It was different being their by ourselves and Tanner at Firehouse subs. They had told us that Tanner would be back around 630pm and so we arrived back at the room and opened the door and there he was. Already in the bed chilling out and because we were not in the room, they had Tanner strapped to the bed and he was ready to be unstrapped.

We sat and talked to Tanner about his outing and being able to go to the gym and shoot hoops. It has been amazing to see God work through him and continuing to see him heal. Each day is something new and sometimes it is not the big things but the little ones that make the biggest impacts. As I have said walking through the halls at Shepherd's makes you very appreciative of what you have. I think the word Thankful does not do the feelings you have, justice. When I see other Brain Injury patients here you see such a spectrum of conditions. They range from people just sitting in a chair staring at the wall, not being able to talk, no vision, no hope of ever getting to the point of being off the vent to those being able to walk around and getting ready to graduate. Then when you go through the halls on other floors and you see the spinal patients or those that have a combination of a spinal and brain injury you really get a new perspective on life. I know that Tanner has had to go through therapy but I also feel like just being here is also a form of therapy. Your perspectives change in a setting like this, and I mean all of your perspectives.

In closing tonight there are so many people I owe a thank you too so with out missing anyone I am going to just say Thank you and if you ever need me just let me know. When I posted the photos of Tanner the other day from day 1 to recent I still look at those pictures and all I can come up with is God. Every day that I am awake and run into someone, regardless if I know them or not, I tell them about how God performed a miracle on my son. When I listen to the staff here and they even make the comments of how Tanner is doing it just proves that God is at work. Today when Patti, Tanner and I were talking I was telling him again of what all he had been through but when I got to the part of saying God performed a miracle in you son, I once again broke out in tears. I know son you told me not to cry, but you were asleep through the serious part. But what amazed me today was when we were talking about how things would have to be different for a while when we return home, Tanner started talking about seizures. He made the comment that he was at risk of having one. I looked at him and said that my prayer is that God will keep you from that son. When Tanner replied I had to have a moment. His statement was, well dad if that is what God chooses for me we will just have to go through it but we will come out on the other end victorious. Wow son you are one amazing young man and I cherish this just sitting around and talking. You don't know it but you have poured into my life in many ways that you will probably never be able to understand but you have. In fact all of my children have each made an impact on my life. I can't wait to get back home and resume a normal life a be able to take you back to SCCOG and other places.

I am asking each of you to continue to pray for us in this journey. As we have said this is a marathon and not a sprint. Even though we will be leaving here in October the journey does not end there. We still have a long road ahead of us. As we discussed with our case manager today, we are looking at our Explanation of Benefits and we are only allowed a limited number of outpatient visits and most rehab centers will only accept older patients. That's alright because I know a God who has made a way when there was no way. One of the other snafus that we are into is the right leg being broken. Tanner is non- weight bearing till 28 November and then he can return to Pathways here at Shepherds if needed. What I have seen God do so far, Tanner may not need to much rehab because God still continues to amaze me. Well enjoy the picture and we Give God all of the Glory.

Best pic of all, Tanner shooting hoops!

"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5918
9/23/15 11:04 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Amazing Grace

By Mark McGuire — 6 minutes ago

Today has been truly a great day. We had our meeting today, Thursday, and the meeting was with the Doctor and our case manager. What the purpose of this meeting is for is to go over what they see as the needs and progress of the patient. Well as Doctor B started off he stated that this was going to be a short meeting. He looked down at his computer and starts looking at Tanners chart. After reviewing Tanners records he looks at Patti and I and says Tanner is not the same person that is represented in this file. He went on to tell us that the type of accident Tanner had and with the invasive surgeries he has had Tanner should not be doing the things he is doing. Doctor B then said the most amazing thing I have heard so far, "Tanner is a year ahead of where he should be and we really cant explain why." HEY HEY I can explain it. It is called the hand of God. The staff told us that the only thing that is really holding Tanner back is his broken foot. Yesterday we had one of Tanners friends mother came by and sat with us during his lunch time and brought us a package. While we were sitting there Tanner started his OT therapy and the training for the day was monopoly in a group of 4. What this does it helps with the cognitive skills, along with socialization, thinking skills and fine motor skills. Finally one of the staff had to tell Tanner to back off and let the others use their skill sets too. What Tanner was doing was telling them how to manage their money, count money, buy the properties etc. It was funny just sitting their listening to someone tell Tanner to slow down a little so the others could catch up. I don't mean that rudely you just have to understand how far Tanner has come. Today Tanner finished his therapy by walking approximately 15 yards down the hallway with his walker, turning around and coming back. Yeap got a video of it.

