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Have you ever crashed emotionally?
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Post Have you ever crashed emotionally? caseyleejones
A few weeks back I crashed emotionally ie..severe low point emotionally, with major anxiety issues added to it. I was never suicidal and its never an issue. But on a 1-10 scale, I was close to a 2. I am a male in my 40's, I love God and my family. I have been through several major surgeries that were life threatening, but still recovered fine. I was even so low that my wife was recommending going to the doctor and getting meds for short term only.

What do you do when you crash emotionally? I prayed and read the Word on the mind. While it did boost me to a 3, that was it. I have pretty much recovered and looked back and wondered how I got to that point.

In doing some research, I noticed that depression, anxiety and the like is very prevalent in and out of the church. At the same time, very little is ministered from the pulpit.

I have only one tape set that is by Joyce Meyer that is a 4 tape series on dealing with depression. But that is all I can find and it is always a big help for me.

Maybe my question is this, if depression is so prevalent in the church, why is it not more discussed or taught in the church?
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
6/4/11 11:42 am

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Post MARK317
Casey. I don't know what major surgery you had to have. On March 27th I had a heart attack of all places, while I was preaching. The pain got to one point and leveled off, so I finished the sermon. Prior to this I knew I had a problem with angina and was taking meds and had a stress test that showed just parcial blockage.
My wife took me to emergency and I had 95 and 90% blockage. They did an angioplasty and I am ok today.
The reason I write is that I went through a bout with depression. It was anxiety x 10! I went a period of 64 hours of not one second of sleep. I had 3 doctors tell me that the majority of people who have a heart procedure, experience anxiety and depression. One doctor is one of our Pastors in the COG and told me this.
I got help with sleeping and the anxiety is virtualy gone.
Don't beat yourself up over this, but seek some help.
BTW if any of you develop an issue with your heart, try to have an angiogram ( It's 100% accurate) .....the treadmill missed my blockage and it almost cost me my life......keep this in mind............blessing brother.
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6/4/11 12:38 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
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6/4/11 1:15 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Last year I was working on a big, huge, HUGE project and my deadline came up before I was ready. Over 6 days I worked between 90 and 100 hours so I could meet my deadline and satisfy my customer. During that time my adrenaline was going pretty much non-stop and while I was EXTREMELY stressed I was kind of out of it and was just getting the job done. Then, after it was done, everything hit me. I would be walking down the hall in my house and would just start crying. Every night I would vent to my wife for 1.5 to 2 hours while she laid on the bed and listened. Just a non-stop verbal stream of consciousness to try to process things and get them out of my head. I don't know what the definition of a nervous breakdown is but as you said on a scale of 1 to 10 I was easily at a 2.

To start, you MUST get away from the source of stress. You may feel like this is in your mind because it is based in anxiety, your thought life, etc. But stress is highly physiological. When you are in "fight or flight" mode your body releases a hormone called cortisol into your bloodstream. This is highly useful in such circumstances because it gives you energy, heightened memory, reduces your ability to feel pain and helps your body stay in homeostasis. It is extremely useful when you're getting chased by a tiger and need to temporarily perform at a much higher level so you can escape and get to safety.

The problem is, we don't get chased by tigers, we get chased by multi-week projects, ongoing situations, and so on. There often isn't a quick escape. And so your body just continues to release cortisol into your bloodstream to help you to cope. And your body's not designed for that. When you don't escape, your body doesn't have an opportunity to chill out and return to normal before the next secretion of cortisol, and this results in chronic stress as cortisol begins to build up. It impairs your mental performance, eats your muscle tissue, reduces your bone density, lowers your immunity, raises your blood pressure and more. Which consequently makes it easier to get stressed and lowers your overall health and makes the situation even worse.

So in short, you MUST escape the source of your anxiety to give your body a chance to recover. Whatever that takes. Because until you do you'll have a steady flow of cortisol and it will make you seem as if you are crashing emotionally, but you'll really just be experiencing a very typical and well documented physiological response.

In my case, I'm sure I had a pretty steady flow of it for about 6 days (and lesser so for 2 weeks or so after that as we deployed and tested what I had built.) This took about 7-8 months to completely physiologically recover from. 6 days of constant stress (with the exception of the 3-5 hours I would sleep), 7-8 months before I felt "normal" again. You can best believe in those seven months I radically altered and changed my lifestyle so I would never go back to that place again.

In addition to removing the source of your stress and anxiety by whatever means necessary, force yourself to eat right and exercise frequently. This will cause physiological responses that will help to counteract the responses caused by a buildup of cortisol in your system.

It certainly would not hurt to talk to a qualified, respected Christian therapist as that may assist in dealing with and removing the source of stress. Medicine should not be discounted either. You don't have to take an SSRI like Paxil or Zoloft forever but taking it for a short time under the care of a qualified professional can assist you in transitioning back to normal physiological functioning.

Finally, and most importantly, keep doing what you're doing and keep on keeping on. Pray, stay in the Word, etc. Get around good Christian friends. Right after those 6 days, I would attend multiple church services, Bible studies, prayer times, etc., so I could be around strong Christian brothers whose company I could just enjoy and relax in.

