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Why cannot an individual be saved after death?
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Post Old Time Country Preacher
In the end times fold will give heed to seducin spirits an doctrines a devils. It aint just the cults no more, fellers, its happenin right in the middle a classical pennycost. Embarassed Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
11/29/13 12:21 pm

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Post Post something constructive. caseyleejones
DrDuck wrote:
caseyleejones wrote:
DrDuck wrote:
DHDRabbi wrote:
The argument of "I guess we don't have to________" is not valid. We do the things we do because God asked us to. Even those who believe in predestination still preach the Gospel.

I don't think it is invalid since the lost condition of humanity is the very reason for the command.
What would become invalid is all evangelistic effort whatever the reason or command, if the things being said here were true.

should go.

On a side note....Humanity is lost and we see sins effects. But I have to honestly say that if I truly believed in eternal security and believed that all people go to heaven, my walk with Christ would not change. I don't follow Jesus due to fear or a ticket to heaven. I enjoy the relationship. I live a better life as a Christ follower than not.

I don't know of one person who calls themselves a Christ follower whose main purpose is to avoid hell.

And now I confess that I don't know why I ever even responded, or why anyone would even ask, such a useless question to begin with.

You have posted theories and speculation with great sarcasm but nothing solid biblically.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11796
11/29/13 12:40 pm

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Post Re: DD, again you are rationalizing and speculating as why w Ernie Long
caseyleejones wrote:
I don't know of one person who calls themselves a Christ follower whose main purpose is to avoid hell.

I work around people who claim to be Christians and they have no problem telling you they only got "saved" so they won't go to hell. They look at Christ as someone to blame for their problems.

I had one guy ask me, "Why did God put that bottle to my lips, when He knew I'm an alcoholic?" he was serious as a heart attack. I asked him did God really put the bottle to his mouth? he said, "No, but I asked Him to stop me and He didn't."

It's hard not to judge, we all have our short comings, but knowing these people's lifestyle, if they die and then are able to repent after death, why are we preaching the Gospel?
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1050
11/29/13 2:32 pm

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Post Re: DD, again you are rationalizing and speculating as why w Cojak
caseyleejones wrote:

I don't know of one person who calls themselves a Christ follower whose main purpose is to avoid hell.

Very good point my friend. You serve because you love and adore him and want to see him one day. Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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11/29/13 3:25 pm

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Post DHDRabbi
I work around people who claim to be Christians and they have no problem telling you they only got "saved" so they won't go to hell.

That's because preachers used to scare the heebee jeebee out of people when they preached about hell fire. That's why they "got saved." I am not sure they are really saved. Do they believe or are they just scared?
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11/29/13 3:50 pm

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Post Ernie Long
DHDRabbi wrote:
I work around people who claim to be Christians and they have no problem telling you they only got "saved" so they won't go to hell.

That's because preachers used to scare the heebee jeebee out of people when they preached about hell fire. That's why they "got saved." I am not sure they are really saved. Do they believe or are they just scared?

I don't know what kind of preachers you sat under or where you grew up at. It seems you have a problem with preachers in general. I grew up in KY and attended a nondenominational church and then started attending a CoG in my early teens. I had great pastors growing up and cannot recall at any time where I was scared into get saved.

These people are on drugs they aren't mental cases. They are masters of deception and manipulation, so they aren't going to be scared into being saved. They believe there is a hell and feel they are living in it here on earth, right now. They also believe in an eternal hell, been to church enough to know that if you get saved you go to Heaven and not to hell.

They are honest enough to tell you they don't have a relationship with Christ and know that as long as they continue using, that they can't really have a relationship with Christ. They will also tell you they refuse to be a hypocrite.

So, no it wasn't a slick hair, shiny shoe, hell fire preacher that scared them into being saved, they just don't want to go to hell.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1050
11/29/13 9:19 pm

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Post Re: Why cannot an individual be saved after death? Cojak
caseyleejones wrote:
I have been taught this for years that the only chance you get at accepting Jesus is before death. Why or why not?

Is there clear cut evidence(biblical) that you will be forever in torment because you did not accept Jesus? This would require us to all disrobe doctrinally to attack this from a scriptural point of view.

At least then, people would see who the real Son of God is and make a choice without the deception of satan.

I guess I am repeating my self too much, but our GOD can do anything. He is the ultimate. I am not about to question what He can do. I do know that I must love and respect him. I must keep myself so he will still allow me access to his Love. Speculatron? I tried to get away from that a few years ago. Now I just want to love him and do his will as I see it and as He leads.

