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Woke facisim or how FB, Google (YouTube) &,Twitter are taking away freedom of speech. Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Woke facisim or how FB, Google (YouTube) &,Twitter are taking away freedom of speech. brotherjames
This is by Tucker Carlson and it truly reflects the state of Amerika today. The truth is no longer an acceptable statement in most public discourse.

June 27, 2019
8:01 PM ET
How do you know if you’re living in a free society? Here’s a quick test: Are you allowed to say obviously true things in public? Or are you forced to lie? As George Orwell put it in “1984”: “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.” But what if that freedom isn’t granted? What if you’re required to repeat things that you know aren’t true? What if everyone who hears you knows perfectly well that you’re lying, but they can’t say so out loud? What if everyone is required to nod along in mock sincerity as if it’s all completely real? That’s what a pep rally in a police state looks like: “Thanks to the dear leader for a bountiful potato harvest!” they chant, even as they starve to death. You get the same feeling as you watch the current race for the Democratic nomination.

Pete Buttigieg is in that race. A few years ago, back when he was best known for being mayor of South Bend, Indiana, Buttigieg made the point that “all lives matter.” He said it because it’s true. All lives do matter, no matter what they look like. Every life has value — period. That’s the message of Christianity and the civilization that it spawned in the West. But in the modern Democratic Party, it can no longer be acknowledged. So Buttigieg recently apologized for his wrongthink.

Beto O’Rourke was asked recently about a harmless joke he once told about his wife staying home to raise their kids. O’Rourke fell apart completely. He groveled and whimpered and abased himself. He even expanded the self-criticism and apologized for how he was born.

This is what Maoist tribunals looked liked during the Cultural Revolution. By summer, you can imagine O’Rourke wearing a paper dunce cap with “white privilege” scrawled across it as a warning to other would-be counterrevolutionaries. Pretty much everyone running for president as a Democrat this year has had to face inquisitions like this. They write their confessions of guilt, bowing before their accusers on Twitter and begging for forgiveness. Kirsten Gillibrand read her confession on live television. Years ago, when she was running for a different office, Gillibrand once expressed sympathy for the idea of a closed border. Looking back, she is deeply ashamed. She can hardly believe she ever thought something so immoral.

There’s nothing liberal about this, obviously. It’s purely authoritarian: “woke” fascism. Power over ideas. In place of thinking, obedience. In return for dissent, punishment. Lying as official policy — and not just conventional lying, the ordinary truth-shading of everyday life, but terrifying full-inversion lies. The exact opposite of the truth. The kind of lies that regimes that seek total control must tell in order to maintain their power.

The latest of these lies is that low-grade mafia figure Al Sharpton is, in fact, a legitimate civil rights leader. The Democratic candidates claim to believe that now. They recently trooped over to his tax-exempt organization to pretend he’s the new MLK.

Where were these people in the mid-1990s when Al Sharpton was denouncing a Jewish landlord in Harlem as a “white interloper” shortly before his store was firebombed and eight people were killed? O’Rourke was still a manny then. Gillibrand was a lawyer working for the cigarette companies. None of them were woke yet. They are now. They went to Sharpton to clamor for an idea that not even 20% of the population supports: race-based reparations. Sharpton asked each candidate if they would pledge to support Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s bill to form a commission to study how to do reparations. Every single candidate at the event expressed complete support.

The question isn’t whether we get reparations. The question is whether you want to live in a country where such people have political power, where humor and dissent are criminal acts, where lying is the currency of public life, where authorities whose names you don’t know can destroy you for thinking the wrong things. You’ve seen that world before. It’s called Twitter. Imagine if it had control of the U.S. military.

Tucker Carlson and Neil Patel co-founded The Daily Caller, one of America’s fastest growing online news outlets, which regularly breaks news and distributes it to over 15 million monthly readers. Carlson and Patel also co-founded The Daily Caller News Foundation, a nonprofit news company that trains journalists, produces fact-checks and conducts longer-term investigative reporting. The Daily Caller News Foundation licenses its content free of charge to over 300 news outlets, reaching potentially hundreds of millions of people per month. To find out more about Tucker Carlson and Neil Patel and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at

Last edited by brotherjames on 6/29/19 8:06 am; edited 1 time in total
Posts: 935
6/28/19 8:51 am

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Post Perhaps some of you might not grasp the importance of this brotherjames
I posted on another thread about how Franklin Graham posted on FB a call to pray for President Trump a few Sundays ago. I tried reposting it on our FB page and commented only that we would pray that Sunday in our service but FB took it down. Even though it was just a repost of Franklin's original post on FB. FB seemed our post "political" not religious and said we were an unverified news source and couldnt post this sort of "news".

If you stand in the pulpit and decry the LGBTQ xyz agenda and its sinful behavior and you stream it to FB and YouTube you will be designated as speaking "hate speech". You may also be targeted by activists and "doxed," or worse and have protestors show up at your church or perhaps even threaten the church and its leaders with violence or bomb threats. Civil discourse is only tolerated if you speak the left's side of any argument. Conservative, right leaning Christian fundamentalism is not tolerated and will get you in trouble.

In the UK last week a man merely hit "like" to a tweet about something against a transexual. The next day the police came to his home to discuss why he thought that way. Now it's the police job to police your thoughts in England. Hate thoughts can become hate actions dont you know?

