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Post Presidential criticism Nature Boy Florida
I remember that President Obama was regularly criticized on Actscelerate.

President Trump is also regularly criticized on Acts.

But for some reason, the guys criticizing Trump on Acts - also denigrate the folks that don't criticize Trump. They also question their Christianity - and whether they should continue to call themselves evangelicals.

I don't remember anyone ever criticizing Obama - and then ask (in the same post) "why aren't the rest of you guys criticizing him?", as well.

Are the Trump critics really so self righteous that they feel they must put down anyone that doesn't agree with them in most of their posts?

C'mon man - grow up. State your opinion - and let us agree or disagree. We don't need you putting us down at the same time - questioning our Christianity.
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Acts-pert Poster
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12/6/18 2:36 pm

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Post Re: Presidential criticism Dave Dorsey
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
C'mon man - grow up. State your opinion - and let us agree or disagree. We don't need you putting us down at the same time - questioning our Christianity.

It's so strange that someone would consider your opinions of lesser value when your retort to criticism of the president (in another thread) is to imply that the people criticizing him are morons.

Strange, indeed.
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Posts: 13654
12/6/18 2:56 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
BTW, there are plenty of folks on this forum who (intelligently, IMO) articulate a defense of Trump on the basis of his policies, while acknowledging the obviously indefensible nature of his personal character.

Plenty of evangelicals refuse to do the latter and they deserve the scorn they get for it.
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Posts: 13654
12/6/18 3:19 pm

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Post Re: Presidential criticism Nature Boy Florida
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
C'mon man - grow up. State your opinion - and let us agree or disagree. We don't need you putting us down at the same time - questioning our Christianity.

It's so strange that someone would consider your opinions of lesser value when your retort to criticism of the president (in another thread) is to imply that the people criticizing him are morons.

Strange, indeed.

Not strange at all. Just returning the fire, my friend. Do you really just expect us to just roll over and take your constant belittling of the President and the folks that support the good things the President does?

You have this constant judgment going for him.

I read once: God himself does not judge man until the end of his days. Why should you and I?

Lighten up. You aren't as smart as you think you are. And I am probably about as smart as you think I am (I know that's not much).
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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12/6/18 3:23 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Returning the fire against whom?

You're returning "the fire" against the president with personal attacks on the people who are criticizing him?

What if you kept your focus on the issues themselves? I don't call the president a moron, I talk about specific things he does.

There are people on this forum I'd consider pro-Trump that I have plenty of respect for, even though I disagree with them. They discuss the issues. You might find you get a little more respect if you did the same.
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Posts: 13654
12/6/18 3:39 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Returning the fire against whom?

You're returning "the fire" against the president with personal attacks on the people who are criticizing him?

What if you kept your focus on the issues themselves? I don't call the president a moron, I talk about specific things he does.

There are people on this forum I'd consider pro-Trump that I have plenty of respect for, even though I disagree with them. They discuss the issues. You might find you get a little more respect if you did the same.


You really are a funny little man.

You constantly attack the President.

But that isn't the point I have been making - which you act like you don't understand - call me names, etc... which is your pattern - and then you act like you never do it when I point it out.

How about this one:

Your headline calls the President "low energy"(interesting for a guy that doesn't call people names) - then you point out what he did wrong. And I have said I am fine with you doing so.

BUT - you always add things like this " You guys would have EXCORIATED him" if it would have been Obama.

Why don't you name names of people that actually did so - instead of lumping everyone on Acts into the same category?

Why do you constantly have to cut everyone on Acts down like they have done something - which most of us didn't do?

Does it make you feel better than us to say we all did something - even though "You guys" didn't do it?

Are you that small of a man?

Get your act together man. Call a spade a spade if you want. Just cut out the pontificating and saying folks on Acts did something - when most of us didn't do so.

By the way: No need to try to teach me how to earn your respect. I'm not interested. Just quit lying about those of us that have posted on Acts for years. It needs to stop.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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12/6/18 4:09 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
Why do you constantly have to cut everyone on Acts down like they have done something - which most of us didn't do?

NBF, I think what you're saying I do to "everyone on Acts" I actually just do to you.

Returning the fire and whatnot. Cool
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Posts: 13654
12/6/18 4:24 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
By the way: No need to try to teach me how to earn your respect. I'm not interested.

Good thing, because there's nothing worse than a guy who can give it but can't take it.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
12/6/18 4:29 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
It is true I can dish it out.
But it is also true I can take it.
Anyone on Acts any amount of time knows this - unless they are trying to paint a picture of me that isn't true - such as yourself.