I take scripture at face value. If there is error in man's interpretation that I read He understands that, knowing that I and millions of others cannot read, Hebrew, Greek, Armenian or what ever languages the Holy Writ is in. Jac has to lean on what has been spun into English and accept it whether I understand it or not. God is Just, so I trust Him, He will do as he wills.
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24283
11/29/13 10:02 pm

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Post Now this is funny.... caseyleejones
"I don't know what kind of preachers you sat under or where you grew up at."

Rabbi has a very rich heritage in the cog that likely surpasses yours along with most everyone here. Got to chuckle on that one.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11796
11/29/13 10:40 pm

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Post Re: Now this is funny.... Cojak
caseyleejones wrote:
"I don't know what kind of preachers you sat under or where you grew up at."

Rabbi has a very rich heritage in the cog that likely surpasses yours along with most everyone here. Got to chuckle on that one.

Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24283
11/29/13 11:29 pm

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Post Re: Now this is funny.... Ernie Long
caseyleejones wrote:
"I don't know what kind of preachers you sat under or where you grew up at."

Rabbi has a very rich heritage in the cog that likely surpasses yours along with most everyone here. Got to chuckle on that one.

And your point being??? It was an honest statement. Wasn't anything against rabbi. Being CoG won't get you to Heaven any quicker than being Baptist. It may mean something in Cleveland and in the South, but here in the NW, people don't have a clue about the CoG other than it's just another denomination.

And I'm glad I gave you a chuckle. Smile
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1050
11/30/13 6:41 am

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Post DHDRabbi
It is wrong to say I don't like preachers. If I didn't, I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't have 500 preacher friends on Facebook. Casey is right, I have been around preachers since I was born. My Daddy was one and LOTS of my kin are preachers. Since my Daddy was a pastor, I sat in many revivals. I went to Lee College and made lots more preacher friends. I attend prayer conferences, campmeetings, assemblies, etc. more than anybody who is not a preacher that I know. I used to be a TV preacher junkie in the 80s and 90s. I have spent MANY hours discussing preachers with my Father-in-Law who knew a couple of things. I do have experience. Let me say this, however. For every crazy preacher I have heard, there are WAY more great ones doing the work of the Lord, like my Daddy did. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13680
11/30/13 7:05 am

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Post Re: Did I get the luck of the draw? I was born into a christ Nick Park
caseyleejones wrote:
I was born into a Christian family where Jesus was pounded in to me daily. I eventually embraced faith in Jesus in my own way. In fact, I might be considered as straying from my family tradition...albeit still saved.

There are others who have heard about Jesus very passively like most all other so called gods. These individuals are muslems. They did not choose Islam to defy Jesus or to be anti-Jesus. They are upright individuals who live moral lives. In fact, some of them are friends of mine. They chose it because they feel they have chosen the right path just as we feel that Jesus is the right path.

I am not embracing all go to heaven. But our view of God and His ways resembles Monty Hall and Lets Make a Deal, I chose the right door while all others chose the wrong one. I win the prize.

I just don't buy it that someone goes to eternal torment because they chose the wrong "door" whether through deception or not hearing the gospel. That's not fair nor just!

Once death takes place, all deception is gone and people see who the true son of God is.....then and only then can they legitimately make a right decision.

So what you are arguing here, Casey, is that in order to be fair, God has to give everybody an equal opportunity to get saved.

Do you really want that? Do you really want to live in a world where everybody has exactly the same opportunities to receive Christ as anyone else?

If you are a father, then I would think that you would want to be able to do something that would help your children to get saved. Do you really want to live in a universe where all the instruction you give to your children, all the prayers you weep on their behalf, the passion with which you urge them to accept Christ cannot influence them one iota in getting saved?
Senior Pastor, Solid Rock Church, Drogheda
National Overseer, Church of God, Ireland
Executive Director, Evangelical Alliance Ireland
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11/30/13 8:01 am

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Post Ernie Long
I know Jesus and He knows me. And in the end of time that is all that really matters. I don't believe a person has an opportunity to accept Christ as savior after death, because if he could I'm sure the rich man would have done it in a heartbeat. He just asked for a drop of water!

Luke 16:22-26 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1050
11/30/13 8:16 am

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Post Question to Dr Duck Old Time Country Preacher
Hey, Dr, son, if ya don't mind the ole timer's query an all, where did ya earn at "Dr" at?

