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Has the Travis Johnson decision been made?
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Post Re: Two Things... Mat
Aaron Scott wrote:
One, Travis should not have been cleared by "a majority." IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN UNANIMOUS!

Second, the whole admonition about social media is PRECISELY what the other side of this issue would like to happen. That way they could quietly do whatever they wanted--no matter how the Church of God feels about it--all without anyone knowing.

NO! If someone puts it out there publicly that they are doing something that is deeply questionable, the Church ought to be made aware of it at some point. Otherwise, this stuff slips in until one day we find ourselves with leaders at the top who would fit better in the Episcopal Church than the Church of God!

Social media is the easiest way to spread the word about anything. And if the church is endangered, I WANT TO KNOW!


Episcopal Bishops are some of the most well educated, well connected (both politicly and financially) and well spoken people you could meet. They carry the "air" of compassion and project a since of being committed to the well-being of people.

Yet, some of them are (openly) practicing sodomites, advocates for Woke theology, avid supports of the LBGTQ... communities' full participation in the church, as well as promoters of universal abortion and globalism government.

What's funny, many of them will lecture both Protestations and Catholics alike that their traditions (sometimes known as the "Middle Way") are more enlightened than any other. Considering their founder was Henry VIII, that's ironic to me. Can you imagen any king or queen of England, like the current King Charles III, being head of your church?

Perhaps when it comes to leadership, the cream may rise to the top, but unstrained and unpasteurized raw milk will make you sick.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
3/9/24 8:41 am

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Post Re: Inside Source georgiapath
FG Minister wrote:
I know what happened behind the scenes but am not at liberty to divulge it. I will just say this - as a pastor, there have been times when people have made a wrong assumption about something I supposedly said or did. It's a horrible feeling when you know people in your congregation have reached an opinion about you that is not true at all. But what is worse is that I have gone to people and tried to clear my name and they don't want to hear my side of the story. I think this is one of the most frustrating parts of being a pastor - when people refuse to hear my side of what transpired.

I am told the professor has a clean record. He has never written or taught anything that is pro-LGBTQ. Nothing at all. Two examining boards found that to be true. But on Face Book he was painted as being pro-LGBTQ because he attended the Episcopal Church twice with his wife. If this professor, a COG member, is in fact NOT pro-LGBTQ, then he has been maligned and his career could be in jeopardy.

I do not agree with a lot of you who believe that taking communion twice at an LGBTQ affirming congregation makes you LGBTQ affirming. I do not see your argument whatsoever. I do not believe that taking communion automatically causes one to be in league with everything that local church believes. If guilt by association is now the standard by which we are judged, God help us all!

I know for a fact that I shop in grocery stores that sale alcohol. Am I now sympathetic to alcoholism?

I have had surgery at a hospital that performs abortions. Am I now pro-choice?

Be careful folks. According to all who investigated, this professor is not LGBTQ affirming. He was found to be guilty by simply attending church with his wife and taking communion at a church that is LGBTQ affirming. Judge not lest you be judged the same way.

I don't think he would put something on FB unless he was proud of it. Makes no sense to get mad if somebody reposts what you already posted.

Be "pig or puppy one" as my Dad used to say.
Posts: 7604
3/9/24 9:49 am

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Post georgiapath
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
Thanks for posting QW. How this post warranted a censure from the COG is pathetic.

Yet, Lee goes on its same path. We need to clean house of weak ABs and Lee Board of directors that can’t get this under control.

I think these are all good people. Just too weak to demand change take place.

Go along to get along, their life is easier that way.
Posts: 7604
3/9/24 10:02 am

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Post Re: Inside Source fire-starter

I don't think he would put something on FB unless he was proud of it. Makes no sense to get mad if somebody reposts what you already posted.

Be "pig or puppy one" as my Dad used to say.

They didn't post what he had already posted. The photo was the same, but the caption on the post was not. It was different because the reshare of the photo had a different intent. And that's what makes all the difference in the world.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1947
3/11/24 10:39 am

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Post Re: Inside Source Nature Boy Florida
fire-starter wrote:

I don't think he would put something on FB unless he was proud of it. Makes no sense to get mad if somebody reposts what you already posted.

Be "pig or puppy one" as my Dad used to say.

They didn't post what he had already posted. The photo was the same, but the caption on the post was not. It was different because the reshare of the photo had a different intent. And that's what makes all the difference in the world.

were sorry you were on the losing side.

I tried to tell you - but you wouldn't listen.

