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A question for Isa...
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Post A question for Isa... Aaron Scott
I've been thinking.... I would like you to tell us the difference between what YOU believe and what a Judaizer would believe.

We know that Judaizers (as they are called) were supposedly Christians. So, since I understand you to be a Christian, can you explain how you are different from them? In the case of the rest (or most) of us, we can CLEARLY distinguish between what we believe and what a Judaizer believes. Can you say the same for yourself?

I'd honestly like to know....
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6039
2/8/18 11:42 am

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Post Re: A question for Isa... Isa 58:12
Aaron Scott wrote:
I've been thinking.... I would like you to tell us the difference between what YOU believe and what a Judaizer would believe.

We know that Judaizers (as they are called) were supposedly Christians. So, since I understand you to be a Christian, can you explain how you are different from them? In the case of the rest (or most) of us, we can CLEARLY distinguish between what we believe and what a Judaizer believes. Can you say the same for yourself?

I'd honestly like to know....

Shalom Aaron, I believe from the Bible that when someone repents of sins & believes in Y'shua for forgiveness of those sins/breaking G-ds Commandments they/we & r grafted into Y'sreal Rom 11:17. & Fellow citizens with Y'sreal Eph 2

I have been grafted into a Jewish family, Praise & Worship a Jewish Rabbi who died for the sins of the world & has asked us to keep His Comments/Covenant. Everyone who wrote the Bible was Jewish, I believe from the Bible believers should keep G-d's Appointed times, "His" Feasts Lev 23. They are not Jewish customs & the Sabbath starts them off, it's a Feast / Appointed time every week. And we see the Sabbath The Feast Etc all throughout the N.T. being followed not replaced. Is 1 Bible, 1 Covenant

G-d's Commandments / Laws / Torah / Instructions are a Covenant, & G-d doesn't break Covenant Ps 89:34. His Word is Everlasting, and the Word spoken is the Torah. His Torah, Laws are what He thinks is right, it's how we know Him 1 John 2:3, its what sets his people apart / Holy from the world, because the rest of the world doesn't keep the Sabbath, doesn't eat kosher, doesn't keep the Feasts of G-d, doesn't keep His Law's.

I believe G-d is One, and He has One Way, for one group of people, His people. I read the Bible in the Jewish sense it was written, I do word studies Hebrew and Greek, but the Greek word studies I do focus and speak of things written the O.T. So why I go get the Hebrew meaning of the thing spoken in the N.T. to get the full understanding what that is speaking of in the N.T.

Y'shua is G-d, He gave the Torah / Laws to the children of Y'srael, which happened to be jew and Gentile Ex 12, and He called them all the children of Y'sreal after their first Passover Ex 12 and same thing in the N.T., we are grafted into Y'srael by receiving the blood of the Passover Lamb and now one Torah is unto us Exodus chapter 12 Messiah is the Lamb of G-d Passover Luke 1, & we're grafted into Y'srael

I could go on and on and on, but for me it boils down to discipleship. We are all call to discipleship that means imitate, copycat our Jewish Rabbi, how He lived, how He ate, how He spoke, what He said, how He walked, and how He talked 1 John 2:6: he that says he abides in Him, ought himself also to walk, even as He walked.

Y'shua was obedient which made Him sinseless / Lawful, so since I'm trying to imitate Him, walking like Him, I find myself keeping the Torah, his Instructions 4 Life and nothing bothers me Ps 119:165. It's like a model plane, you don't know how to set up the model without the instructions, so I read the instructions that is presented before me so my model comes out the way it's supposed to. Christian means Christ-Like, I try, and my heart's desire is to look like Him. It doesn't make me Jewish, it's not about being Jewish, it's about me being obedient to His Commands to his people. The Laws aren't Jewish, the Laws are G-d's

Judaizers is represented in Acts chapter 15, the book of Galatians. That your work in the Law "outside" of Messiah save you & the Gentile has to become circumcised and keep "all" the Law of Moshe to be saved. That was yoke of bondage in Acts chapter 15:10, because neither they nor their fathers had to live like that to be saved.