With Tanner being given a discharge date of October 10, I will be returning home for a couple of days to get the house ready for him and setting up his room. I know the first day will be just cleaning up his room and figuring out why I had a $90 water bill this month. Next week I will be in contact with both Tanner and Patti and will post what they tell me. I was unaware how attached we had all become to this site and checking it out. Many of you have showed concern due to no post on caring bridge last night. He is doing very well as you can tell from the information provided above. I am also looking forward to being home and seeing Jocelyn and Coleman. We will be getting the information regarding Tanners discharge next week and Patti just text me and told me that the packing they had in Tanners sinus cavity is now out, the white blood count is not a concern anymore and his trach access is healing up great.

Finally as we have all become accustomed to is asking for prayer. Before I post this I want everyone to please understand that I don't pray special prayers and this miracle was nothing I did except believing that God would pull us through. And as you have read this blog I am sure that you are aware that I had several times that it was hard to believe and sometimes it was you who held our hands up and interceded for us. With that said, I was contacted by Ann Burke and her daughter has been diagnosed with cancer. Her name is Sandy. They have explained that there is no cure for what she has but, as I know first hand, God can move in or as I put it show up and out. Let's pray for Sandy tonight and add her to our prayer list that God will once again show himself by yet another miracle. As for Tanner please remember him in prayer also. They are going to remove his cast from his leg and see what if anything needs to be addressed, continue to pray that he doesn't have any seizures and God will continue to make the medical staff amazed at his progress. Currently our plans are to come home and continue to keep Tanner non-weight bearing on his right leg until November 28 and during that time use our visits for outpatient therapy. After the 28th we may return to Atlanta for the Pathways program here at Shepherds. Pray that we will have wisdom on how to progress through this process and do what is best for Tanner. To God be the glory and We are looking forward to getting back to a new form of normalcy.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5918
9/24/15 8:45 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Rejoicing by the second.

By Mark McGuire � 12 minutes ago

Since I did not post anything on Wednesday night here is a little something that proves God is still performing miracles.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5918
9/26/15 8:02 am

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Post Carolyn Smith
Saturday 9/26/2015

By Mark McGuire — 23 hours ago

I returned from Cleveland where I had spent the evening with Jocelyn where we went out to eat and then returned home and relaxed and went to sleep. If was so good to just return home and see Jocelyn and then today pick up Coleman and go to eat at Santa Fe. It was there when all of this happened and I can't lie and say if did not cross my mind. Anyway I had a great meal with Coleman and then when Jocelyn came and sat with us my heart was filled with Joy. Looking back over this experience to date it is amazing how this has just not affected Tanner but has affected the entire family. What will be our new normal? Yes Tanner is blowing the medical staff's mind with his progress and the only explanation of his recovery is God. If you take God out of the equation you can't explain it. As Coleman and I made our way back to Atlanta to see Tanner and Patti, Coleman asked me about every 10-15 minutes how much longer was it going to be? I would call out the time and he would say ok. Finally after an hour of asking I finally told him I would let him know when we were 20 minutes away and then 10 minutes away. He agreed and we continued on our adventure as Cole calls it.

After we arrived we went and got Coleman his special badge that he has to have to visit here at shepherds. After riding the elevator we had finally got there and in Coleman runs and hugs Patti and Tanner. What a family I am bless with, I hated like the dickens to leave Jocelyn back in Cleveland but she had to work and I will be returning tomorrow to get the house cleaned set up for Tanner to return. I would also like to say a special thank you to Danny and Aaron for watching over things around the house. You guys will never know how much the simple things mean to me and I look forward to returning home and see you guys again just will my complete family. I remember when Brandon and Ali would either be at my house or in the yard for years. Either way you guys have always been great neighbors and even greater friends.

Well let's talk about Tanner for a little. As I did my catching up with Patti and Tanner with Coleman explaining everything this is what I got. Today Tanner had sat up too fast and got a little woozy and kind of feel back on the bed. It is the little things you have to watch and with the training they do with you here at Shepherds it is these type of things where you find pays off. Tanner had put his helmet on, this is the first thing you do before letting any Brain Injury patient without flaps, moving around. He was fine but this is a reminder that he is not totally back to himself. He now has a knee scooter that he is learning how to use so he can be a little bit more flexible and have options other than a wheel chair when needing to move around. As you remember in past posts Tanner had a surgery where they removed a portion of his right frontal lobe and this is the part that relates to his inhibitions. In other words Tanner was suppose to be a little salty or blount with his words not to mention effect his personality. Well here is the effect on the personality part. Tanner was telling me what he did today for one of his therapy sessions. He explained that there was four of them playing corn hole in the hallway. Well one person had a device on them that when they got to close to the door an alarm would go off. Tanner said it was funny because every time this one person would get to close to the door, the alarms would go off. The part that put me in the floor laughing was when I asked him was it fun? Tanner replied with that serious look and said, "Dad, really? You have to ask if I had fun playing corn hole with 3 other brain injury patients? What do think it is like playing a game with 4 handicaped people. The way he said it and the look on his face let me know that the sense of humor that Tanner had before the accident is still there and growing. Thanks God and Thanks Tanner.