That isnt happening here yet, but YouTube, Twitter and FB are censoring conservatives overtly now. 1984 is happening before our eyes.
Posts: 935
6/29/19 8:05 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Corporations do not owe you any freedom of speech. The First Amendment protects you against the government censoring your speech. The First Amendment also protects and guarantees others' freedom to associate or not associate with your views. If you want the government to force Facebook to allow your post, you are advocating for the violation of their First Amendment rights.

What is happening in the United Kingdom is Orwellian. It is crucial to the survival of this nation that we resist any and all efforts to institute the kind of censorship that has become commonplace in the UK.

However, conflating state and private actors does not serve that goal. Reasonable people can object to the obvious bias of the social media companies while still dismissing claims that their actions are a violation of the First Amendment. Conflating these issues will ultimately make it MORE difficult to resist the emergence of any state-sanctioned censorship.
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Posts: 13654
6/29/19 8:36 am

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Post I am fully cognizant of the fact that private corporations brotherjames
Can restrict access to their sites (we do it here don't we Wink ) but more to the point, when this lack of access manifests in the public it has the effect of making mere opposite viewpoints, hate speech. When all anyone sees is a particular type of rhetoric, then the opposite rhetoric becomes not just a different opinion but a threat to the allowed speech. That's totalitarian. And that my friend is where we are rapidly heading. Forcing a private corporation to accommodate all types of speech may be illegal or an unwanted intrusion but it may be necessary for a democratic republic to survive. I am against repressive government and generally libertarian but we are rapidly sliding into 1984. Perhaps it is time to break up these monopolies at the very least. Acts-celerater
Posts: 935
6/29/19 9:22 am

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Post Cojak
This is one VERY complicated issue. My first thought upon reading the OP, title and content was 'confusion' since it was not Government we were talking about with google, twitter etc.
BUT and it is a big BUT, some folk GET THEIR NEWS from Facebook and consider it a news agency in a WILD way.

I hope we get some good comments thsi subject is very immortant and in the forefront.

As an old man I get more confused about this and the female athletes (that I just found out are soccer players (yeah I am under a rock)) who represent the USA but don't like it, or something like that.....

CONFUSION ABOUNDS..... I am sorta looking forward to church in the AM to be refreshed and be infused with the TRUTH! Confused Confused Confused Shocked
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24282
6/29/19 10:43 am

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Post Re: I am fully cognizant of the fact that private corporations Dave Dorsey
brotherjames wrote:
And that my friend is where we are rapidly heading. Forcing a private corporation to accommodate all types of speech may be illegal or an unwanted intrusion but it may be necessary for a democratic republic to survive.

Take a step back and think about what you just said here. You're not going to achieve the goal of protecting the First Amendment by violating the First Amendment.

I agree with you 100% concerning the malevolent nature of social media censorship and its obvious bias against conservatives.

But if you want to be sure corporate censorship doesn't become government censorship, illegal government intrusion to violate private entities' right to speech and association is not a smart way to get there.

I do agree that it's past time to take a look at whether these companies are operating in a monopolistic way. That would be a much better approach IMO.
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Posts: 13654
6/29/19 11:11 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Today's antifa gathering in Portland is a good demonstration of actual encroaching fascism, IMO. Mayor Ted Wheeler has completely abdicated his city to these masked terrorists. They rule it like the KKK ruled Birmingham.

This is an example where the state is not itself violating the civil rights of its citizens, but is complicit in their violation as a result of its refusal to protect them. I think that is where fascism is actually growing in this country.
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Posts: 13654
6/29/19 8:30 pm

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Post Their business...their rules....baker not baking cake for gays.... caseyleejones
Can we have it both ways?

I think this is just the beginning however. Liberals at one time saw free speech as a fundamental right of all. At one time, the ACLU and Jimmy Swaggart were on the same side on this.

I work in a leftist environment...things are changing regarding free speech. Lefties support free speech...but not hate speech. They have found their loophole.

How will this affect churches? I have already seen and heard from the left that Chick Filet support hate speech. Anyone who disagrees with gay marriage is a fascist and a supporter of hate speech.

I hate to sound like NBF that "the gays are coming for you"....but I think that group of the left will enact laws to limit what you say. If it hurts someones feelings or if you only agree with traditional marriage, etc....your church will be shut down.

I remember 40 years ago an old time minister who walked in the prophetic and traveled talked about the church leaving the traditional structure and would move to homes. Right now in our area, people are flocking to churches in homes in droves. What would cause this? Not sure. I do believe persecution is coming to America. How or when...don't know. But I have an inkling it could come through the regulation of speech.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11796
6/29/19 9:19 pm

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Post Da Sheik
If Jesus tarries, the American Church will be shocked at the persecution that will come from the world. But we should not be surprised. This is the fulfillment of bible prophecy. The far left is more militant than anyone gives them credit for. As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be..... Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
6/29/19 9:33 pm

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Post Cojak
Da Sheik wrote:
If Jesus tarries,... As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be.....

WOW, you said a mouthful my friend. And does it ever fit! Shocked Shocked Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24282
6/30/19 9:02 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
We don’t even have freedom of speech on this forum. How many posts have been deleted here? Hundreds. Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
7/1/19 10:56 am

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Post Journalism died in 2008. Up till that point, we pretty much had caseyleejones
access to all information whether right, left, love, hate....what we liked and what we didn't like.

We're in a new era. The MSM drives the narrative. If Trump does something good, you won't hear about it. When Obama did bad things, MSM just shrugged or covered it over.

Much of the MSM is not fact but opinion and personal narrative. So mods here delete posts...meh....his board, his rules. But always in time past we could get facts from the media, that is not the case anymore.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11796
7/1/19 4:35 pm

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