And just a quick note here there is no such thing as Christian judaizers, they weren't saved they didn't believe in Messiah, the only believed in the works as you did in the Law

Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem

Last edited by Isa 58:12 on 2/12/18 7:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
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2/8/18 5:11 pm

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Post Isa 58:12
You all will be amazed how close we are in beliefs & how much of the Law are you really do. I guess that sums me up really is my favorite chapter in the Bible Psalms 119
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2547
2/8/18 6:18 pm

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Post Re: A question for Isa... Aaron Scott
Isa 58:12 wrote:
Aaron Scott wrote:
I've been thinking.... I would like you to tell us the difference between what YOU believe and what a Judaizer would believe.

We know that Judaizers (as they are called) were supposedly Christians. So, since I understand you to be a Christian, can you explain how you are different from them? In the case of the rest (or most) of us, we can CLEARLY distinguish between what we believe and what a Judaizer believes. Can you say the same for yourself?

I'd honestly like to know....

Judaizers is represented in Acts chapter 15, the book of Galatians. That your work in the Law "outside" of Messiah save you & the Gentile has to become circumcised and keep "all" the Law of Moshe to be saved. That was yoke of bondage in Acts chapter 15:10, because neither they nor their fathers had to live like that to be saved.

So, Isa, you are telling me that you DO NOT believe that a Gentile has to become circumcised or keep all the Law of Moses to be saved?

If we don't have to be circumcised, then why would we have to abide by, say, dietary rules of the Law?

Am I misreading you?

And just a quick note here there is no such thing as Christian judaizers, they weren't saved they didn't believe in Messiah, the only believed in the works as you did in the Law

But aren't you claiming that if we aren't doing the Law, we are being disobedient to God? Aren't you claiming--in so many words--that if we don't do the Law, we are not pleasing God?

From what I read in the NT, the Judaizers never once said that Jesus wasn't Lord (that was the Jews--not Judaizers). They never once claimed that Jesus wasn't the Son of God. What they DID insist upon was that Gentiles had to live as the Jews lived, in terms of obeying the Law.

Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6039
2/8/18 7:54 pm

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Post Isa 58:12
I just had this conversation with a friend of mine on circumcision, I don't have all the answers on this, & it's not for salvation. "I" believe in the Bible that a Gentile who becomes a believer does. Not for salvation though. Abraham the Gentile did @ a very old age Gen 17:24, it is Commanded that a new convert is circumcised before his 1st Passover Ex 12:43-44. This connects with the N.T. 1 Cor 11:27-30 about someone who is not right with the L-rd

There r others, but Y'shua was circumcised on the 8th day Luke 2:21 & He says this in John 7:23: if a man on the Sabbath day receives circumcision, "that the Law of Moshe should not be broken" are you angry at me because I have made him and every whit whole on the Sabbath day?

Y'shua says the Law of Moshe should not be broken & He speaks of circumcision & the Sabbath. & We can talk about Galatians which speaks on this issue, but when it says them of the circumcision & un circumcision it is speaking of Jews & Gentiles. Then we have Titus in Gal 3:2...

Did u know that this is still an issue for the Jews? It's that old, they still don't know what to do. "I" say yes, because circumcision is the "sign" of the Covenant in Gen 17:13, G-d said He would circumcise our hearts. In the Torah He says in Deut 10:16 G-d Commands men to circumcise there hearts & " be no more stiffnecked". In the New Covenant G-d circumcises our hearts Deut 30:6, Col 2:11... That's what's so great about the New Covenant, He does the work.

Acts 15 & Gal speak (& ur right, I miss spoke, the judaizers did know the L-rd, I had my mind on something else) but "their" program for Gentiles coming into the faith was that if it Gentiles coming to the faith, and if you wanted to be right with God, he had to take on the whole Law of Moshe & be circumcised, especially for salvation. Which there is no Commandment in the Torah like that. This false Doctrine was dealt with in the book of Acts 15, and strongly condemned in the book of Galatians.