Finally in closing I have said that I will be home next week getting everything done but you can expect to get an update. I will post them every other day next week due to me being here and then the week after that I will post more pics as we will be getting ready to come home. It is amazing to look back and see where God has brought my son from. From us staring death in the face to the doctor telling us that we are a year ahead in Tanners progress. How much more could you ask for? I am thinking of having tanner complete a video and put his story on here for each of you to watch and rejoice with what God has done. I will let you know when we will be putting that together. He is loving the cards so many of you are sending and he sits and reads everyone of them and it does brighten his day as well ours when we see him with a grin on his face.

1 more thing and I am done for the evening and of course writing mid term papers and answering my discussion questions, sometimes its hard being the only conservative in your class. My sister Michelle has someone making shirts that will go towards helping Tanner after we leave here. It is a Tanner tshirt and the email address is and you can just click the link and it will take you there. The shirts are $10 for skinny people and for us healthy folks $14. I want to personally thank everyone for how you have supported us in every way possible. Our church has blessed us, you have blessed us and even people that we don't even know have blessed us along with the most important one God has blessed us. Thank you for your help and continue to pray for us as we get ready for yet another portion of this journey. The non-weight bearing on his right foot ends November 28, and he will probably get his flaps put back in sometime in January (way to meet your insurance deductible before February). To God be all the Glory.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5918
9/27/15 10:14 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Sunday 9/27/2015

By Mark McGuire — Sep 27, 2015 10:08pm

Let the countdown begin, we have less than two weeks left at Shepherds Center in Atlanta. I can't wait for all of us to get back home. Will things be different? I am sure they will be. One more week has come and passed and Sundays are a day of rest even at Shepherds. It was great having Tanner, Patti, Coleman, my mother and myself together today just talking. Cole and Patti went down stairs and played games for a little and then returned to Tanners room. Later on some really good friends came by and it got crazy quick. Well you can't put Dean and Myself in the same room and not expect that. They tried some of the popcorn that we received from Pete and Kim Sunshine and you know this gourmet popcorn is pretty good. Both Dean and I enjoyed the Mexican street corn and Tanner liked the Dill pickle flavor.

Well lets discuss Tanner. Tanner had a great day and goofed off with Coleman all morning long. It is great to see them having fun and laughing. What a God given gift we have in all of our children and what a miracle God has given us through this journey. As I sit and look at Tanner and how he just takes this whole process in stride amazes me and says a lot about him. I had slipped out of the room for some coffee and when I returned Tanner was explaining his story with one of the people who cleans the room. I stood by the door and just listened to him tell her what had happened and how God had really given him a second chance at life. I felt those tears hit my eyes again and I just felt my heart leap with joy knowing that Tanner does realize what God has done for him. Later on this evening after the Helsdons left I was talking with Tanner and the subject came up again regarding the accident and guess what there I was standing there looking at him and explaining how close this came to being a different outcome. Yeap you guessed it I started crying again. Now I find myself in the apartment writing in this journal and again every time I think about the goodness of our savior I start to tear up and just begin to thank Him. What a true God we serve.

As I close out tonight I have made it a point to tell Tanner I love him every night and when I get back home I will never let another night get by me that I don't tell all of them that I love them. I am looking forward to getting back home and settling down and resuming a normal life. If your family has never incurred a traumatic situation, first thank God for your walk of life, but for those who have you can agree that it affects your complete family and I look forward to resuming a more normal life when we get home. As I have already said Tanner is doing great along with the rest of us. I thank each of you for each part all of you have played. With me being back in Cleveland this next week I will post on Monday Wednesday and Friday unless something great happens but for now that is my plan. I will talk with Tanner and Patti each day to check on things but as for me I will be getting things in order back home for one grand homecoming. Tanner will graduate Shepherds Boot Camp on 10 October and yes my birthday is on the 9th. What a present, so Tanner in advance thank you for my birthday present. To God be the Glory and good night.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5918
9/28/15 10:48 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
September 29 2013