I will be praying for you. I went through this in the beginning of 2010 and wouldn't wish it on anyone. But God brought me through it and I know He will bring you through it as well.
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6/4/11 1:45 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
Ever crashed emotionally?


Getting plenty of rest (but not too much), staying busy, getting regular exercise, fresh air, good nutrition (especially eliminate caffeine and sugar if possible, as these are major stress-amplifiers). Those are the best things to do on a consistent basis. Antidepressants may help for a short time too, though over the long haul they don't generally continue to work as well as they may have at first.
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6/4/11 2:46 pm

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Post yes, I know. Please pray! Mark A. Halloran
Yes, I am in the midst of it right now! Can't do anything to pull myself out. Sleep patterns all out of whack, body aches and pains, no interest in anything I used to do, attention span is non existent, I just don't seem to care about anything that used to matter including ministry, job, health. I spent the last 6 months losing 60 pounds and now I can't stop eating.

I try to resist, I try praying, I try talking to wife but I just seem to be spiriling round and round. I see everything happening, I know what i am doing and feeling, but can't seem to break through with prayer.

So, yes, I know what it means and right now I don't see a light in the tunnel. I would even welcome the train right now but it just seems hopeless at the moment. I don't have any suicidal thoughts, just don't have any ambition to even leave the house, study, work the new company, etc even though I know our finances are headed bad, I just can't seem to pull it together.

I would appreciate some prayer so that this fog will lift so i can begin to function again on any level.
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6/6/11 3:19 pm

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Post RE: Rick Metzgar Jr
I took Zoloft for a brief period prior to my split 2 years ago. I hated it, that wasnt the issue. The worst part of it is that when experiencing grief or other things in your life that require emotional capacity. You basically have none and you are like a zombie. Your just in a "state" of "existence". Literally there could be a robbery and your like "just chill" lol. Golf Cart Mafia Associate
Posts: 2003
6/7/11 1:40 pm

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Post Yes, yes and yes W. Ray Williams
I experienced two episodes in the last three years. The first was 6 months after my last deployment. I was stressed, the complexity of life in e US is extremem compared to the simplicity of life ia combat theat. I saw a counselor for several months and found a good place.

Just this year I struggled from NOV - JAN. I finally talked to my Doc in JAN and started taking Zoloft for about 60 days. I weaned off the Zoloft and I am doing good now, although there are still some days that are harder than others.

I pray, talk to my wife, talk to two or three others that I trust explicitly with my life secrets and read the Bible and some other books. I also run, eat better and concentrate on work and ministry.

I am praying for you and know that there are a lot of us out there.

Posts: 881
6/7/11 2:11 pm

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Post NPS39
Yes! I had a heart attack while preach January 1st, was rushed to the hospital, had a stent put in. Six weeks later I had triple bypass at the age of 48 and with no health insurance and a daughter in college. Even though my surgery was in February, it hit me in late June and throughout July, I didn't take any meds but probably should have...I was all over the place.

I firmly believe that sometimes you need help to get through these things, prayer and the Word absolutely work and are the first priority...but sometimes we need outside assistance and there's nothing wrong with it.

Depression is a devastating deal!
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6/7/11 4:06 pm

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Post Dear Brother Halloran doyle
Blessings to you for sharing your heart and the struggle you're going through. Truth be known, every Man of God including some great ones in the Bible, have gone through difficult times emotionally.

Some struggles may be physical and others emotional and spiritual, but regardless which they are, the struggle pulls us down.

Even our precious Lord Jesus sweated blood one night. I know He was bearing the burden of sin but also was under intense pressure over what He was facing physically and the human pressures being placed on Him.

Some of the other posters have given excellent advice in this thread and all of that advice can help, but sometimes we who love the Lord and especially those who have answered the Call to carry His Gospel news where ever our Lord says, face spiritual forces too.

Regardless whether it is just physical, emotional or even spiritual, please know that I'm including you in my prayers this week. Never ever have I healed anyone but I've prayed and have like other ministers, seen our wonderful Lord heal people in mind, body and spirit.

"Lord Jesus, along with others I lift my voice today and call out to you the name of our Brother Mark Halloran. We remember the time when You spoke to a storm and it laid down at your feet like a little puppy and grew calm. That night You rescued a boatload of disciples.

"I pray today that the precious Holy Spirit comes and visits Brother Halloran, that You speak to the storms going on his life and especially to those emotional and spiritual things that have been dragging him down.

"May Your guiding hand and unconditional love minister to Him today. Heal him and raise Him up to do Your wonderful work I pray. We ask it in the Name that is above every name, the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen."

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Last edited by doyle on 6/8/11 3:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
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6/7/11 4:31 pm

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Post Link
If you feel like this because of some body chemistry issue (related to stress), here are some things you can do: sleep more and at regular hours, exercise (lift weights, running, etc.--check with your doctor first if you had a heart attack), take Omega 3 Fatty acids, and have some intimate time with your wife to get those endorphins flowing.

