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Using young, new, and retired ministers.... Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Using young, new, and retired ministers.... Aaron Scott
I know that all of us pastors tend to zealously guard our pulpits. But I wonder if one of the reasons we aren't seeing another generation arise is NOT because of Church of God polity (hmmph! they don't allow women to be bishops--I'm outta here! OR hummph! they won't let me be a bishop at 18--I'm outta here)...but because we have left behind a time when pastors were GENEROUS with their pulpits.

No, they were not CARELESS with them, but GENEROUS. Charles Forgey, a man that I imagine only a few older folks even know of, was such a pastor. He pastored the Ladd Springs Church of God in the late 50s and early 60s. My dad, having received the Holy Ghost in Bro. Forgey's revival at that church in 1958 or so, felt the call to preach. And from that church, and from that particular season, at least four Church of God evangelists arose (and three of them later pastors).

Bro. Forgey would have my dad preach long before my father had developed sermon skills. He would push the young men to speak, and from that, they began to develop. Eventually, other doors opened. Then others...and so I was born into the home of a full-time Church of God evangelist.

But today--AND I AM DEEPLY GUILTY OF THIS MYSELF!--I tend to always want a "silver bullet" speaker. Someone that will come in and, with one great sermon, do all that is needed. All while there are young, new, or retired ministers that could be a blessing to the church...and we could be a blessing to them! Oh, how it must hurt a retired minister to feel that he has been shelved, to find that, once out of active ministry, his phone calls diminish, and his ministry seems less and less desired.

Yes, sometimes God seems to lay a particular person on my heart. But consider that the sower didn't hold back from sowing the seed until he found ground that HE thought was suitable. Nope, he just kept on sowing, not knowing what might become of it. The same with our ministers. Some newbie might come and trip all over himself trying to preach. Friends, when there is someone who is sincerely seeking to lift up Jesus, God will work around the mix-ups and mess-ups and bless anyway!

I say let's start using some ministers so they CAN develop...and others because they can develop US.

If I remember correctly, I read that Carl Richardson, at his first revival, preached ALL of his sermons in 15 minutes! And yet God did something wonderful there--and he found out that a couple had gotten saved all those years before.

My dad, when asked about the toughest revival he had, mentioned a church that he said "must have been going through something." All he knew to do was preach on, even though it was just rough sledding. For 40 or so years, he thought that he had been able to do much good there. Then, a couple of years or so ago, preaching at a church in south Florida, a woman came up to him and told him she had received the Holy Ghost during that "tough" revival!

Who knows but that your's will be the church that, in the future, some outstanding pastor or preachers says, "That church gave me a chance that helped me become what I am today"?

Or some retired minister who still has a passion for souls, who will preach with true tears running down his cheeks, will say, "Thank you so much for allowing me this opportunity."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6039
6/16/17 9:50 pm

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Post Cojak
A very good post my friend. I had a talk with one pastor and this subject came up. He said "Honestly, since we only have Sunday Morning Service, I feel guilty using a guest speaker of any kind."

I had thought of that, but that was the first time I had heard it verbalized.

There have also been too many 'older preachers' who have given pastors a hard row to hoe at times, that many pastors are afraid of that situation.

Most NEW younger preachers will do a world of good at a church. I always enjoyed seeing a young speaker spread their wings. As a younger man I once did the youth services at the New York Camp Meeting. I used most of my weeks programs the first night and had to scratch QUICK for the rest of the week. We and the kids had a great time, it was a learning experience with many Haitian, Jamaican and Romanian kids. I loved it once I learned to pace myself. LOL
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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6/16/17 10:23 pm

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
Good post, Aaron. When ya gonna let the ole timer preach fer ya? Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
6/16/17 11:36 pm

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Post Didn't Work Out for My Friend FG Minister
My good friend recently allowed a young man in his church, the opportunity to preach. He is very well liked in the congregation of about 50. The young man said numerous times, "I only went to the 10th grade but don't need no more education." To which most people "amened." He then said "these educated preachers say "Holy Spirit," but we all know it's supposed to be the "Holy Ghost!" At that, people were standing on their feet in praise. Needless to say, My friend is stuck . If he tries to correct the young man, he'll receive blowback. If he doesn't allow him to preach again, he'll get blowback.

My Minister of Music wants to start preaching soon, but I have a plan. He must submit his sermon to me in advance for my approval. I won't have the kind of problem my friend had, but one never knows. There is a reason to guard one's pulpit!!
Posts: 875
6/17/17 12:12 pm

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Post JLarry
Aaron I was privedledged to preach for you a few years ago.

I get it. When I started it was common for a pastor to ask a visiting minister to preach. Now pastors guard their pulpits more. Some because they are concerned that a visiting minister may not by established. I suppose there are various other reasons.

I preached 52 times my first year. I will be eternally grateful to those men who gave me a chance.

Maybe pastors could allow younger or elder ministers to preach once every 3-4 months. Maybe they could explain to the congregation they want to give the younger ministers a chance to get started. Maybe they could let the church know the younger ministers are not seasoned so be patient with them.
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6/17/17 12:43 pm

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Post JLarry
Early on at one church I pastored a black lady kept telling me about the places she preached at. So I invited her to preach on a Sunday night. The first thing she said was our pastor is a good man but he doing understand the word. She began correcting the sermon I preached that morning. She told the church that because of her faith she would never die. She continued talking about her super faith for about 15 minutes. I went to the pulpit and told her I would take it for here.