By Mark McGuire � 21 hours ago

As the count down has begun to bring Tanner home the excitement starts to build. Before I left to return back home I was sitting with Tanner and Patti and we were discussing his new cast. Of course it is Tennessee Orange even though they have lost two games in the last quarter, he is definitely a fan. As we began to talk Tanner told me about Orthopedic doctor taking the cast off and then putting a new one on. Tanner told me that while the cast was off, the first thing he did was scratch his leg. After scratching his leg he thought to try and move his foot. Sure enough he could move it and according to Tanner he could really move it. He said he moved it left then right, followed by back and forth. Then he started rolling his foot and then he started moving his foot in all directions. The doctor asked Tanner to do it again and asked him if it hurt. Tanner told the doctor it did not hurt and when the doctor started talking to Tanner he explained to Tanner that he was a miracle. The surgery was just a little under a month ago or actually closer to three weeks. Wow talk about miracles this is another one in the process of many. I am just amazed at how God has moved in Tanners life and I know that there is a work to be done ahead of Tanner for sure.

Once I got home I found it just about the same way we left it on August 4th. I have a lot of cleaning to do and then I am going to make some changes to Tanners room. I have not decided exactly what I am going to do but I do have an idea. It is funny when you try to get a project started you always have to go purchase something to make it happen. When I turned on the vacuum cleaner I noticed that something was not right. Finally I figured it out, the belt had broken so off I go to buy a belt. After shopping at several stores here I could not find the right belt so I broke down and bought a new one. I guess it was time because we have had that one for about 8 years. Then as I started going into the different rooms I found out what happens to light bulbs when they are turned off for any length of time. So as my luck would have it, there was not one light bulb in the house, so back to the store. After returning home my dad had asked me to go to the City Cafe. It was great to see my uncle and aunt along with my dad and what a great cup of coffee. Then there was my long time friend Phillip Stone. He walks up and it was great seeing such a great friend and then I noticed his brother sitting with him. I had to tell Tanner story and I thought we were going to have church right on the spot. You see the story that Tanner has you just can't discuss it and not put on your praise or shouting shoes. It was great to see you guys and thank you for letting me tell you Tanners story.

Finally as I get ready for bed and thinking over the different things I need to do, I find myself not knowing how to really act. Jocelyn did not take her clothes with her to work and mom wanted to keep Coleman one more night. Well that just leaves me, here in this house. Tanner and Patti are back in Atlanta and one more night I guess will not be too much in the grand scheme of things. Well as I promised I did upload another portion of this journal and that means one more day closer to bringing Tanner home and getting my boy back on his feet. I am posting a picture of Tanner to show you his new scooter. What a blessing he is and I thank God for doing what he has done and by the different messages I have received this has also blessed many others and made an impact in peoples lives. I wish we could have not had the traumatic event but the truth is, if it changes one persons life and keeps them from going to hell it was worth it. Thank you Lord for what you have done for all of us and how when I was week You were strong. Thank you God for everything that you have given me. To God be the Glory. Also just in case you are wondering what the orange stripe is on Tanners helmet, it is a prayer cloth. This cloth came from Mark and Carol Baker. I did not ask him to put in on the helmet he did it himself. What a kid!

"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5918
9/29/15 11:57 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Tanner I am back

By Mark McGuire — Oct 3, 2015 9:18pm

Over the past week I have been away from Tanner and Patrice but hanging out with Jocelyn and Coleman as well getting things completed and tying up some loose ends. Yesterday I got to sit at my father in laws table and enjoy a meal and some fellowship with my in laws. I have found out one thing this week and that is when laying a floor you should wear knee pads for sure. As I laughed with everyone the truth is my body is telling me I am not 20 or 30 anymore. Oh well I got the house completed with the help of my dad and Jocelyn. It was also great talking to all of the neighbors and seeing the concern and support for each of you.

Today we returned as a complete family with all of us here it was like normalcy is returning to the McGuire household. As I walked into Tanners room there he was with that smile and his never ceasing mother beside him. Coleman has really missed his brother and so has Jocelyn and it was great seeing them interact with each other. As I have not posted anything for this week I thought it worthwhile to explain what is going to happen tomorrow on Sunday. Here at Shepherds they have a Sunday service and the guest speaker for tomorrow is Tanner and Patrice volunteered me to play my trumpet tomorrow for the service also. It will be great having him express himself and explaining how God has helped him. You know that will make it to youtube and caring bridge.