To reiterate:

Criticize the President all you want (even though it is mostly a religious forum). Have your fill. I think it would be best to pray for him - but everyone is different.

Just stop throwing in the blanket criticisms of all the folks on acts - as is pointed out in the post earlier in this thread. You are bearing false witness against folks when you do that.

I hope that matters to you.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16641
12/6/18 4:39 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
NBF - I abjectly disagree with your assertion that I'm trying to lie about anyone here or paint a picture of them that is not true. I've made general statements about evangelicals, all of which are true, and you've chosen to personalize them and apply them to yourself and take offense at them. If you choose to do that that's your own business, and I reject your accusation that I've attacked anyone personally or tried to paint a false picture about them.

I did once hear someone say that if you throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the one that yelps is the one that got hit. If my criticism of the way evangelicals generally view Trump hits you personally, maybe it's you that should be analyzing it rather than me.
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12/6/18 4:41 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Dave Dorsey wrote:
NBF - I abjectly disagree with your assertion that I'm trying to lie about anyone here or paint a picture of them that is not true. I've made general statements about evangelicals, all of which are true, and you've chosen to personalize them and apply them to yourself and take offense at them. If you choose to do that that's your own business, and I reject your accusation that I've attacked anyone personally or tried to paint a false picture about them.

I did once hear someone say that if you throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the one that yelps is the one that got hit. If my criticism of the way evangelicals generally view Trump hits you personally, maybe it's you that should be analyzing it rather than me.

Sorry Dave.

You are wrong again. You have a pattern where you try to re-characterize what you actually said with some noble thing that you didn't actually say.

You said "You guys" - you didn't say
general statements about evangelicals
... and you could have only been addressing ALL of us that post on this board (except yourself). That made it a lie. We didn't all say negative things against Obama. The transcripts on Acts are all there for everyone to read. I'm not making anything up. Perhaps if you admitted your mistakes it would be easier to overcome them.

Then you compared me to dogs in your last post. A yelping dog. <sigh> Sadly that is a pattern of what you always do. And when I "return the fire" and say you are a sad little man and you have my pity - you get all mad about it - when once again you are the one that brought it on yourself.

Talking about Trump doesn't affect me personally in the least. If you get some type of pleasure of being on a Christian forum and bashing the President most every day- have at it.

Stop lumping everyone on Acts together. I am greatly offended to be lumped in with SOME of the guys that post on Acts (especially guys named Dave).
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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12/6/18 5:35 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
LOL. I initially added a comment that I wasn't suggesting anyone on Acts was a dog by using that phrase, but I edited it out because I thought it might come across as condescending. Oh well. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
12/6/18 9:24 pm

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Post I Finally Realized Something FG Minister
NBF must be a Millennial! He doesn't want to hear anything negative about things close to him, like Donald Trump, and can't stand the idea of criticism. From what I have read from Mr. Dorsey, he doesn't seem to criticize Mr. Trump's policies, only his character and behavior.

Dorsey has eloquently made the point that evangelicals like Mr. Trump's policies and because of it, they turn a blind eye to his character. A well-balanced Christian needs to realize that you can like what Mr. Trump stands for and still disagree and criticize his boorish behavior toward others. NBF says we should pray for and not criticize Mr. Trump. Personally I can do both.
Posts: 875
12/11/18 12:24 pm

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Post Re: I Finally Realized Something UncleJD
FG Minister wrote:
NBF must be a Millennial! He doesn't want to hear anything negative about things close to him, like Donald Trump, and can't stand the idea of criticism. From what I have read from Mr. Dorsey, he doesn't seem to criticize Mr. Trump's policies, only his character and behavior.

Dorsey has eloquently made the point that evangelicals like Mr. Trump's policies and because of it, they turn a blind eye to his character. A well-balanced Christian needs to realize that you can like what Mr. Trump stands for and still disagree and criticize his boorish behavior toward others. NBF says we should pray for and not criticize Mr. Trump. Personally I can do both.

I'm pretty sure calling someone on this board a "millennial" is a personal attack. I'd consider it fighting-words. Shocked
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
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12/11/18 12:39 pm

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Post Re: I Finally Realized Something Dave Dorsey
UncleJD wrote:
I'm pretty sure calling someone on this board a "millennial" is a personal attack. I'd consider it fighting-words. Shocked

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12/11/18 12:57 pm

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