Is the school accredited by a agency recognized by CHEA an the USDoE?
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
11/30/13 12:01 pm

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Post Re: Question to Dr Duck Cojak
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
Hey, Dr, son, if ya don't mind the ole timer's query an all, where did ya earn at "Dr" at?

Is the school accredited by a agency recognized by CHEA an the USDoE?

Aw come on OTCP, there was a time when EVERY COG preacher was called 'DOC', you now that, and at that time there was probably only 10-15 real ones in the COG. Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24283
11/30/13 12:25 pm

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Post Re: Question to Dr Duck DrDuck
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
Hey, Dr, son, if ya don't mind the ole timer's query an all, where did ya earn at "Dr" at?

Is the school accredited by a agency recognized by CHEA an the USDoE?

I have responded to that question from you previously. Guess you missed it.

It has nothing to do with any actual title. I was looking for a name to use on Acts. I looked on a nearby shelf and saw a bottle of oil I use on guitars. It is called Dr. Duck's Axwax. Sounded good to me, so I used it.

I do not have a Doctorate. I do have an earned Masters from the COG Seminary. I do think you are a very much overly concerned with honorary doctorates. There are those who, (in some cases yes and in others no) may have displayed some quality in life, other than study of books, that deemed them worthy of recognition for accomplishments of merit. Some honorary doctorates are truly deserved high honors. Others are like many pastoral appointments; who you know and not what you know. I really am not very concerned about either. Does not worry me what men call themselves and even less what they call me.
Posts: 755
11/30/13 1:06 pm

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Post Re: Question to Dr Duck Dave Dorsey
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
Hey, Dr, son, if ya don't mind the ole timer's query an all, where did ya earn at "Dr" at?

Is the school accredited by a agency recognized by CHEA an the USDoE?

This isn't the least bit relevant to the thread -- in the interest of keeping threads on topic, would you please ask future questions of this nature either in a PM or in a new thread. Thanks.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
11/30/13 1:23 pm

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Post Nick, from a purely selfish point of view.....I like what caseyleejones
you are saying. I was born into a christian home. My children are actively involved in church as teens. They don't just attend, they run sound and childrens classes. So, hey, from my perspective....I thank God that I had that. Did I get the luck of the draw or what!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .....All because I heard about Jesus on a daily basis.

But......I am not sure I would be a Christ Follower now had I been born into many of the homes of my peers..

So,.....was did I win the lottery?

By the way, if I felt allah or budha was the answer, I no doubt would follow them. That is not the case.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11796
11/30/13 6:01 pm

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Post Re: Nick, from a purely selfish point of view.....I like wha Nick Park
caseyleejones wrote:
you are saying. I was born into a christian home. My children are actively involved in church as teens. They don't just attend, they run sound and childrens classes. So, hey, from my perspective....I thank God that I had that. Did I get the luck of the draw or what!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .....All because I heard about Jesus on a daily basis.

But......I am not sure I would be a Christ Follower now had I been born into many of the homes of my peers..

So,.....was did I win the lottery?

By the way, if I felt allah or budha was the answer, I no doubt would follow them. That is not the case.

You didn't win the lottery - but your parents did make some good decisions (eg to teach you the Word of God), and that benefitted you.

It's the same principal that allows us to work hard so as to help our children economically and opportunity-wise. Communists might argue that it's fairer for everyone to receive the exact same amount of support from the State and to ban any inheritance of wealth, but most of us would see it as actually being unfair if the State prevented our children benefitting from our wise decisions.

(Btw, I'm writing as someone who was a lottery loser in your analogy. I grew up with little or no evangelical witness and was an atheist until my conversion at age eighteen) .
Senior Pastor, Solid Rock Church, Drogheda
National Overseer, Church of God, Ireland
Executive Director, Evangelical Alliance Ireland
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11/30/13 6:34 pm

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Post Re: Why cannot an individual be saved after death? Resident Skeptic
caseyleejones wrote:
I have been taught this for years that the only chance you get at accepting Jesus is before death. Why or why not?

Is there clear cut evidence(biblical) that you will be forever in torment because you did not accept Jesus? This would require us to all disrobe doctrinally to attack this from a scriptural point of view.

At least then, people would see who the real Son of God is and make a choice without the deception of satan.

Because your BODY is the temple of the Holy Ghost. Once the body dies, it makes the new birth impossible. If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
11/30/13 8:17 pm

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