Finally as I close tonight Jocelyn has made a video and it is attached for you to watch. I think she has really captured what this part of the journey has been. Have fun watching it and again To God be the Glory. If the video does not play here is the link.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5918
10/4/15 11:46 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Sunday 05 October 2015

By Mark McGuire — Oct 4, 2015 11:09pm

Tanner today I was so proud of you when you did your part in the chapel service today. There we were, your mother, sister, brother and myself and when you were asked to come up you rolled yourself up to the podium, grabbed both sides of it and without a warning stood up on your own. You scared you nurse, mother and myself but there you stood on your own and then did your devotion. Yes we were so proud of you because still yet you don't understand where you have come from to where you are at. You spoke clearly and stood so tall, if you only knew what they said you would not be able to do. If you could have only been there the days that some of the doctors said you would not make it. The nights when those who have followed your journey lifted your name up in prayer. You would understand what a miracle it was for you to just stand not to mention being able to talk, read and logically handle the situation. You are truly a miracle and a blessing from God.

Ladies and gentlemen today at 1:30pm the service started and as we sat
in the room, I sat with feelings of both, anxiety and excitement. My boy that they told me would at best be one with major complications like slurred speech, wandering eyes, loss of communication, staring out into space with a blank look, yes that was what the prognosis we were given. Today he stood there on his own until we made it to the podium to make sure he did not fall. He did not wobble, drop his head, twitch, nope nothing but stood there proud and tall and even though it scared us with him not taken the precautionary steps, Tanner read from the footprints card someone had sent him. He had no trouble reading the card nor verbalizing it. When he bowed his had to pray, I realized that I had ended most of my journals with the comment, "Let's get this boy back on his feet." Today in that chapel service I realized that we are well on our way. Listening to the different medical staff explaining how Tanner is a miracle. Standing there it was great seeing that miracle that started at Erlanger TICU on August 4, 2015 that shook our world was standing there doing everything I was told would be years before he would be able too showed me one thing. That one thing was that God was, is and always will be in control.

Finally I wanted to tell you that each of you have had an impact on our lives. The different church's that have prayed for Tanner, each individual that has prayed with and for us during this time. I will never be able to thank you enough nor explain what you mean to us. Today as we were sitting in the family room, I had noticed an individual with a SC Gamecock hat on. Being from South Carolina I wanted to talk to the person and when I did I learned from his mother that had too had a brain injury. He could not talk and his mother answered his questions for him. I thought to myself how close that could have been for us but God chose to keep us from that situation. Then I was approached by another parent who came up to me and explained that his son had been given a chance by a doctor from Sweden. He continued to tell me that the doctor was in town currently but would be heading back to Sweden shortly. He also explained how they were using stem cell research to improve his sons condition. But what hit me the hardest was when he looked at Tanner then back to me and said, "You probably don't need that because it looks like your son will make a complete recovery before he leaves here." Now if that doesn't hit you between the eyes you're not in the ring. It is amazing how God has stepped in from those dark days to today with Tanner standing in the podium reading his part of the service and then have someone else who is going through the same process to tell you that it looks like your child is going to make a complete recovery, what a moment. As we finished up tonight it was great to have our complete family together, even though Tanner is still in the hospital room, we are all within walking distance from each other. As our journey winds down here, 30 days ahead of schedule, we are stepping into the long term part of the journey where we will find out what our level of stamina is. Over the next 6-8 months Tanner will need 24/7 attention. With God by our side I know that we will make it. Again thank you and to God the all the glory. When I get the pics from those who took them from today I will post them for everyone to see. I am also planning a surprise guest for those of you who have stayed with us on this journey. Stay tuned because the special guest, who you probably already know who, will be greeting you very soon. I am also including a link of my dad Dr. Dennis McGuire sending a Thank you.

Here is the link:
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5918
10/6/15 12:04 am

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Post Carolyn Smith
Date Night

By Mark McGuire — 1 hour ago

Today Patti, Jocelyn, Coleman and I were signed off and given what is called a push pass and also signed off to transfer Tanner into the car. This was a step into making the trip back to Cleveland (home). As I titled this journal tonight, Date Night, we were able to take Tanner on a date. This evening we went to Moes just down the road and as a family we had our first night together as a family outside of a hospital. We had a great time and ordered our food and ate. We did learn that Tanner does not like load noises and a lot of commotion. He tends to get a little agitated when you have a lot of busy going on but he handled it like a champ. Some of the things we talked about were what he wanted to do when we return home and some of the changes that we need to make. He asked me if he could go back to Lee University and I said absolutely. He also explained to me that he wanted to try out for the rugby club and I replied absolutely not. He wants to go back to Discount Tire and see his friends at work and try to put some closure to this journey. As we talked we decided it was best to retreat from the restaurant due to the noise level.