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Acts-pert Poster
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3/11/24 12:32 pm

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Post Please Post what TJ Posted FG Minister
I don't have the exact quote, so if someone has exactly what TJ posted, that would be helpful. Thx. Acts-celerater
Posts: 875
3/11/24 12:53 pm

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Post Re: Please Post what TJ Posted fire-starter
FG Minister wrote:
I don't have the exact quote, so if someone has exactly what TJ posted, that would be helpful. Thx.

Quiet Wyatt posted it on this thread a few days ago and then removed it. Probably wise, since it contained the name of the professor. I did not know who it was, now I do and wish I didn't. No need to defame the man more or beyond the scope of the FB page.

In short it used the photo to imply the prof as fully LGBTQ affirming, issued a call for the COG to reign Lee and its alleged progressive professors in, else our sons and daughters are doomed, some copy and paste from the Episcopal Church website about their inclusive stance, more of how the sky is falling, therefore let's make a motion at General Assembly and here is what it should say.

Last edited by fire-starter on 3/11/24 1:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1947
3/11/24 1:35 pm

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Post The Original Post FG Minister
Dear FS:

Good idea not to repost, but I think it is good for the people on this board to know that TJ didn't simply "re-post" what the professor had posted. He added commentary that was derogatory toward the professor and Lee University in general. My contention the entire time has been that it is not fair to a brother in Christ to make public statements that could harm his career especially when those statements are completely unfounded.

BTW - there is not one shred of evidence that has been uncovered to indict the professor on the charge of being sympathetic to the LGBTQ cause. In fact, two COG boards found no evidence, yet people on this board want him "outed" and condemned. I just don't get it.
Posts: 875
3/11/24 1:43 pm

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Post fire-starter
This is my contention as well. Online vigilantism and hit-jobs muddy the water of this moral moment. How can an incarnational movement justly deal with such a timely moral moment in such a disembodied way? The church needs wisdom and discernment. Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1947
3/11/24 1:50 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt

Last edited by Quiet Wyatt on 3/11/24 3:38 pm; edited 5 times in total
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
3/11/24 2:48 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
In his post, TJ never said the prof was LGBTQ affirming. He shared photos and video of the reception of communion and of the wife’s reception into the Episcopal Church USA, which had been posted by the professor himself to his Facebook page from St Luke’s Fb page, making it obvious this event was something both the prof and his wife were quite proud of, so much so they posted it for all their Facebook friends to see.

The vast majority of TJ’s post focused on LeeU’s administration/executive leadership and this long-standing problem that has in fact been raised numerous times by concerned pastors such as TJ over the past several years, only to be ignored. His post ends with a call for the leadership of LeeU to stand with the Church of God General Assembly, and the standards the CoG has always held, being that LeeU is owned by the CoG.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
3/11/24 2:53 pm

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Post fire-starter
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
In his post, TJ never said the prof was LGBTQ affirming.

Given the context of the post, if TJ was not insinuating that the prof was LGBTQ affirming, what was the purpose in sharing his photo and name?

Can you see how including his photo and name indicate that he is the subject of the post and that he is singled out as an example of a problem of affirmation at Lee? As a holiness movement, the COG has a deep understanding of the connection that images and words have on our hearts and minds. It used to be mentioned in the practical commitments. Has the COG abandoned that line of thinking?
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1947
3/11/24 4:21 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
The prof was actually incidental to the main thrust of the post, merely the latest Lee faculty member to associate with St Luke’s Episcopal. The post was almost completely focused on the fact that LeeU continues to allow those on its payroll to associate with and even to be employed by LGBTQETC affirming ‘churches’.

Would you think it needed to be brought up if a pastor’s wife were to join the KKK or the Church of Satan or the Metropolitan Community Church, and posted photos and video about it, celebrating it? What if this were just the latest in a long line of such compromises with the Satanic system of this world, with no substantive corrective action being done about it, with those who point out the stark incompatibility of it with Christ-like behavior and Christian doctrine being simply dismissed by the exec leadership as only ‘troublemakers?’
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Posts: 12817
3/11/24 6:23 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Wasn't the professors name posted by the General in his explanatory post?

Unfounded? Hardly

Not a shred of evidence? Professor takes communion at LGBTQ affirming church...Lee changed policy to allow this. That was the post. That was affirmed.

Thanks for stopping by - MSNBC needs you back.
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Acts-pert Poster
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3/12/24 6:59 am

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Post What If? FG Minister
What if I posted on Face Book how some ministers in the 1960's used to steal money from their local churches, and I made that comment with a picture of Ray Hughes next to it. What would you assume?