I corrected some of her biblical mistakes and dismissed. She went to two key ladies in the church and rebuked them for not taking up for her.

I never saw the lady again. I suppose she is now dead. One of my council members (husband to one of the ladied she approached) said he knew I was going to set her down.
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Acts Mod
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6/17/17 12:56 pm

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Post diakoneo
We don't have as many revivals as we once had.

When I was growing up in the Church of God it was a common occurence in the summer to have as many as 3 revivals. We would have at least 4 each year.

This allowed more opportunities for young evangelists to get going and more opportunities in general for a preacher. It also allowed for more opportunities for God to move.

I know those days are gone and they will not come back. Between the angst of pastors to give up the pulpit and fewer revivals, young preachers don't have much of a chance in the church BUT if they want to preach bad enough there are plenty of places (jails, prisons and nursing homes). If the calling is there, the fire in the bones won't allow for excuses!
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3382
6/17/17 1:22 pm

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Post FLRon
Everyone has their own list of reasons why they don't share their pulpits, but isn't not sharing your pulpit a bit narrow sighted? Meaning, how will the next generation of ministers gain the experience needed to become an effective pulpit minister if they don't get an opportunity?

Seems to me we can bemoan the lack of experience and skills, or whatever else we think the next gen is missing, or we can be a part of the solution to the problem by opening our pulpits.

There has always been some reluctance or hesitation because of fear of what someone might say. But truthfully, doesn't that fall upon the pastor to know them that labor among us beforehand?
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
Posts: 782
6/19/17 3:31 pm

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Post sheepdogandy
My Associate Pastor preaches.

Our Licensed Minister preaches.

I have a young man who joined our Congregation out of the Baptist Church, while having received a call to preach, has yet to receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

He preaches once a month on Wed.

Over the years I have invited several retired Ministers to preach.

I seek out young ministers and use them often.

If anything gets broke, I will fix it. Laughing
Charles A. Hutchins
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6/21/17 9:09 am

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Post skinnybishop
Good post, good topic.

A guest speaker can cost you....and I don't just mean money.

There are several types of special speakers.

1. Serious New Minister
This person is called of God, but simply needs experience. Their skills are lacking, but their ministry won't hurt you. The biggest issue is convincing the church to be patient while they learn. The only way to learn is to do. Many church members aren't willing to let Serious New Minister learn. Serious Minister makes mistakes and is awkward, so nobody wants to come to church when he preaches.

2. Mama Called Minister
Thinks he/she has been called. They are sure of it, because Mama said so and it was confirmed by Granny, when they were 10. This person and their immediate family are the only ones who think they are called. This person is often wrong, but seldom in doubt.

3. Church Boss/Lay Speaker
Small church. Sick pastor. Few options. Enter Church Boss/Lay Speaker. He fills the pulpit on Sunday night, because there is no one else. (Dear Lord.) This is his OPEN MIKE night and he gets to gripe about everything that is wrong with the church, pastor, and denomination. "I remember back in 1968 we had a PURE church around here)

4. The Charismatic Weirdo Evangelist
This guy has been highly recommended. You've never heard him, but from all indications, he can bring it. ON the phone, he tells you he just finished a revival in Florida where 287 people were Baptized in the Holy Ghost and 14 demons were cast out of one woman. When he left, the church was on fire for God.

This guy is determined that the Gifts of the Spirit are going to manifest every service. Signs and wonders should be evident every 10 min. IF the Spirit isn't moving, he will do everything possible to get things going. (How many of you want more of the Holy Ghost? ....Come down to this altar. and take my hand! Quickly!)

No matter what.....the Charismatic Preacher Show MUST go on.

The show is critical to the future, so he informs people (altar) that their legs are crooked, they have an ingrown spleen, and asks if they ever experience stress. "The Lord revealed to me, that you are going through a hard time"

Half of the church is in awe....half of the church is ready to puke.

There are more....But I've said enough
Eddie Wiggins
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6/21/17 10:02 am

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Post Cojak
I would assume our pastor KNOWS who is in his pulpit.

I have heard the advice, 'If he does not help you, he CERTAINLY will not hurt you!' My short PASTORATE experience I trusted many of my fellow ministers to tell the truth about someone they might recommend. I was never steered wrong. And I thank God for that.

It takes a lot of LOVE, tact and prayer to manage the local (man or woman) whom you are sure are mislead. And there are a lot of them, I was one myself.

Embarassed Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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6/21/17 12:05 pm

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Post The church boss... Cojak
I am one fortunate dude. I lived in the parsonage of 6 churches before I left home. Never once did I hear my dad mention a church boss or someone who wanted to tell him how to pastor. I pastored three churches in the COG and never encountered one.

I know they must exist, because I have heard it from men I trust so I am not contradicting anyone. I am just saying I have been blessed and fortunate.

Smile Smile Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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6/21/17 12:10 pm

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