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Is Freemasonry Harmless? |
Yes, it's harmless. |
13% |
[ 8 ] |
No, it's not harmless. |
63% |
[ 37 ] |
It's harmless to a certain "degree". (No pun intended) |
13% |
[ 8 ] |
Harmless to some, but not to others. |
6% |
[ 4 ] |
Other. (Post your "other" below.) |
1% |
[ 1 ] |
Total Votes : 58 |
Message |
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Is Freemasonry Harmless? |
shaunbwilson |
Is Freemasonry Harmless? _________________ Signature Themes: Connectedness | Futuristic | Ideation | Intellection | Learner
Last edited by shaunbwilson on 1/30/06 10:49 am; edited 1 time in total |
Site Admin Posts: 3222 1/23/06 8:49 am

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Re: Is Freemasonry Harmless? |
Old Time Country Preacher |
Freemasonry is about as harmless to the eternal soul as a coiled cornered rattlesnake is to the physical body..... |
Acts-pert Poster Posts: 15570 1/23/06 10:57 am
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My Father Belongs To Them |
But he only pays his dues and that's about it, doesn't attend any meetings or anything like that, even recently stopped put their stickers on his cars too.
 _________________ HOOVER, HOOVER, HOOVER!
Acts-dicted Posts: 7914 1/23/06 11:07 am

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Re: Is Freemasonry Harmless? |
sheshe |
I grew up in the Rainbows for girls. That is the girls division. Demolays are for boys. Easter Star is for women and men. The Masons are men only. White men only. (although there is a branch of black Masons that kind of started their own)
All four divisions are of the Free Masons.
My family has been involved for years. My dad is a 33rd degree Mason. Aunts, uncles, parents, cousins, and such have all grown up and been active in the Masons.
It is very much indeed harmful. _________________ He who has injured thee was either stronger or weaker than thee. If weaker, spare him; if stronger, spare thyself. William Shakespeare |
Hey, DOC Posts: 95 1/23/06 1:28 pm

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Link |
shaunbwilson |
Information about "Rainbows, Freemasonry" and "Rainbows, Assembly of God".
Google Answers _________________ Signature Themes: Connectedness | Futuristic | Ideation | Intellection | Learner |
Site Admin Posts: 3222 1/23/06 1:38 pm

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Harmless or not, I need a freemason |
chicagorev |
We have extensive tuckpoint work that needs to be done at the Church!  _________________ "what's so funny bout peace, love and understanding?"
831 frequently interrupted periods of posting on the Old Acts. LOL |
Member Posts: 46 1/28/06 11:44 am

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I Think That Most Freemason's Don't Have A Clue |
I mean, they don't know half of the "teachings" and believes of the order.
 _________________ HOOVER, HOOVER, HOOVER!
Acts-dicted Posts: 7914 1/28/06 12:01 pm

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Interesting post .. but WHY is it "NOT harmless" |
Rafael D Martinez |
I'd be interested in seeing replies to this .. _________________
Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? Galatians 4:16
These are trying times. Everyone's trying something and getting caught. The Church Lady, 1987 |
Acts-dicted Posts: 7766 5/2/06 7:40 am

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In MY experience... |
Yo Dude |
I think that much of freemasonary is akin to what we have done to Halloween.
Remember when Halloween was just for fun, and even COG kids enjoyed it? It was just about dressing up, having fun, and getting lots of candy. Until the wrong group came along and made us feel like we were actively supporting Satan if we partook, made us feel guilty if we did, made us stop doing it if we wanted to be considered "real" Christians?
Freemasonary may indeed have a dark side. But for most participants it appears to be little more than a social organization that gives them a place to be, a club to belong to, a purpose outside of work, etc.
I tend to take most comments about freemasonary in the same stride as I take comments about the lurking "Illuminati." It's more conspiracy theory than truth. Again, in my experience.
I knew some good men who were masons. I cannot believe that IF freemasonary were making them do satanic things, etc., that they would not have utterly rebelled and stopped their practices.
Kind of like the TV show "Cheers." That is the BRIGHT side of drinking and going to the bar (you get the idea). There is also a dark side. Some people always wind up on the dark side...and others, like the idyllic drinking life on Cheers, seem to use the bar as a means of fellowship, friendship, and so forth.
I wouldn't belong to a lodge just for testimony reasons. But neither can I condemn those who do...SO LONG AS THEY ARE INDEED NOT PART OF THINGS CONTRARY TO CHRISTIAN GRACE AND THE SPIRIT OF GOD.
That's my opinion. I don't believe the scripture DIRECTLY bears out against freemasonry, though IF freemasonary indeed has anti-God elements, then the scripture would be against it. |
Acts-dicted Posts: 8625 5/2/06 9:22 am
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freemasons |
sgapoboy |
a mason is a man who professes a faith in god. as a man of faith, he uses the tools of moral and ethical truths to serve mankind. A mason binds himself to likeminded men in a brotherhood that transcends all religious, ethnic ,social, cultural, and educational differences. In fellowship with his brothers, a mason finds ways in which to serve his god his family, his fellowman and his country. A mason is dedicated. He recognizes his responsibility for justice , truth, charity, enlightenment, freedom and liberty , honesty and integrity in all aspects of human endeaver. Know what is so bad about being a mason? looks to me like we need some of this in the church of god. |
Friendly Face Posts: 341 5/2/06 9:55 am
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Playing wiht fire |
famousflavius |
If you are in the masons, get out you are in extreme danger and playing with fire. It is of the Devil. |
Golf Cart Mafia Soldier Posts: 2447 5/2/06 10:16 am

