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FL COG Office couldn't make payroll?
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Post iknownothing must be an evangelist aprilmay
he shows up stirs up and then backs up. way to get it started then pull the rip cord and parachute out

I say the COG has overlooked this kind of criminal behavior for too long.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1267
10/1/10 8:05 pm

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Post aprilmay 1, 2, 3 iknownothing
I'd take that as a slam from you but I don't know which one of your three personalities/persons this is!
Friendly Face
Posts: 380
10/1/10 8:59 pm

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Post Great Questions From Clyde Nuffsed

I am in the dark about what has happened at Clermont. If there is a State Councilman who knows what has happened there, please tell us.

Why did Pastor Trusty (sp) leave there when it seemed to be going so well?

Where did the present pastor come from?

Has the State Office been making their payments for them? If so, how much of FL's money has been spent there?

Is the present pastor receiving a salary greater than suggested by The Minutes?

Has there been a great drop in attendance?

Is there any light at the end of the tunnel?

How many Florida churches are having their payments made by the State Office?

I just wish iknownothing would answer them.
Friendly Face
Posts: 100
10/3/10 8:32 am

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Post Need an answer from John Morgan GuideOne
Just seems that John Morgans answer was not complete. Maybe he did not want to get to involved in the discussion. Friendly Face
Posts: 296
10/4/10 5:21 pm

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Post Good News Theodore Ballard
A email from the Florida State Office today with a with a message from Bishop Stephens indicating that a financial report for 2008 - 2010 will be distributed with time for questions and answers.

I believe Bishop Stephens is a man of his word.

Theodore Ballard
Merritt Island, Fl
Friendly Face
Posts: 440
10/4/10 6:03 pm

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Post Florida State Council... answer to previous question FactChecker
In a previous post (09/30/10), in this thread, the question was brought forward 'who are members of the current Florida State Council?'

According to the Florida State News, Spring 2010 Vol. 62, No. 1

Dwight E. Allen
Tony D. Stewart
Robert P. Herrin
Jerry J. Jeter
Fred R. Watson
Osborn Ramkissoon
J. D. Simmons
Clayton Watson
John V. Morgan
James Brewer
Kent Rogers
Ron Stewart
Posts: 36
10/4/10 7:17 pm

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Post Every Minister In Florida Ought To Print This List Of Names CentFLPstr
And take the list with you to the ministers' meeting so you'll know who not to vote for. These are the guys who ignored the best interest of Florida to give the AB whatever he wanted. Friendly Face
Posts: 193
10/5/10 7:10 am

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Post georgiapath
The reason these men are on the coucil is because they are "yes" men. They know that won't stay there long if they rock the boat. Acts-dicted
Posts: 7604
10/6/10 4:19 am

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Post Bad decisions GuideOne
Men on this council have refused to admit the bad decisions they have made the last few years.

The worst scenario was the stupid Ponzi scheme during the Jimmy Smith tenure. This was led by Dwight Allen the lead council member.''

36,000 tithe dollars was invested for a promised return of quick millions to the state fund.

Ministers in South Florida were taken for over 100,000 dollars from their churches. It would have been a better bet if you had placed bets on the Kentucky derby.

What is scary is that it has carried over to the present. Decisions have been made the last few months that are still being revealed and will be revealed the next few days.
Friendly Face
Posts: 296
10/6/10 6:51 am

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Post Re: Bad decisions Nature Boy Florida
GuideOne wrote:
Men on this council have refused to admit the bad decisions they have made the last few years.

The worst scenario was the stupid Ponzi scheme during the Jimmy Smith tenure. This was led by Dwight Allen the lead council member.''

36,000 tithe dollars was invested for a promised return of quick millions to the state fund.

Ministers in South Florida were taken for over 100,000 dollars from their churches. It would have been a better bet if you had placed bets on the Kentucky derby.

What is scary is that it has carried over to the present. Decisions have been made the last few months that are still being revealed and will be revealed the next few days.

So you already know what will be revealed? Hmmmmm.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
10/6/10 6:23 pm

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Post What Will Be Revealed? Nuffsed
Who really knows, but if it is true that Brother Stephens plans to give a full financial report we will know then.

It has been reported here that a $50,000 car was given to Brother Taylor. A financial report will either verify or deny that. It was also reported that Brother Taylor spent thousands at the GA publishing his picture in hopes of getting elected to something? We will soon know.

Did the State Office really have to borrow $150,000 to make payroll? Did the Council know how bad shape we are in when they authorized the car?

Right now we have no clue to the exact amount of money that has been spent on the Clermont situation. That will be revealed by a financial report.

How about the insurance fiasco? We will know how much of our state money has been lost in that. I predict it will be a staggaring amount.

If given a chance to ask about our finances I will personally ask the AB how much if any has been recovered from the ponzi scheme. I know some of you will say that has been so long ago we need to forget about that. $36,000 is no small amout that should be swept under the rug. The ministers need to know.

I would also ask if any of our ministers or the former AB received a commission for selling the ponzi scheme to our churches.