After we left Moes we just rode around Buckhead for a bit and then ended up at the mall. We started to go to one mall (Lenox Hills) but then we decided to go across the street to the other mall. We thought because there was a belk's it was the lesser of the two. Well as we found out when we walked in, the car that was being showcased was a Masseratti. That was right across from the Cole Han store. Wow guess no Cinnabon here? As we strolled through the mall all of the sudden Coleman starts pointing up and there it is, his favorite, Lego Discovery zone was there. Well of course we had to go and check it out. All I can tell you is we had a great time just being together as a family walking around, well one was rolling, and just acting normal. When we returned back to Shepherds Center you could tell that Tanner was getting tired and was ready to call it a night. We left him around 9pm and told him that we would see him in the morning. We hugged him and told him he was loved. I remember not long ago kissing him on his toe and praying for God to give me just one more day. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayers and allowing us another chance. We have also noticed that he has a hard time hearing out of his left ear and we asked him could he hear us in his left ear. Tanner said no I can't hear out of my right ear at all. This was probably caused by the broken bones in and around his ear. When we get back to Cleveland we will get with Dr. Clairmonte and figure things out. Dr. C was Colemans ENT back in Cleveland and has been since we first brought him home. Well Dr. C you get to see another one of my boys.

Finally as I close out tonight I am so happy to be able to hear the patter of Coles feet running through the apartment and Jocelyn laughing and just being herself, being able to take Tanner and Patrice out to eat. Wow as a father I can't tell you what a feeling this was you just have to live it. Words can't give you a clear understanding of what it means to finally getting back to pick up where we all left off on August 4th. Tanner has also stated that he would like to try and make it to church on Sunday. I looked at him with amazement and said if you feel like it I will make sure we are there. Not positive that we will make it but we will try. Ladies and Gentleman this young man, Tanner is ready to take on the next step in this journey and though there will be some adaptation to our lives it looks like Tanner will be making a complete recovery. As I said last night, this is the kid that some gave up on but others continued to hold him up in prayer with us and God stepped in and gave us a miracle. When we return home the one thing that we do ask is if you want to come by and visit with Tanner please keep in mind that he is still recovering and he does get tired easy. We still have a long road ahead of us and we will need to keep someone with Tanner 24/7 over the next year and 9 months. As I am finding out next week after we get home we are lining up the days with the doctors. It seems like everyday is an appointment with another doctor. That's ok it is just the way I would like it. As I have always said To God Be the Glory and may God bless each of you in every way possible. Two points I would like to relate before I end tonight, the first is I received a video of two kids who said they received their Tanner bracelets and the boy wanted to pray for Tanner. After he finished the little girl said I want to pray for Tanner. They both prayed for Tanner and that was so touching and as I told Tanner you will never know how many people you have impacted through this journey. The second was tonight I was reading over my FB messages and I read one from a Pastor in WV. Your words were touching and I pray that God will bless you beyond what you have ever thought possible. And I will close tonight with the words from the song the pastor in WV sent me, "How he healed me to the uttermost."
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5918
10/6/15 12:09 am

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Post Cojak
Carolyn Smith wrote:
Date Night

By Mark McGuire — 1 hour ago

... "How he healed me to the uttermost."

Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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10/6/15 7:43 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
2 days from home

By Mark McGuire — 11 hours ago

As we finish up tonight we have talked about leaving and are gearing up for tomorrow. We looked at the board in the hallway to see what Tanner has for his schedule tomorrow. We said good bye to Jessica who has been one of Tanners nurses and also said good bye to Jessica who was his speech therapist. It is starting to hit home how close we are to getting to go home. In the army we called it short timers disease and I think we all have it. Tonight we ate together in the cafe down stairs and you could tell we all had leaving on our mind. As Tanner has said, I look forward to not being awakened in the middle of the night for a pill or taking vitals. After eating in the cafe, we went down to the gym and watched people practicing basketball. If you have not watched a group of people in a wheelchair playing basketball it is amazing. One player didn't even have hands and he made every lay up he attempted. This place has been an amazing place to be and how, along with God, they have helped Tanner. Not only has The Shepherds Center helped Tanner but I think they have helped our complete family. Everyone has been great here and, God forbid, but if you find yourself needing spine or brain rehab get here as fast as you can. Let's pray you don't need it in your lifetime but like I said if you do this is the place.