Well that took longer than I thought LOL, and yes, New Testament believers have to keep the kosher laws, N.T.says that's one of the 4 requirements in Acts 15 for a Gentile, he will learn the rest when he goes to the synagogue every Sabbath day and here's Moshe, Torah Acts 15:21. It speaks of them but no one ever looked to see what they're based on and where they came from, but people always quote it.

& I'm not claiming anything, if we are all believers doesn't iron sharpen iron in Proverbs? We are all in the family of G-d. 2 Tim 4:2-5 explains it very well that people were turn their ears from the truth (truth is Torah Psalms 119 160) ....

I had so much to put down, going to have to be at another time. Well I hope I answered some if not all of your questions Aaron, if I hadn't I'm sure you let me know what they are and I'll try to do it again. I'm doing this for my phone

Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
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2/8/18 11:11 pm

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Post Judaizers were certainly "believers" and not mere Jews UncleJD
I marvel that you could cite Acts 15 while claiming the Judaizers were not believers. The whole chapter negates your entire argument.

5 Then some of the believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees stood up and said, “The Gentiles must be circumcised and required to keep the law of Moses.”

Shalom, peace, over-and-out
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
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2/9/18 10:04 am

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Post Well JD, I posted this elsewhere but Isa is a little obtuse brotherjames
So I repost it in two translations for those who can't rightly divide the truth anymore since their eyes are being blinded by their pride. Not only did my namesake James under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, utilizing the Gift of Wisdom deal with the issue of circumcision and the Law "en toto" (totality) in Acts 15 but Paul himself (who as a Jew of the Jews certainly understood whether the Law was necessary to salvation in Christ) addresses it rather forcefully in the verses here in Galations 5.

JD please ignore those who would try to take our liberty in Christ and make us slaves once again to the Law. What a joke!

Gal 5:6-12 KJV For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love. (7) Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth? (Cool This persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you. (9) A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. (10) I have confidence in you through the Lord, that ye will be none otherwise minded: but he that troubleth you shall bear his judgment, whosoever he be. (11) And I, brethren, if I yet preach circumcision, why do I yet suffer persecution? then is the offence of the cross ceased. (12) I would they were even cut off which trouble you.

Gal 5:6-12 NIV For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. (7) You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth? (Cool That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you. (9) "A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough." (10) I am confident in the Lord that you will take no other view. The one who is throwing you into confusion, whoever that may be, will have to pay the penalty. (11) Brothers and sisters, if I am still preaching circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? In that case the offense of the cross has been abolished. (12) As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!
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2/9/18 10:32 am

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Post Isa... Aaron Scott
If you don't have to follow the Law for salvation, but (apparently) DO have to follow it to be obedient to God, then, if I am reading you correctly, you are led to conclude that one can keep one's salvation while remaining disobedient to God.l

To say that you don't have to obey the Law to GET saved...but do have to obey to STAY saved...comes out to the same thing: namely, you must follow the Law for salvation.

Am I reading you wrong on this?
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6039
2/9/18 4:17 pm

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Post Resident Skeptic
Does this mean I cannot wear linen with wool?
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
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2/9/18 4:31 pm

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Post Belieber
Michael Jackson was Jewish, he would always shout "Shamone" Hey, DOC
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2/9/18 7:28 pm

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Post Re: Judaizers were certainly "believers" and not mere Jews Isa 58:12
UncleJD wrote:
I marvel that you could cite Acts 15 while claiming the Judaizers were not believers. The whole chapter negates your entire argument.

5 Then some of the believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees stood up and said, “The Gentiles must be circumcised and required to keep the law of Moses.”

Shalom, peace, over-and-out

If they were believers unc, why did they say: the gentiles must be circumcised and are required to keep all the Law of Moshe.... That's clearly sidestepping Y'shua.
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
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2/9/18 8:33 pm

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Post Re: Well JD, I posted this elsewhere but Isa is a little obtuse Isa 58:12
brotherjames wrote:
So I repost it in two translations for those who can't rightly divide the truth anymore since their eyes are being blinded by their pride. Not only did my namesake James under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, utilizing the Gift of Wisdom deal with the issue of circumcision and the Law "en toto" (totality) in Acts 15 but Paul himself (who as a Jew of the Jews certainly understood whether the Law was necessary to salvation in Christ) addresses it rather forcefully in the verses here in Galations 5.