Please don't insult our intelligence by saying the picture didn't implicate the professor just because he wasn't targeted in the script. He was just celebrating that he went to church with his wife - not that he had switched sides on the LGBTQ debate!
Posts: 875
3/12/24 9:28 am

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Post Re: What If? Nature Boy Florida
FG Minister wrote:
What if I posted on Face Book how some ministers in the 1960's used to steal money from their local churches, and I made that comment with a picture of Ray Hughes next to it. What would you assume?

Please don't insult our intelligence by saying the picture didn't implicate the professor just because he wasn't targeted in the script. He was just celebrating that he went to church with his wife - not that he had switched sides on the LGBTQ debate!

Ray Hughes knew how to deal with you clowns.

But - if you produce the quote where TJ says he is an LGBTQ loving professor - I will buy you lunch at the GA.

It actually says what I keep saying it says. Not what you straw man guys keep saying.

I guess TJ also said the professor didn't like baseball, apple pie, or the American Way.

Evil or Very Mad
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Acts-pert Poster
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3/12/24 9:48 am

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Post The Facts FG Minister
Seven distinguished men from Tennessee who served on the original investigative board agree with me as do two of the three who served on the executive level board. That's 9 out of 12. I guess we are all clowns. Acts-celerater
Posts: 875
3/12/24 10:39 am

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Post Re: What If? Mat
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
FG Minister wrote:
What if I posted on Face Book how some ministers in the 1960's used to steal money from their local churches, and I made that comment with a picture of Ray Hughes next to it. What would you assume?

Please don't insult our intelligence by saying the picture didn't implicate the professor just because he wasn't targeted in the script. He was just celebrating that he went to church with his wife - not that he had switched sides on the LGBTQ debate!

Ray Hughes knew how to deal with you clowns.

But - if you produce the quote where TJ says he is an LGBTQ loving professor - I will buy you lunch at the GA.

It actually says what I keep saying it says. Not what you straw man guys keep saying.

I guess TJ also said the professor didn't like baseball, apple pie, or the American Way.

Evil or Very Mad

Was it Ray Hughes who said "there is a fog of worldliness rolling across the campus of Lee College" (or something like that) back in the 1960s?

Though I was raised COGOP, I have met Ray Hughes and heard some of his sermons. About 10 years ago (?) I was in Cleveland when he was visiting (from FL) and we had ended up eating lunch together thanks to a mutual friend. (One summer I cut his grass each week, back when COG owned something like 26 parsonages in Cleveland.)

Lee College seemed strange to me when I as a kid growing up in Cleveland, because as we drove by (was it Parker or Church Street?) I always wondered why the girls were playing tennis in long skirts with all of them having long hair. I have had several relatives attend and graduated from Lee starting in the 1960s on up until just last year, and my grand grandparents home was the first dorm for the school.

Lee U, and PTS, are institutions the Church of God can take pride. However, where does Satan so often attack, at the point of our pride. In my opinion, Lee is not one of those denominational or Christian college or universities which has walked away from the Bible and the foundational principles it was founded on. However, it would be foolish to think that Lee U is somehow impenetrable to attacks of a Godless cultural or the demons of hell. You know, "if you think you are standing firm, be careful you don't fall."

Critics like TJ, and others, who are sons of the church (for generations) who are alums, and who serve the church which is over the institution (that's right is it not?), can provide important perspective. There is no one more aware of the changing culture and recognizing the pitfalls of actions, behaviors and influences then pastors on the field. The term "Ivory Tower" is often applied to the academic world, with good reason. It could also be applied to denominational leadership as well.

Maybe this will keep TJ off any elected committees or counsels, and out of Cleveland, but then I don't know any Prophets who live in Cleveland anyway.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
3/12/24 11:00 am

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Post Re: The Facts Nature Boy Florida
FG Minister wrote:
Seven distinguished men from Tennessee who served on the original investigative board agree with me as do two of the three who served on the executive level board. That's 9 out of 12. I guess we are all clowns.

Could be - could you post where they said what you think they said? I saw a post about being cautious when posting online. I didn't see where they said TJ is guilty of calling a man a LGBTQ loving satanist?

You are just making stuff up.
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Acts-pert Poster
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3/12/24 11:04 am

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Post Nuff Said FG Minister
No sense arguing this any longer. We will see where it all ends up. Acts-celerater
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3/12/24 12:13 pm

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