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Where does the Bible condemn polygamy?
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Post This is my own room BlessedinMsTn
and yet I can share it with as many people as I like and its still my OWN
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Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6126
4/18/08 11:05 am

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Post Re: This is my own room Ichthus77
BlessedinMsTn wrote:
and yet I can share it with as many people as I like and its still my OWN

Not if they have ownership too. Then it ceases to be your own. In marriage there is legal ownership, before God and before society.
Now if you just want to sleep around w/o marriage that is similar to "sharing your room" with another, but it won't work because without marriage the Bible calls it fornication or adultery and I hope you see that as sin.
Acts Enthusiast
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4/18/08 11:13 am

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Post Ichthus77
Matthew 19:4-10

4And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,

5And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?

6Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

7They say unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away?

8He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.

9And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.

10His disciples say unto him, If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry.

Marriage is more than just a physical union. It is a union of persons, souls and bodies. It is only possible for one man to be completely joined 100% to one other person. Otherwise it is only 50% union (or 33% or 25%). Jesus is clear that only twain can become one and He appeals to the beginning as proof (Adam and Eve). No matter how you may twist the Word of God, 3, 4, 5, and 6 can never become completely one. Only two and no more. Furthermore the Jews looked for an escape. They appealed to divorce to find a way out and get a new woman. They would never do that if all a person had to do was "add on a new wife or two".
They express extreme surprise at Jesus' strictness and say in v. 10 "if this is the case it's better for a man not to marry!!". They would never say such a thing should polygamy be an option. Their problem would be "resoved" by adding an additional wife and they would have no opjection to Jesus teaching and would not find singleness better.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1270
4/18/08 11:17 am

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Post ichtus BlessedinMsTn
These TWO become one

doesnt say how many times that TWO can become ONE.......

You put two strands of thread together,, they make one rope, add another strand you still have those strands becoming ONE... no matter how many you add they become one with the original
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4/18/08 12:01 pm

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Post Re: ichtus Poimen
BlessedinMsTn wrote:
These TWO become one

doesnt say how many times that TWO can become ONE.......

You put two strands of thread together,, they make one rope, add another strand you still have those strands becoming ONE... no matter how many you add they become one with the original

No that is twain. It takes an act of God to make of what is twain one flesh.

Furthermore, if you could add an additional strand to the union it would be three becoming one, not two. Whereas in the case of marriage Christ is quite clear that two who become twain God makes one flesh. Not three or more. Not two or more. Just two, the man and his wife (not wives.)
Bro. Christopher

Singing: "Let us then be true and faithful -- trusting, serving, everyday. Just one glimpse of Him in glory will the toils of life repay."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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4/18/08 1:40 pm

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Post Titus and Timothy coastalcracker
both have scriptures that specify the requirement of having only one wife to become an elder or a deacon.

This means that there is an allowance made for having more than one wife, you just can't become an elder or a deacon.

As for a woman having her own husband, this can be taken to mean the husband from a polygamous relationship excluding the husband of other, distinct relationships.
Posts: 926
4/18/08 1:43 pm

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Post Re: ichtus Ichthus77
BlessedinMsTn wrote:
These TWO become one

doesnt say how many times that TWO can become ONE.......

You put two strands of thread together,, they make one rope, add another strand you still have those strands becoming ONE... no matter how many you add they become one with the original

So how do you explain the reaction of Jesus' audience (when He talks about two becoming one and never separating)? They said "If such is the case of a man with his wife it's better not to marry!!" Their shock and their saying celibacy is better makes no sense if it was as easy as adding a third, fourth, fifth strand. It would make Jesus teaching no longer harsh or strict. All you do is a marry a few others and problem resolved. They would never say "if what you say is true Jesus it's better to remain single" like they did if multiple partners had ever occurred to them or was an option.
Acts Enthusiast
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4/18/08 7:47 pm

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Post Re: Titus and Timothy Ichthus77
coastalcracker wrote:

As for a woman having her own husband, this can be taken to mean the husband from a polygamous relationship excluding the husband of other, distinct relationships.