JD please ignore those who would try to take our liberty in Christ and make us slaves once again to the Law. What a joke!

Gal 5:6-12 KJV For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love. (7) Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth? (Cool This persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you. (9) A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. (10) I have confidence in you through the Lord, that ye will be none otherwise minded: but he that troubleth you shall bear his judgment, whosoever he be. (11) And I, brethren, if I yet preach circumcision, why do I yet suffer persecution? then is the offence of the cross ceased. (12) I would they were even cut off which trouble you.

Gal 5:6-12 NIV For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. (7) You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth? (Cool That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you. (9) "A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough." (10) I am confident in the Lord that you will take no other view. The one who is throwing you into confusion, whoever that may be, will have to pay the penalty. (11) Brothers and sisters, if I am still preaching circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? In that case the offense of the cross has been abolished. (12) As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!

.james, again, the Law is not for salvation...that's what Paul is addressing in Gal 5:1-4. "Liberty", that is addressed in 2 Cor 3:17: Now Adonai is that Spirit and where the Spirit of Adonai is, there is "Liberty"

The Greek word for Liberty is eletheria: it is a freedom represented as including independence from religious and legal restriction, legalism. True Liberty does not include a license to send Romans 3:8 6:1-2,15, James 1:25, 2:12, Ps 119:45

2nd Cor 3:17 is connected to 2 Cor 2:17: for we are not as many who corrupt the Word of G-d. False teachers will promise "Liberty" but turn from the Holy Commandments, 2 Pet 2:1,19.

Btw, there is no conflict between Law & Liberty Ps 119:44-45: so should I keep the Law continually forever and ever 45: and I will walk at "Liberty" for I seek your Precepts

Gal 5:1 "bondage", Gal 2:4: and that because of "false" Brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our "Liberty" which we have a Messiah Y'shua, that they might bring us into "bondage" (Acts 15:1,5,10,24)

Gal 4:3: even so we, when we were children, were in "bondage"under the "elements" of the "world" (Col 2:20)...Gal 4:9: but now after that you have known G-d, or rather are known of G-d, how to "turn" you(this is a key) "again" to the "weak" and "beggarly" "elements"(vs 3) run to you desire again to be in "bondage"...

U used Gal 5:7: you did run well, who did "hinder"(Gal 2:4) you you should "not" "obey" the Truth, what is Truth James? Ps 119:142; your Righteousness is an Everlasting Righteousness and your Law is Truth.

James, who has Bewitched you that you should not obey the Truth? Please read Galatians 1:8-9 again, it's very important we catch this Galatians not talking about the law of G-d, which is the Law of Moshe
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
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2/9/18 9:11 pm

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Post Da Sheik
If “Moshe” were here today, he would tell you to worship Jesus and abandon this foolishness you are trying to promote here. You are at odds with the Gospel. Paul’s harshest criticism was of the Judaizers. You are promoting their agenda. Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
2/9/18 9:42 pm

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Post that is the most convoluted, twisted brotherjames
Interpretation of Galatians I have ever read. You are unbelievably deceived if you actually believe what you just wrote. What is truth you ask? Jesus is the only truth and He came to set the captives free and I would include those captive to the Law of Moshe in that one too. And before you call me stud and tell me how wrong I am, I don't care. And I am done. Go away until you find Christ and be set free in Jesus Name. I truly feel sorry for you and you are not my brother. I pray someday you will be. Maybe on that day all Israel is saved. My family includes blood Jews from Israel some of whom have accepted Ysuhua and others who have not. But none of the ones who have been born again keep any of the law, tjey do observe Passover as a memorial only. Get over yourself. You are ignorant of the truth.