Finally as I finish this up tonight I want to say thanks for all that each of you have done. From praying, believing, visiting, supporting what ever you did so far in this journey please except our Thank you. Tomorrow we will get to see Tanner graduate Shepherds Boot Camp and we are looking forward to seeing this come to pass. As I have explained in other post that the medical staff is just amazed at the progress Tanner has made and as usual they all fell in love with the Tanner we all love. Tanner has now started talking about when can he get the flaps put back in and next week we will find this out. Wow when you think about it, it has been 10 weeks since this all happened and now we are getting ready to change gears again. I find my emotions as a twist of excitement, apprehension and the unknown. It will be great to walk/roll Tanner back through the doors of home and let him start returning to normal. Tanner has also started wondering little things like how will he do when he returns to school, how will he explain what all has happened when he doesn't remember the first 5 and a half weeks? I guess this is normal and I actually look forward to this part of the journey. I look forward to getting back to our local church, even though our pastor is gone but our friends are still there along with God. As I say goodbye for one more night in a hospital setting, please continue to believe in God and pray for Tanner. I can't wait for Tanner to start telling his story and explaining how God has come to his side. Be blessed and TO God be All the Glory.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5918
10/9/15 6:29 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Thank you for the continued updates! [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
10/9/15 6:58 am

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Post Carolyn Smith
A Mothers Love

By Mark McGuire — Oct 9, 2015 9:50pm

Well folks tonight is the last night for a couple of months of being in a hospital room. Tanner is about to jump out of bed with excitement and I can't blame him. Patti, Jocelyn and Lil Man have already made the trip back to Cleveland. Patti was so exhausted and excited about getting her boy home. She wanted to leave ahead of time and get the little things set up for her boy. I have talked a lot about my side of this experience but Patti and been there every step of the way. As a man I will never understand the bond a mother has with her children. I remember the first day we brought Tanner home in Stockton California and how proud I was to be a dad. I also remember bringing Jocelyn and Coleman home and how excited I was and tomorrow will be something of the same feeling I am sure but not the same as mom having her family under the same roof again. There will be some differences like he will not be wrapped in a blanket and we will not be carrying him into the house. These were some of the issues we had wondered about along the way. I will never forget the day when we signed to have his first flap removed. Then it was a signature to remove a section of his right frontal lobe, then the second flap. Finally as Tanner was past the acute stage came the questions of what will he be like? Will he be able to talk, walk or even know who we are? These were all questions we had. We also thought about selling our house to make ends meet, we were willing to do what ever it would take to give our son the best chance he could have. That is where the, "But God" part kicks in! God came in and touched Tanner. Yes it is a God thing and a real live miracle that I watched transform in front of my eyes over the past months. You have to understand the complete process to really appreciate this miracle. You have to understand how we would sit in the ICU waiting room at Erlanger and when the phone would ring, the feelings of anxiety that would flow over each of us. The feelings that I hope to never be able to define or experience again in my lifetime that we would go through on some days every 20-30 minutes. The feelings of being helpless and not being able to fix what ever was wrong. It was truly an emotional roller coaster that I would never wish anyone to have to go through. I will also never forget the day when Jill looked at Patti and I (at Erlanger) and told us that Tanner was the sickest patient in the entire hospital and how helpless we felt. It was through all of this that I can truly say has given us an experience with God that has brought us to a new level. As I have read your different post and the messages some of you have sent to me, I also am seeing how God is moving in your lives too. Wow what an experience with God we have all had.

Tonight as my 48th birthday comes to a close and I sit here next to Tanner, I can't help but Thank God for my 48th birthday present. I looked at Face Book and it blew me away at how many people had wished me a happy birthday but when all three of my children said happy birthday my heart just melted. We had our last meal together here in Atlanta and Tanner had told me he had been wanting a good steak. Well I think we found one because he left nothing on his plate. Even Coleman ate all of his food too, I think my birthday meal was a hit. I looked around the table while we were eating and it was coming back, that form of normalcy that I wondered about and if it would ever return. Well just to let you know it is. We have had to make a few changes but where we are starting from compared to where we could have started from is just an absolute miracle. I have also looked at all of the cards, prayer cloths, pictures, posters and even the Lee University pennant that was in his room and we are just amazed at how loved we are. Thank you for ministering to my family during this time, you may not know it but you have truly blessed us with everything you have done.