If the new AB is honest and open with us there will be lots of things revealed.
Friendly Face
Posts: 100
10/7/10 8:46 am

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Post Statute of Limitation on Misappropriation? Alan Wagoner
I just wonder how much time has to go by for the Church of God to give a pass on blowing $36,000 on an illegal get rich quick Ponzi scheme without the authorization of the Council. If the state never got it back shouldn't the one who blew it have to pay it back? Friendly Face
Posts: 172
10/8/10 10:19 am

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Post forgiveness an option? iknownothing
I know I started this thread but it has rabbit trailed! You guys need to move on over that $36,000. Forgive Jimmy and move on. That $36k would have only made payroll for one month. Anyone can be tricked! Forgive him over that 36k and push forward. Let J. David Stephens take the reigns and move forward. Give him a chance to lead us out of the mess! Friendly Face
Posts: 380
10/8/10 1:40 pm

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Post You did start this thread GuideOne
When you start something, you must be prepared to finish the subject.

Questions have been asked and there has been very little response. Especially from Lamar Vest, Jimmy Smith, the state council of Florida and many more.

I do not understand the silence. I do not understand the stonewalling of the Florida State Council.....Sooner or later the truth will come out.
Friendly Face
Posts: 296
10/8/10 5:44 pm

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Post this thread needs to die aprilmay
this should be handled behind closed doors. not in the court of public opinion. that's why we have leadership. to trust them to handle it. I recommend this thread be deleted Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1267
10/8/10 6:32 pm

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Post I Agree This Should Have Been Handled CentFLPstr
Aprilmay wrote,

this should be handled behind closed doors. not in the court of public opinion. that's why we have leadership. to trust them to handle it.

The problem is that it was not handled by those in leadership we have trusted. I no longer trust leadership to do what is right when it comes to one of their fair haired boys.

This situation is sleazy and should be exposed until it is dealt with and the tithe payers of Florida paid back. If Jimmy D. Smith wants forgiveness he should ask for it and pay restitutiion. I think the COG still teaches, "restitution where possible".
Friendly Face
Posts: 193
10/9/10 5:12 am

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Post cental fl iknownothing
JDS asked for forgiveness, admitted his wrong and has paid the $ back from the condo fiasco. HE did not loose the 36k. It was a host of men. That was a business deal that went bad. JDS was not trying to hurt the state. His intentions were not evil. He was trying to make $ for FL. His heart was good just didn't work out.

Central,Have you made restitution for all of your sins? Paid everyone back you've ever stolen from, asked forgiveness from everyone you've lied to, made things right with every overseer you've talked about behind their back, and went to every person you've ever degraded and apologized? NO! You were forgiven b/c of mercy and grace! We will be forgiven by the SAME measure in which we forgive! You need to move on over that 36k. JMT wasted more $ than JDSmith mistakenly lost.
Friendly Face
Posts: 380
10/9/10 11:32 am

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Post Just A Business Deal??? CentFLPstr
JDS asked for forgiveness, admitted his wrong and has paid the $ back from the condo fiasco. HE did not loose the 36k. It was a host of men. That was a business deal that went bad. JDS was not trying to hurt the state. His intentions were not evil. He was trying to make $ for FL. His heart was good just didn't work out.

Let me respond to this in an orderly way.

1. He never asked Florida members for forgiveness nor has he admitted his wrong.

2. It was he alone who made the decision to put God's money in the hands of a convicted felon. His council told him not to do it unless the COG attorney said it was legal. He did it on his own anyway.

3. It was not a business deal. It was a Ponzi scheme that is against the law and only works because men are stupid and greedy. In the world of "confidence men" they are called a "patsy".

4. How do you know his intentions were good? Do you know his motives? Do you know that he did not receive a commission for putting God's money in the hands of the crook?

5. He only paid back the "condo" money when he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He was required by those who caught him to pay it back. It was not out of the goodness of his heart.

Although this thread is not about me, I can tell you I have made restitution where it is possible. I, like most, committed many sins that I had to ask God and men forgivenss for. I guarantee you that if I had misappropriated, "high class way of saying stolen" Church of God money they would require to pay it back and I would lose my ordination. Many men have done so and were prosecuted by the COG. In this case JDS gets a pass.

Now that you have demanded forgiveness for Jimmy D. Smith, I suggest you do the same for Martin Taylor. At least what Taylor has done is not criminal. Some of Jimmy's partners in crime are in federal lockup for their participation.
Friendly Face
Posts: 193
10/10/10 10:53 am

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Post Give it up for Central Fl. pastor GuideOne
Your never going to catch the guilty parties of the infamous Ponzi Scheme in Florida.

You have fought a good fight. There are just to many people from Tampa to Cleveland to block what you would like to reveal.

If the truth were revealed, there would be jail time for several well known personalities, starting in Cleveland.
Friendly Face
Posts: 296
10/11/10 1:21 pm

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Post SouthGeorgiaBoy
georgiapath wrote:
The reason these men are on the coucil is because they are "yes" men. They know that won't stay there long if they rock the boat.

The reason these men are on the council is because their peers obviously had confidence in them and elected them there. Your post would almost imply that they were appointed by the overseer. The AB has no authority to remove a member of the council.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1037
10/11/10 5:35 pm

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