Last edited by brotherjames on 2/9/18 9:51 pm; edited 2 times in total
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2/9/18 9:44 pm

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Post Re: that is the most convoluted, twisted Isa 58:12
brotherjames wrote:
Interpretation of Galatians I have ever read. You are unbelievably deceived if you actually believe what you just wrote. What is truth you ask? Jesus is the only truth and He came to set the captives free and I would include those captive to the Law of Mises in that one too. And before you call me stud and tell me how wrong I am, I don't care. And I am done. Go away until you find Christ and be set free in Jesus Name. I truly feel sorry for you and you are not my brother. I pray someday you will be. Maybe on that day all Israel is saved. My family includes blood Jews from Israel some of whom have accepted Ysuhua and others who have nkt. But none of the ones who have been birn again keep any of the lae, tjey do observe Passover as a memorial only. Get over yourself. You are ignorant ofbthe truth.

Please james, breakdown what I said like I do for you and please show me what I have wrong, no need to get upset let's work it out
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem

Last edited by Isa 58:12 on 2/9/18 10:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2547
2/9/18 9:49 pm

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Post Isa 58:12
Da Sheik wrote:
If “Moshe” were here today, he would tell you to worship Jesus and abandon this foolishness you are trying to promote here. You are at odds with the Gospel. Paul’s harshest criticism was of the Judaizers. You are promoting their agenda.

Please, show me the verse where Y'shua said I came to set you free of the Law of Moshe because it's foolishness. And read my post again sheik, my message is nothing like theirs I'm not telling you y'all need to be circumcised and to keep all the Law of Moshe to be saved.
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2547
2/9/18 9:53 pm

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Post I noticed you did not respond to my post, so...again.... Aaron Scott
Isa 58:12 wrote:
Da Sheik wrote:
If “Moshe” were here today, he would tell you to worship Jesus and abandon this foolishness you are trying to promote here. You are at odds with the Gospel. Paul’s harshest criticism was of the Judaizers. You are promoting their agenda.

Please, show me the verse where Y'shua said I came to set you free of the Law of Moshe because it's foolishness. And read my post again sheik, my message is nothing like theirs I'm not telling you y'all need to be circumcised and to keep all the Law of Moshe to be saved.

Right, you are not saying we must be circumcised to be saved. Yet you imply that to be obedient to God, we must keep the law. Yet how can we stay saved if we are not being obedient to God?????

Please address this. I also noticed you said “all the Law of Moshe.” Well, what parts of the Law, then, can we safely ignore?

I’ll be waiting.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6039
2/10/18 7:42 am

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Post Re: I noticed you did not respond to my post, so...again.... Isa 58:12
Aaron Scott wrote:
Isa 58:12 wrote:
Da Sheik wrote:
If “Moshe” were here today, he would tell you to worship Jesus and abandon this foolishness you are trying to promote here. You are at odds with the Gospel. Paul’s harshest criticism was of the Judaizers. You are promoting their agenda.

Please, show me the verse where Y'shua said I came to set you free of the Law of Moshe because it's foolishness. And read my post again sheik, my message is nothing like theirs I'm not telling you y'all need to be circumcised and to keep all the Law of Moshe to be saved.

Right, you are not saying we must be circumcised to be saved. Yet you imply that to be obedient to God, we must keep the law. Yet how can we stay saved if we are not being obedient to God?????

Please address this. I also noticed you said “all the Law of Moshe.” Well, what parts of the Law, then, can we safely ignore?

I’ll be waiting.

Shabbat Shalom Aaron, right, I'm not saying to be circumcised is to be saved, do you think it is? And that's how we be obedient to G-d by keeping his Instructions His Laws His Commandments. Did G-d ever say anything other than that to be obedient to? Please read the Bible lesson and let's talk about that a lot of your answers will be answered there 😋

This is the problem of how people have been taught about G-d's Laws, they never understood them. Church denominations they have lumped all the Laws into 1 Word as Law singular, there had always been a spirit of anti-Semitism u should do history on that. Parts of the Torah/Law that we don't have to do r all the Temple Laws, no Temple & high priestly Laws which were alot

All the Commandments, Laws, instructions that we t to keep today r the ones you find yourself in, and whatever situation you're in, I'll give you an example. I am not a farmer, those Laws don't apply to me. I'm not a woman those Laws don't apply to me. I'm not married those Laws don't apply to me....

