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Is Masturbation a Sin?
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Post Is Masturbation a Sin? KingsKid
When I was young I was taught in church that masturbation is a sin and that if I did it I would go to Hell. That misguided, legalistic, unscriptural advice resulted in a horrific guilt trip that lasted off-and-on throughout my adolescent years.

After much prayer and study I have concluded that those who put the guilt trip on me were in error.

Now, I tell my own children that masterbation is a gift from God - a natural release valve He has given us to help control pent up sexual urges. However, as with any good thing, it should be used in moderation.

What do you think?

Edited to correct spelling.

Last edited by KingsKid on 2/28/08 10:06 am; edited 1 time in total
Friendly Face
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2/28/08 8:04 am

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Post Masterbation is NOT a sin.............. String Bender55
How you have spelled masturbation could be. Surprised Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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2/28/08 8:30 am

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Post Excellent post kingskid..... caseyleejones
Basically, I have heard the same thing all my years even now unto my old age.....

That said, I can say ...I honestly don't know.

I do think it is wrong for married individuals since it is defrauding a spouse. At the same time, there are countless times I have run into couples where as Pat Benatar sings....."using sex as a weapon". What is a man to do?

As far as a release valve???? I am not sure. I am not saying I agree but I honestly see your point and it could very well be true.

The only problem with that is with the masturbation process, what kind of thoughts are going through ones mind during this........time of release? That might be a concern.
Acts-perienced Poster
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2/28/08 8:35 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Not to be crude, but I'm pretty sure nocturnal emissions are the natural release valve God has given to alleviate pent-up urges. As for masturbation, I struggled with that for years as a teenager (and into my adulthood, and even now, being engaged and madly in love but living a chaste and godly life in Christ Jesus, still do frequently struggle with the desires and urges that motivate it) and know it's impossible to do without lusting, which is unquestionably a sin. We are to crucify our flesh and the lusts thereof. We don't smoke marijuana to release the pent-up frustration of a stressful day; we shouldn't fornicate with ourselves to release the pent-up frustration of youthful lust. Paul told Timothy to flee youthful lusts. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
2/28/08 8:36 am

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Post Memory03
l think the thoughts back in the day were that it was sin because of lust... the way of thinking was that "if you've done it in your heart, you may as well have done it in the flesh"... when you teach your kids that this is a gift from God, how do you justify "Lust of the Flesh"? has that changed or have you seared your conscience?
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Last edited by Memory03 on 2/28/08 8:42 am; edited 1 time in total
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2/28/08 8:38 am

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Post shaunbwilson
You may want to check out this thread.
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2/28/08 8:40 am

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Post Re: Is Masterbation a Sin? The CoG Bullet
while I'm pretty sure that this post is a lightning is fair occasion to say this...

I believe the true sin is preaching to a 21 year old college kid that God demands he respect women and remain a virgin until his wedding night...and then we tell him that he must control that urge through prayer and Bible Study while he gets his master's degree or goes on to law school, even if The Virgin In White doesn't come to him until he's pushing thirty. Should he ever touch the release valve, he will at best be a vile sinner standing in the need of prayer who should feel guilty because he is, and at worst dangling over the flames of hell by a gossamer thread.

That produces one frustrated young buck who has guilt heaped up on him by mounds. He'll beg God to forgive him every night and agonize over what a lustful sinner he is.

The other side is Missy Virgin. We tell her that Prince Christian, a youth pastor waiting to marry and on his way to the senior pulpit one day will be along any time now, probably before she's 19. But if not, stay true Missy and you too can become a doctor-only eight more years of school but hang on, God says Mr. Right will be there if you only believe. Don't you dare give over to the flesh because then you will be tainted goods and Mr. Right may never come. But in the meantime-you be sweet Missy and don't you dare...

It worked well when girls married at 14 and became grandmothers at 28.

It *aint* in the Bible. 10, 9, 8, 7...oh-that's the countdown till someone quotes "your Body is the temple" or "avoid the appearance of evil."


KingsKid wrote:
When I was young I was taught in church that masterbation is a sin and that if I did it I would go to Hell. That misguided, legalistic, unscriptural advice resulted in a horrific guilt trip that lasted off-and-on throughout my adolescent years.

After much prayer and study I have concluded that those who put the guilt trip on me were in error.

Now, I tell my own children that masterbation is a gift from God - a natural release valve He has given us to help control pent up sexual urges. However, as with any good thing, it should be used in moderation.