In closing tonight I titled this journal a Mothers Love. I know it is not mothers day but I want to say a special Thank you to Patrice for being such a great mother to all three of our children. You have stood by your son, day in and day out. You stood strong each and every step of the way in this journey. I thank you for being strong when I was weak and had a hard time understanding the medical procedures and words and you taking them and putting them into laymens terms or Mark terminology. I would also like to Thank both Jocelyn and Coleman for being there and standing with us through this process. This did not just affect Patrice, Tanner and I but it effected our whole family. To Jocelyn I want to thank you for being who you are and how you would go to work and school and you realized that the world does not stop spinning even though tragedy may strike. You held your head high, would stand by Tanners bed side and hum songs. As I received a call from a friend tonight wishing my a happy birthday, Tanner explained how you two had become really close. You two are amazing. Then there is Lil Man who really runs this show. He walks in takes his place, turns on the Ipad and does his thing. I know this also affected you Cole but even at the age of 6 you stood there and when we thought you would not understand, you explained don't whisper I already know. Coleman has stayed at my parents this whole time except for the past week and my parents are having with drawls from Coleman. That leads me to my parents. Every day since August 4th they have got up and drove Coleman to school and picked him up. I know that this was a step out of the norm for you but we could not have done it without your help. Thank you so much. Then there are my in laws, the Varner family. You have supported us through this journey and I say Thank you. Finally my Aunt Devona Hambrick. I will never forget how you stood there with us through the darkest of dark hours and how you would help Patti and I. I will also never forget when someone stole your guacamole out of the fridge at Erlanger. Folks it was not good for aunt Sissy but it was a laugh at the right time. Again everyone thank you for your holding our hand through this journey and I look forward to posting a few more times in the next couple of days. You never know I may just interview Tanner on the way home and post it tomorrow night. Take care and God bless each of you.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5918
10/11/15 1:46 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith

By Mark McGuire — 16 hours ago

Well it has been a journey and still we have weeks and months to go but at least we are home. It has been a like a dance one step forward, one back, one to the left and one right, turn around and fall down and get back up to do it all again. Either way we made it home! Tanner and I arrived around noon and Tanner took in the sites, waving at Mack (our Golden Doodle) looked around the outside and then into his room. Patti fixed us some hot dogs and it really felt great knowing we were all back at the house safe and sound. Looking at Tanners face was priceless as he took in the sites of his room. Jocelyn as I have found out is quite the plumber, in the bathroom she had changed out the shower head to place a wand type shower head. She also put together along with Patti the shower chair for Tanner. Then Coleman was just excited to be home and you sure could tell it. Coleman could not stop talking and playing with his toys. After we all settled in it was about kick off time for the Tennessee and Georgia game. As Tanner and I sat and started watching the game and TN was not looking to good we just decided to go ahead and head out to mom and dads for supper. When we arrived at my parents house Dad was standing there, as Tanner strolled up to him, with tears in his eyes and all he could say was what a miracle. Tanner had made it back to McGuire Mountain as we jokingly call it. Mom came out and of course Tanner was not getting out of giving he a big hug. It was great to see my Uncle Randy, Aunt Carolyn and my cousin Tonya. As we sat around and mom was finishing up supper it was the moment when you get to take a deep breath. My last deep breath was on August 4th and today it felt great to take another deep breath and get some type of break. I know that Tanner was not in an acute state in Shepherds but we were not home yet.

After we finished at mom and dads we returned home and finally I heard Tanner ask if I could help him get his play station plugged back up? Of course kid we can hook it up. As Tanner sat in his room and played playstation it was great to see we were starting to return to normal. One of the things I wanted to point out was when we pulled up in the drive way there was a yellow ribbon around the tree out front that one of our neighbors had placed and a poster that was signed by the neighbors from our neighborhood. Wow talking about touching and knowing your neighborhood is also behind you really drove it home for me. We took the poster and immediately posted it in Tanners room and it is there as another reminder of how much he is loved. Thank you to our neighbors for all that you have done, I think a neighborhood cook out is due and I will let you guys know when we will make it happen.

Finally as I close thank you to everyone. I know that I say it quite often but we really mean it. It is great to be back home and I look forward to next week. It seems like we have a doctors appointment every day next week with some the following week. The part I am looking forward to is Tanner returning to Erlanger along with the different doctors he had and letting them see this miracle too. I talked with Tanner today about doing a video so that each of you can meet Tanner and understand from his perspective the level of Thanks for your prayers. May God bless each of you and I look forward to the challenge ahead going to Siskin, Erlanger, Dr. Smith, Dr. Claremont, along with getting back to work and finding out whe Tanner will be getting the flaps put back in. Pray for us as we start the long leg of this journey and pray that God will continue to give us wisdom in each of our steps. Good night and Thank you.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5918
10/11/15 1:47 pm

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