What does this mean? I don't understand what you are trying to say.
Acts Enthusiast
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4/18/08 7:49 pm

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Post Re: Titus and Timothy Ichthus77
coastalcracker wrote:
both have scriptures that specify the requirement of having only one wife to become an elder or a deacon.

This means that there is an allowance made for having more than one wife, you just can't become an elder or a deacon.

And what would be the reasoning behind forbidding something that is "good" and "approved by God" to people who want to serve God in some capacity? All of the things in the list for elders and deacons that are forbidden are all sinful things. Drunkenness, temper, lack of self-control, greed, love of money.....

As pagan polygamous peoples came to Christ, this prohibition for Christian service was the Church's way of getting rid of polygamy in the next generation without splitting up families and hurting dependant children. The same thing has been done by missionaries for centuries among polygamous tribes as they convert. Those in Christian service set the example for future converts and generations.
Acts Enthusiast
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4/18/08 7:55 pm

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Post Re: Titus and Timothy Wimauma
Ichthus77 wrote:

And what would be the reasoning behind forbidding something that is "good" and "approved by God" to people who want to serve God in some capacity? All of the things in the list for elders and deacons that are forbidden are all sinful things. Drunkenness, temper, lack of self-control, greed, love of money.....

As pagan polygamous peoples came to Christ, this prohibition for Christian service was the Church's way of getting rid of polygamy in the next generation without splitting up families and hurting dependant children. The same thing has been done by missionaries for centuries among polygamous tribes as they convert. Those in Christian service set the example for future converts and generations.

It's a cultural thing. While I think Blessed is off base on much of his reasoning, the fact is that the Bible does not specifically prohibit polygamy. I stop short of saying it condones it, but there are too many things that are considered sinful in our culture that were apparently tolerated by the early church. I agree that it is probably one of the overriding concerns of the early church, there isn't any direct revelation in the Word as to the motives for the prohibition for deacons and elders and lack of clarification concerning the rest of the church.
I used to be sweet tea and boiled peanuts. Now I'm not.
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4/18/08 9:53 pm

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Post Icthtus & Wimauma BlessedinMsTn
I believe we can find some insight about the instructions for Deacons and Bishops only having one wife when we read Pauls discourse concerning marriage

If you will remember when he encouraged ministers to remain single,, he did so with the instructions that remaining single would allow them to devote their lives to the church rather then to earthly matters for their wives.......

Thus,, it seems in knowing their was polygamy in the church.. he encouraged Bishops if they were gonna marry, only marry ONE wife... so as not to distract them from the work of the church
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4/18/08 11:37 pm

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Post Poimen
Most scholars I have read agree that the Greek rendered "husband of one wife" is more properly "a one woman man." Though that would entail only one wife it would put more emphasis on his devotion to her, his mannerism towards her and with other women, etc.

This character trait, being an ensample for the flock to follow. certainly stands in contrast to polygamy. That in and of itself is condemning of polygamy, as well as any and all other improper relations or interactions with anyone other than the one woman, his wife, he is devoted to.
Bro. Christopher

Singing: "Let us then be true and faithful -- trusting, serving, everyday. Just one glimpse of Him in glory will the toils of life repay."
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4/19/08 1:30 am

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Post Poimen BlessedinMsTn
I actually see it as endorsing Polygamy for the rest of the brethren,,, except for those who lead the church and must devote their attention to the church rather than caring for a large family
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4/19/08 2:13 am

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Post Re: Poimen Ichthus77
BlessedinMsTn wrote:
I actually see it as endorsing Polygamy for the rest of the brethren,,, except for those who lead the church and must devote their attention to the church rather than caring for a large family