I have a child those Laws apply to me, I am single those Laws apply to me, I have a business those Laws apply to me... See, we don't keep the law to be saved we keep G-d's Laws because we're saved, is that simple. We keep the Laws in whatever situation we find ourself in and that applies to us. I would not have known since it wasn't by the Law

Please read and be a part of the Bible lesson ask questions

Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2547
2/10/18 8:28 am

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Post revuriah
So what this seems to be a gentile that really appreciates Jewish culture, even writing as a Jewish person would (G-d, L-rd, Y’shua, etc.). I totally understand the love of that culture, but we are not for the most part Jewish. Being grafted in does not mean assimilating to that culture and their customs and laws. The work of righteousness for the Christian comes from Christ’s work on the cross,, “because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:2-4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

As this is a continuation from the previous chapter, Paul was clearly speaking of the Law of Moses. He even referred to the 10th commandment (covetousness), Rom. 7:7. So which is it? You seem bent on making the the Mosaic Law binding on the Christian in order to please God. Where does the line get drawn? And how is that any different than the Judaizers? The net result is the same; Law as a requirement to be in right standing with God.

I admit I’m not the sharpest axe in the shed, but I have a firm grasp on solid NT.

I attend church with a Messianic Jew from the Netherlands that does not carry on as Isa 58 does. Great brother in the Lord.
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2/10/18 8:50 am

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Post Isa 58:12
revuriah wrote:
So what this seems to be a gentile that really appreciates Jewish culture, even writing as a Jewish person would (G-d, L-rd, Y’shua, etc.). I totally understand the love of that culture, but we are not for the most part Jewish. Being grafted in does not mean assimilating to that culture and their customs and laws. The work of righteousness for the Christian comes from Christ’s work on the cross,, “because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:2-4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

As this is a continuation from the previous chapter, Paul was clearly speaking of the Law of Moses. He even referred to the 10th commandment (covetousness), Rom. 7:7. So which is it? You seem bent on making the the Mosaic Law binding on the Christian in order to please God. Where does the line get drawn? And how is that any different than the Judaizers? The net result is the same; Law as a requirement to be in right standing with God.

I admit I’m not the sharpest axe in the shed, but I have a firm grasp on solid NT.

I attend church with a Messianic Jew from the Netherlands that does not carry on as Isa 58 does. Great brother in the Lord.

Shabbat Shalom, I haven't talked to you in a long time 🙂. Well let me just start off by asking u N.T. questions since ur solid on it to think about, no answer needed. U + others seem to think I'm "binding" G-ds Laws/Instructions on u.

My questions, how come after the death and resurrection of Messiah the disciples, apostles, are still keeping the Laws / Torah& the N.T. supports that veiw, in all texts of the Bible. Example Rev 14:12: here is the patience of the Saints here are "they" that "keep" the Commandments of G-d and the faith of Y'shua

& is that really true discipleship/imitation of our Savior Y'shua. Because He kept the Laws in " obedience" not in requirement. 1 John 2:6: he that says he abides in Him himself also to walk, even as He walked. Y'shua kept instruction of the father that's John chapter 12 and 14. It's even in the Bible lesson this week I posted😉

And again, I say, it's not about being Jewish or grafted into Y'srael and we do what they do, how else are we going to victim of jealousy if they don't see us doing what they do Rom 11:11. G-d gave them the Oracles of G-d in Rom 3:2.

Everybody's concerned about their cultures, believe me I hear this all the time. We don't turn Jewish our blood doesn't turn Jewish etc. We r grafted into G-ds Way of life He set up for His people. & We're either going to do it, or be just like the children of Y'srael they didn't want to keep His Commandments either

You talked about where does the line get drawn in the sand, I believe God is already Drawing the Line in the Sand, and people are erasing it everyday. That's called editing G-d.

Look, you can live anyway you want but make sure is based upon the Bible in all text of the Bible, not one scripture here one scripture there.

ShabBAT Shalom
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2547
2/10/18 11:47 am

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