What do you think?

Shootin em' straight,
Groupin em' tight-
The CoG Bullet

Last edited by The CoG Bullet on 2/28/08 8:46 am; edited 1 time in total
Posts: 983
2/28/08 8:42 am

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Post Re: Is Masterbation a Sin? Memory03
what do you call a person who can bait 100 fish hooks in one minute?

a Master Baiter... Laughing Laughing Laughing
Be Blessed!
8233 post at the original Acts Board...

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2/28/08 8:44 am

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Post Bullet, excellent points....again..... caseyleejones
One of the problems we've had in society is that people are getting married later. When those sexual urges surfaced was usually in the early teen years. Think about it, when did people get married 100 years ago and before?

While I would not want my kids married before the age of 18, one can understand why people got married at a young age. Seriously, I wonder if that was a God thing for young people to marry in their early teens.
Acts-perienced Poster
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2/28/08 8:47 am

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Post I heard one pastor address in church as.... caseyleejones
solo sex.

I guess I don't see it as a sin.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
2/28/08 8:48 am

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Post Regardless, this will be the hottest topic today and will caseyleejones
get at least 100 posts by this evening..... Acts-perienced Poster
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2/28/08 8:49 am

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Post Re: Is Masterbation a Sin? Dave Dorsey
The CoG Bullet wrote:
That produces one frustrated young buck who has guilt heaped up on him by mounds. He'll beg God to forgive him every night and agonize over what a lustful sinner he is.

We must have a really low view of the keeping power of God, then. I'm hoping the girls will avoid this thread because of the title, so I'm going to assume they will and just be honest. When I started serving God, I was really, really addicted to pornography. And I stumbled a few times and knew that it was displeasing to God. So I resolved in my heart that I was not going to give in to that temptation again. The temptation came again, and I crucified it. I wasn't sweating blood, but I was sweating. It was and remains one of the most physically painful things I have ever experienced.

Everything in my flesh wanted to enjoy self-gratification, as it had experienced nearly every day for several years -- but here I was, this time, refusing, and saying no. I put my flesh under that day and I put it under hard. From the age of 19 I went over four years, coasting through my so-called sexual prime, without masturbating. It was scarcely even a temptation. I avoided temptation (if a scantily-clad woman would come on a TV commercial, I'd turn my head until it was over) and any time that temptation even threatened to come, I would put it under. My flesh obeyed me. It still does.

A few times lately, being engaged to and madly in love with history's most beautiful woman, I have found myself in situations where temptation was unavoidable. I'll wake up and not be fully together mentally yet, and therefore not fully able to exercise a great deal of control over what does or doesn't go through my mind, and I'll think about her and struggle. I prayed about this and recalled the words of the Master, "Watch and pray, that you enter not into temptation." I've taken to praying in the Spirit for a while before bed and that has solved the problem. We'll be married in 37 days; nevertheless, I want my life now to be pleasing to God.

I said all that to say this: I'm not special. If I can do it, anyone else can. I struggled constantly in my past, and recently I have struggled again. But the keeping power of God is stronger than any temptation. "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it."

Last edited by Dave Dorsey on 2/28/08 8:53 am; edited 1 time in total
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2/28/08 8:51 am

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Post Re: Regardless, this will be the hottest topic today and wil Memory03
caseyleejones wrote:
get at least 100 posts by this evening.....

bet you're right casey... Laughing Laughing Laughing

everbody wants hands on experience with threads like this... Laughing Laughing Laughing
Be Blessed!
8233 post at the original Acts Board...

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2/28/08 8:52 am

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Post Memory03
why do you think the male species needs this and the female species does not?
Be Blessed!
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2/28/08 8:55 am

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Post The CoG Bullet
tripsD wrote:
Not to be crude, but I'm pretty sure nocturnal emissions are the natural release valve God has given to alleviate pent-up urges. As for masturbation, I struggled with that for years as a teenager (and into my adulthood, and even now, being engaged and madly in love but living a chaste and godly life in Christ Jesus, still do frequently struggle with the desires and urges that motivate it) and know it's impossible to do without lusting, which is unquestionably a sin. We are to crucify our flesh and the lusts thereof. We don't smoke marijuana to release the pent-up frustration of a stressful day; we shouldn't fornicate with ourselves to release the pent-up frustration of youthful lust. Paul told Timothy to flee youthful lusts.

tripsD, I do hear you and I agree there is a fine line. You do what God calls you to, and especially in your situation-where you have a beautiful young lady wearing your ring waiting to be your bride-you have some hope. The prayer and Bible study method should work. I've been in your shoes.