Try it and see if your conscience doesn't bother you. See if the Holy Spirit doesn't convict you. Just letting my eyes wander or turn around for that second look makes me feel repentance.
Encouraging the whole church to chase after additional women just doesn't sound like the Spirit of God. Sounds more like a demon spirit to me. The only groups that practice it are mormon cults with demonic revelations and demon controlled groups like the "Children of god" cult.
Try it and then preach to someone about Jesus. Even the non-churched and unbelievers would laugh your message right out of dodge. Many times they can spot a phoney a mile away before religious people ever could.
Acts Enthusiast
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4/19/08 11:01 am

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Post Ichtus BlessedinMsTn
Why don't you explain to us why God instituted Polygamy and blessed it
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4/19/08 8:15 pm

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Post Re: Ichtus Poimen
BlessedinMsTn wrote:
Why don't you explain to us why God instituted Polygamy and blessed it

God did not institute polygamy. He permitted it, yes. He has permitted many things He opposes and will eventually unleash His wrath against.
Bro. Christopher

Singing: "Let us then be true and faithful -- trusting, serving, everyday. Just one glimpse of Him in glory will the toils of life repay."
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4/19/08 8:46 pm

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Post Poimen BlessedinMsTn
I have a hard time believing God did not ENDORSE and INSTITUTE Polygamy when he used polgyamy as his reward to David

I have posted the scripture numerous times.... God told David as rewards he had GIVEN HIM MANY WIVES

Now, if God is holding his nose and just permitting something,.,.... must he partake in it?
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4/19/08 9:26 pm

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Post Re: Poimen Poimen
BlessedinMsTn wrote:
I have a hard time believing God did not ENDORSE and INSTITUTE Polygamy when he used polgyamy as his reward to David

I have posted the scripture numerous times.... God told David as rewards he had GIVEN HIM MANY WIVES

Now, if God is holding his nose and just permitting something,.,.... must he partake in it?

Knowing God is infinitely holy, wise, and good He will not partake of anyone's sins though He will permit them and use them for His own glory and His own purposes.

In the sense that God is sovereign over ALL creation He gave Saul's wives, Saul's possessions, indeed Saul's kingdom into David's hands. In the same sense God tells us through the prophet Isaiah that He created evil. Yet, knowing that God cannot sin, and does not tempt man to sin, we know that this giving of wives and this creating of evil is more an acknowledgment of His sovereignty than a testament to His will or His favor of such things.

I'm sorry, but your proof text will stand the test of rightly dividing the word of truth. God did not institute polygamy. God, per Jesus, instituted monogamy. God does not violate His own nature or His own law. He knows polygamy is adultery, even if you don't.

It was fallen man, through Cain's lineage that instituted polygamy, and a host of other sins, for which God sent the deluge upon the whole world.
Bro. Christopher

Singing: "Let us then be true and faithful -- trusting, serving, everyday. Just one glimpse of Him in glory will the toils of life repay."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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4/19/08 10:38 pm

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Post Poimen BlessedinMsTn
That was a mighty long trip around the world to wind up no where?

You said specifically "God cannot sin" and on that we absolutely agree... and then you go on to say that he gave men several wives... thus having several wives cannot be sin or God could not have taken part in it

God even gave Moses instructions on how husbands should treat each of their wives, and not love one more than the other

God CREATED Evil,, in the fact that he is in full control of Evil.... but HE IS NOT EVIL... thus with Polygamy he blessed it,, endorsed it and PARTICIPATED IN IT

and you cant find ONE SCRIPTURE in the Bible that condemns it!
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4/19/08 11:04 pm

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Post Re: Ichtus Ichthus77
Poimen wrote:
BlessedinMsTn wrote:
Why don't you explain to us why God instituted Polygamy and blessed it

God did not institute polygamy. He permitted it, yes. He has permitted many things He opposes and will eventually unleash His wrath against.

I agree with Poimen. He allowed polygamy for a time in the OT just as he also allowed incest for a time. His allowences for divorce in the NT and OT are different and Jesus even says it was because of the hardness of hearts.
Acts Enthusiast
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4/20/08 7:43 am

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