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Re: Is Freemasonry Harmless? |
CoGKid50 |
No, it's not harmless. _________________ "All things are possible with God." |
Belt Jerker Posts: 516 5/2/06 10:57 am

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Men of remown who were Masons |
Anakrino |
George Washington
Benjamin Franklin
John Hancock
Paul Revere
James Monroe
Andrew Jackson
James Abram Garfield
Theodore Roosevelt
Harry S. Truman
Gerald R. Ford
Bob Dole
Winston Churchill
Douglas MacArthur
Trent Lott
Drs. William and Charles Mayo
Cy Young
Bart Starr
Roy Accuff
Roy Rogers
Certainly being a Mason was a harmful thing in the lives of these men! _________________ The way of Salvation is simple, but it is not easy. |
Friendly Face Posts: 304 5/2/06 11:02 am

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Re: Is Freemasonry Harmless? |
sgapoboy |
If you have never been a mason you dont know what you are talking about. There is nothing about Freemasonry that conflicts with any religion. I wish some of you would explain what is so harmful about it. |
Friendly Face Posts: 341 5/2/06 2:08 pm
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Dear South GA poor boy....... |
sheepdogandy |
You have got to be kidding?
So much information has been brought to "light" concerning this organization that I have trouble believing anyone with Evangelical/Pentecostal credentials would be "in the dark" about them.
Their own writings speak for themselves. _________________ Charles A. Hutchins
Senior Pastor SPWC
Congregational Church of God |
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology Posts: 7307 5/2/06 2:34 pm
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Re: Is Freemasonry Harmless? |
sgapoboy |
sheepdogy, i dont know what order you are talking about. i have been a mason for over fourty years . i have never seen this dark side that you are talking about. There are other orders that have formed from the freemasons. read my first post, that is the masons i know about. And i believe i am a better man for haveing been a part of it. And a better christian to. |
Friendly Face Posts: 341 5/2/06 2:57 pm
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Try this...... |
sheepdogandy |
"be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers"
"come out from among them and be ye separate"
What is the NAME of the great architect you as a mason recognize as the god who created the universe?
Clue: it's not JESUS. _________________ Charles A. Hutchins
Senior Pastor SPWC
Congregational Church of God |
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology Posts: 7307 5/2/06 3:03 pm
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Re: Is Freemasonry Harmless? |
sgapoboy |
We are not yoked with unbelievers. you have to profess your belief in God to be a mason. It is the same God you believe in. The creator of the universe. And most masons believe in Jesus. And the trinity |
Friendly Face Posts: 341 5/2/06 3:11 pm
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Well... |
Your wrong, to be a mason, you have to confess your beliefs in some sort of divine being or force. Nothing is specific as to which one. Jews, Christians, Muslims, Budhist, Hindus and other religions are accepted. I am not going to argue rather it's wrong or not I have not been in it, My uncle was one, and my pastor is against them (big uproar in the church.) I in not being one, do not have the experience to say ya or na. I will tell you this, my uncle was very active in our church, did practically everything he could for it, constantly was at work, and constantly helping, and constantly involved, after the uproar he no longer has anything to do with it. I will just sya this if the things I have heard are true, than I would be careful getting involved. You might say I am strong enough to resist a doctrine that is incorrect, but that is part of the lure of things, it eases you in to it, just like Catholics converting indians by easing them in. |
Friendly Face Posts: 349 5/2/06 3:39 pm
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Re: Is Freemasonry Harmless? |
sgapoboy |
Good post revkc, as i have said before, if conflicts with no religious order. i do not participate actively any more, but i do support there principles. we have a home for children in macon ga. there are many good things that the masons do. i just wish people were more educated as to the good things they do. i do not regret having been a member of this great order. when i joined the masons i was a bad persons. through the principle of free masonry i was encourage to get a spiritual program working for me. i have been involve in my church know for many years. i still visit my lodge every year to visit old friends that guided me in the right direction. |
Friendly Face Posts: 341 5/2/06 3:54 pm
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