And of course, pray and read the word and spend time praising the Lord. Psalm 42 is a good passage to meditate on if you are depressed. (When your blue, Psalm 42.)
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6/7/11 6:56 pm

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Post yes.............. String Bender55
I did more than crash. I fell apart and was a total mess for 4 years after my Father died. It was the lowest point in my life to this day.
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6/7/11 7:49 pm

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Post Ok, so I'm not a man but........... RaceForTheCure
Anesthesia in and of itself can result in delayed depression. And of course there are life events that cause it for sure. I've been laid off 3 times in 5 years and have been on a crazy emotional roller coaster. Sometimes simple things can help - keep all the lights on - sitting in the dark is depressing by itself. Take vitamin D. Get up and move even if it's nothing more than taking the dog for a walk. Encourage yourself out loud - sounds silly but Mary Kay, the cosmetics gazillionaire, looked in the mirror and told herself every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better and better. Get a complete physical. You might be physically out of whack and it's causing you to be emotionally out of whack. Talk to someone you trust. Pray.
My husband got depressed many years ago and for 2 weeks he stayed in bed and only got up to go to the bathroom. He even kept the covers over his head. I tried to talk to him but even to this day he says he doesn't know what was wrong.
Just don't allow yourself to stay in a depressed state too long before you see a doctor, ok?
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6/7/11 8:30 pm

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Post I need to clarify.... caseyleejones
I had some serious surgeries, but recovered fine both physically and emotionally....which was many years ago.

This situation was recently. Just as many have described, I honestly didn't care about anything and was more in a a zombie state. Everything seemed hopeless. I would weep for no reason and a plain mess.
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6/7/11 9:33 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
That sounds like some of the classic symptoms of clinical depression Casey. If symptoms (such as hopelessness, worthlessness, lack of normal pleasure in life) persist for more than a few weeks, seek professional help. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
6/7/11 11:11 pm

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Post curly
Link wrote:
If you feel like this because of some body chemistry issue (related to stress), here are some things you can do: sleep more and at regular hours, exercise (lift weights, running, etc.--check with your doctor first if you had a heart attack), take Omega 3 Fatty acids, and have some intimate time with your wife to get those endorphins flowing.

And of course, pray and read the word and spend time praising the Lord. Psalm 42 is a good passage to meditate on if you are depressed. (When your blue, Psalm 42.)

Good advice.
Acts Enthusiast
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6/7/11 11:27 pm

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Post Cojak
curly wrote:
Link wrote:
If you feel like this because of some body chemistry issue (related to stress), here are some things you can do: sleep more and at regular hours, exercise (lift weights, running, etc.--check with your doctor first if you had a heart attack), take Omega 3 Fatty acids, and have some intimate time with your wife to get those endorphins flowing.

And of course, pray and read the word and spend time praising the Lord. Psalm 42 is a good passage to meditate on if you are depressed. (When your blue, Psalm 42.)

Good advice.

Man I hate to quote Curly Shocked but he is right, this is good advice!

(Good point Curly!)
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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6/7/11 11:34 pm

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Post curly
Cojak wrote:
curly wrote:
Link wrote:
If you feel like this because of some body chemistry issue (related to stress), here are some things you can do: sleep more and at regular hours, exercise (lift weights, running, etc.--check with your doctor first if you had a heart attack), take Omega 3 Fatty acids, and have some intimate time with your wife to get those endorphins flowing.

And of course, pray and read the word and spend time praising the Lord. Psalm 42 is a good passage to meditate on if you are depressed. (When your blue, Psalm 42.)

Good advice.

Man I hate to quote Curly Shocked but he is right, this is good advice!

(Good point Curly!)

Why would anyone hate to quote Curly? nuck nuck nuck
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6/8/11 8:13 am

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Post Curley Cojak
Love ya man! Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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6/8/11 11:00 pm

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Post Phillip Johnson
Last year at Christmas (2009), I was able to take almost two weeks of vacation . After spending nearly six months in class with my job on the line every weekend taking a system test or fundamentals test, I immediately went into anxiety and depression when I went on vacation and was no longer under the load of stress. I can't describe the fear (primarily of death), sadness, heaviness, and rapid fire thoughts that would pop into my head. It was so intense and I didn't know what to do. I couldn't catch my breath, I didn't feel like eating, and I couldn't sleep. I also had so many questions about my faith and the purpose of life. I didn't know what to do. The only things that helped were walking vigorously while praying, or (like Dave Dorsey) just talking to my wife. She has been through anxiety and depression much stronger and for longer periods than I believe I could have handled. She understood and comforted me. It helped me understand what she had been through. It took me a couple months before I can say I was able to beat the constant fear and sadness. But some of the issues that presented themselves a year and a half ago have never fully gone away. I don't have the thoughts or the fears or the sadness, but many of the questions still pop in my head occasionally. It's not fun, but I don't think it is unusual. Link's advice was the best. Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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6/9/11 4:59 pm

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