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Post Reaching Many Online Link
My wife made a video a few weeks back that went viral, mainly in Indonesia. Someone took it and reposted it on YouTube and it got over 175K views. (is that viral?)

Since then, she got 400+ students together for an online class on prophesying and intercession which she offers free of charge. We've been doing Bible teaching sessions together. She's been my interpreter, which we do from late at night until the wee hours of the morning, praying with people who post prayer requests at the end.

My wife is excited about this because she'd prayed about how things were going to get started for her with this online school, and said the Lord told her that there would be a storm this year, but Christians would soar, and that she would soar. Like eagles soaring above the storm.

The Cessationist v. Continuationist group I started on Facebook after MacArthur's conference several years ago used to have no posts. Now, it's full of posts.

Right now, a lot of people are stuck and home and spending massive amounts of time online. It is a good time to preach the Gospel and teach the word. You may get a few hundred hits, but think if those people were in a church and you were preaching to them. You can have a real impact on their lives.

The prayer requests roll in. I think we were online until about 3 AM eastern last time. One woman asked us pray for her food sales business she was just starting. My wife really felt like she should pray for that one. In a reply, the next day, the lady said she was swamped with orders. I'm thinking of trying to get the audience more involved in the prayer, too, so we can all rejoice and give thanks together, and maybe give some feedback on answered prayers-- read some testimonies and such.

My wife felt blessed when she got replies from people saying they would repent after that one video went viral.

I kind of realized this anew since my old YouTube posts would have a few hundred hits and I didn't think that much of it. But I should value that more. I had one with 20K hits after many years. I thought that was a lot. But one of our Sunday messages had 40K views in about a week. I think Facebook sort of promotes my wife after her video got a lot of shares that one time, or else people who follow her page share it on popular walls or pages.

We'd appreciate prayer for the Lord's leadership in online ministry. I'd also like to encourage you to consider how you can reach people online, one of the few venues we have until things really open up.

This wasn't really our focus, but the songs on YouTube have gotten more hits, too.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
4/29/20 1:51 am

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Post Carolyn Smith
Are the classes in English?

Sounds like the Lord is blessing your efforts in this time!

It has been amazing to see how most of the ministries have stepped up and have some kind of online presence. My son in law, who is pastoring a small church has been doing his sermons on Youtube and then uploading them for Sunday to Facebook. They did a drive in service on Easter. Our church has done 2 drive in services and the rest on FB Live. We are doing a Night of Worship tonight on FB live. Our neighbors are listening to the drive in services.

This seems to be one of those "what the devil meant for evil, God turned into good" things. I think the gospel is actually being preached MORE. I believe God is trying to get us back to the basics, back to repentance.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5919
4/29/20 5:51 am

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Post We're seeing the same things jimmyjon
We have been doing livestreaming for 5 years or so and while we have a good sized church with good sunday attendance we ususally only averaged 100 or so live views from the people who didnt come to the church. During the week we would pick up a few more. We have a church app, website. Facebook page. YouTube channel and a vimeo channel. An average service video would get maybe 400 to 600 views on YouTube. Facebook less. Now over the last month we have picked up over 200 subscribers to our YouTube channel and an avg service video gets over 8000 views in a week between platforms. We had one I did a couple of weeks ago we boosted on fb get over 10k views on fb and 8k on youtube. In addition we are streaming live worship on Tuesdays and Thursdays for an hr and a Wednesday service as well as devotional videos every couple of days which get a lot of views as well. Our income is better now since before we quarantined. It's really crazy good. Still miss being there in person though. This is a poor substtute in my opinion but praise the Lord we are getting our message out. I have a feeling it's just Christians though. Keep up the good work everyone, the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God. This is one way Hey, DOC
Posts: 87
4/29/20 10:21 am

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I believe my wife's classes have been in Indonesian so far. That's what she said. She spends hours down there, and I am finishing out classes so I haven't been in on one of those yet. She may have be teach a session. Maybe she'll translate. Maybe I'll muddle through in Indonesian and she can read verses for me, since my sight-word vocabulary is kind of poor.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
4/29/20 4:37 pm

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