But- I would also say that it is possible for a young guy to enjoy Lady Mythological Her. She's a nameless, generic chick who's there for a young guy's benefit anytime day or night. She looks nothing like the girl in math class, youth group, the Playmate of the month or his friend's hot mother. But she is mighty fine to him. She cant get pregnant and she wont' cause you to get an STD or sin against God. She lives in his mind and he cant wait till she grows a face and a personality when he starts to date her one day and finally sees her at the altar with a ring and a preacher. He'll have no memory of a relationship with her because she is a myth.

Just my thoughts. It's what I tell these young guys who come to me with tears in their eyes feeling like God is furious with them.

Shootin em' straight,
Groupin em' tight-
The CoG Bullet
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2/28/08 8:57 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Bullet, I totally understand where you're coming from. I definitely agree that the condemnation and judgment of the past is NOT the answer for those young men. But there is an answer, and that answer is not "it's okay, just try not to lust when you do it."

I have hope now, but when I was 19 I didn't have any hope. I was an overweight nerd who had never been on a date in his life and had been, with one exception, rejected by every girl he had ever approached. But that didn't matter to me. What mattered was living a life that was pleasing to God and having control over my flesh. And maybe I got off light, but I have a friend who didn't. He was very sexually active in his early twenties, and then came to Christ and changed his life. He's now married to the girl of his dreams, but he spent over five years in his late twenties "hopeless." But he still honored God. I have another friend whose story is very similar.

The answer is to teach young men about crucifying their flesh. You can pray and repent and agonize and ask God to take away those desires all you want, but it's not going to happen, not unless you die. As long as you're alive on this earth, you're going to have to put up with the lusts of the flesh. The question is, will you obey them or will they obey you?

When someone cuts you off in traffic, you don't run them down and stab them. Maybe you want to, but you don't. You crucify that desire of your flesh. A friend was telling us just last night in our community group about his boss, who is a total jerk and completely disregards him while taking credit for everything he does. He bears up and takes it every single day, and he does it with a smile on his face, because that's what Jesus would do. But he's been doing it for a really long time now. Wouldn't it be okay for him to just lash out and flip the guy's desk over? It would really help him to release some of that pent-up frustration.

The ultimate question in my mind is WWJD. Jesus was a man, let us never forget, who was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. There's no doubt in my mind that Jesus experienced the temptation of physical lust. Because if He didn't, He's not qualified to be my mediator, because He has no idea what I go through some mornings when I wake up. But the Scripture speaks differently of Him, saying, "For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted."

Jesus was alive in the flesh until He was 33 years old. That's pretty much total primo sexual activity time for a guy. Yet (and I know some will blasphemously claim this, but I think better of those here) He never masturbated. He never fulfilled that one desire of his flesh. If He can do it, He is able to aid us to do the same.

Guilt and condemnation won't do it, Bullet, you're right. They'll only make things worse. But there is a Word that will, a Word of life and not of death.
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2/28/08 9:09 am

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Post daddyohohoh
Great post Bullet!


why do you think the male species needs this and the female species does not?

Mem..are you so certain that women don't struggle with this issue. I think you might be surprised. IMO, while a man struggles with engaging in visual pronography, a women engages in an "intellectual" pornography. What I mean is that to a man everything is visual and to a women it's about plays in their head. To a woman a romance novel provides the perfect scenario to be played out and she is able to engage this situation for pleasure (not just for reading enjoyment).
John Keeling
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2/28/08 9:13 am

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Post Tim Finlayson
There has never been a toe tag in a morgue that read, "Cause of Death, lack of ejaculation." Blue balls,that is an urban myth. WE are not animals, we are made in the image of God and we have control over our bodies. Acts Enthusiast
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2/28/08 9:30 am

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Post Steve LaFever
I heard a Bible professor whose response was "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do with all thy might". Smile

Sorry about that, I couldn't resist.
Steve LaFever
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2/28/08 9:33 am

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Post LOL daddyohohoh
amplified wrote:
There has never been a toe tag in a morgue that read, "Cause of Death, lack of ejaculation."

That individual would have certainly been one frustrated person.
John Keeling
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2/28/08 9:38 am

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