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End-Time Great Revival
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Post End-Time Great Revival MS7777
I've been having a debate with another pastor as to whether we should be expecting a last great move of God before the return of Jesus to this world.

He maintains that the prophecy of Joel was fulfilled at the day of Pentecost (Peter said, this is that!) and that there is no basis in believing that there will be a final great move of God. When I read Joel 2, I see a former and a latter rain and a time when the two are combined into one former & latter rain. Now of course I am aware that we should never base any doctrine upon 1 verse but I have always heard and personally felt that the Day of Pentecost fulfilled the former rain, the 1900's revival fulfilled the latter rain (we're in it) and that there would be a former/latter last move of God. He says the Charismatic Outpuring of the 70's & 80's fulfilled the last of the last and that all we are waiting upon is the Return of Jesus. I have heard and read many prophecies about this going all the way back to Azusa St.

What do you think & do you have any basis for what you think based on Scripture? Just wondering.
Acts 1:8
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2/11/13 3:28 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
Since the last days began with Christ's first coming (Hebrews 1:2), and Peter, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, interpreted Joel's prophecy in Joel 2:28 of "It shall come to pass afterward," as "in the last days," my understanding is that the entire era from Pentecost to Christ's return to earth is meant to be a time in which God shall pour out His Spirit upon all mankind (not just occasionally and temporarily coming upon a few faithful Jews as was typical under the Old Covenant).

Another thing we have to keep in mind is that not all of Joel's prophecy that Peter based his Pentecost sermon on has been fulfilled yet, especially the end-time judgments upon the wicked that are included in Acts 2, so the idea that we can expect no further outpourings of the Holy Spirit before Jesus returns because "This is that" was supposedly all fulfilled in Acts 2 is simply not true to the facts of the prophecy itself.

Also, we know from other passages in Scripture that revival and outpourings of the Spirit are conditioned upon repentance and faith, first and foremost among those who are called by His name, which explains why we don't see constant revival and outpourings as often as we should. Unfortunately, many who claim to be Pentecostal all too often become practical cessationists when they deny even the possibility of any more outpourings of the Spirit in this present age.

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2/11/13 4:17 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
A great falling away - not many are expecting God to return - where is the promise of his coming - just like in the days of Noah - if it were possible, even the very elect would be deceived....

just my o...I understand why others feel differently
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
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2/11/13 4:17 pm

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Post Re: End-Time Great Revival Randy Johnson
MS7777 wrote:
I've been having a debate with another pastor as to whether we should be expecting a last great move of God before the return of Jesus to this world.

He maintains that the prophecy of Joel was fulfilled at the day of Pentecost (Peter said, this is that!) and that there is no basis in believing that there will be a final great move of God. When I read Joel 2, I see a former and a latter rain and a time when the two are combined into one former & latter rain. Now of course I am aware that we should never base any doctrine upon 1 verse but I have always heard and personally felt that the Day of Pentecost fulfilled the former rain, the 1900's revival fulfilled the latter rain (we're in it) and that there would be a former/latter last move of God. He says the Charismatic Outpuring of the 70's & 80's fulfilled the last of the last and that all we are waiting upon is the Return of Jesus. I have heard and read many prophecies about this going all the way back to Azusa St.

What do you think & do you have any basis for what you think based on Scripture? Just wondering.

The Day of Pentecost was the beginning of the fulfillment of the prophecy of Joel, and it is still ongoing, it has never ended and will not end until Jesus returns. Why? Because of the wording:

Acts 2:
16 ...this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:

17 “‘In the last days, God says, [the last days began here and we are still in them]

I will pour out my Spirit on all people. [God is still doing this]
Your sons and daughters will prophesy, [God is still doing this]
your young men will see visions, [God is still doing this]
your old men will dream dreams. [God is still doing this]
18 Even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days, [God is still doing this]
and they will prophesy. [God is still doing this]

We are still living in the fulfillment of verses 16-18, and we are awaiting the fulfillment of verses 19-20,

And verse 21 covers them all in the Acts account.

In Joel 2:

It's interesting that verses 18-27 precede the prophecy of the outpouring of the Spirit in verse 28. The "In the last days" ['After all this' - NET Bible] follows the former and latter rain, it does not accompany or precede it or divide it. Verses 18-27 in Joel 2 apply to ancient national Israel and a literal locust invasion that destroyed the crops, there is no spiritualizing here of some Great Revival. There was a literal invasion of judgment followed by God becoming zealous for His land and sending the regular seasonal rains to restore the harvest. It was literally fulfilled in ancient Israel in that day and Joel's prophecy does not being until "After all this" on the Day of Pentecost.

Jesus gave several parables in the gospel as to how the kingdom would grow and it is a steady growth, not a surge.[/i]
Randy Johnson, Pastor
Ickesburg Church of God
85 Tuscarora Path
Ickesburg, Pennsylvania
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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2/11/13 4:21 pm

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Post I have always felt this way, NBF Rafael D Martinez
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
A great falling away - not many are expecting God to return - where is the promise of his coming - just like in the days of Noah - if it were possible, even the very elect would be deceived....

just my o...I understand why others feel differently

There is no great revival coming to save our skins.

God has spoken expressly to this world through his Son and we don't listen to Him except when convenient. If people get revived these days, and they do, it will be because they chose to seek Him - not because Apostle Humptyscrunch's Outpouring descended on them and the senator's office.

Pentecost is, I feel, indeed the fulfillment of last days prophesy as in Joel 2. But where does it say any of the laundry list of claims the revivalists and prophets of the day make about what MUST happen, what New Thing is on the way, etc.? No such oracle exists.

Matthew 24:4. That's warning enough.

Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? Galatians 4:16

These are trying times. Everyone's trying something and getting caught. The Church Lady, 1987
Posts: 7766
2/11/13 4:36 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
Apostle Humptyscrunch: I feel another pen name coming on.

I agree with that assessment, Raf. For one thing, when we hear the word "revival," we think of a series of church meetings. That's not a revival.
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2/11/13 4:40 pm

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Post revuriah
I think Quiet Wyatt and Randy explained much better than I what the Joel prophecy entails. It isn't a something that is yet to be, but it is something that is happening now. As already explained, the last days began with Christ, not some yet-to-arrive time. Many believers are waiting for such a time, and I pray that many turn to Christ, especially as things in the western world turn darker and darker.

But I think 2 Chronicles 7:14 applies here. We can experience a pouring out of the Holy Spirit, as we repent of our half-heartedness, having left our first love. We in the US, though abundantly blessed when compared to the rest of the world, seem to have lost the sense of our daily need for God. We are in an age that seems to be a split between the Ephesian church and the Laodicean church. Partly too fat on good things we enjoy, part devoid of the pure love for Christ that should be our ministry motivation. As we repent of our sins, and turn to God, will He not draw near to us? (James 4:8) "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, I will forgive their sins, and I will heal their land."

Ultimately, we are responsible for our own spiritual condition. We are the ones who allow our passion and zeal to be cooled down. We are the ones who allow sin to take root. But if we draw near God, He will draw near us.
The World As I See It

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2/11/13 5:09 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
About the great falling away/apostacy in the last days, that too has been happening since Paul first prophesied it in the first century.

It is not EITHER outpouring OR great apostacy; instead it is BOTH/AND at the same time.

Typically, those who would deny all hope for any outpouring now choose to focus only on the negative side of the last days prophecies in Scripture. They also tend to focus on the sad spiritual state of the church in the United States and Europe, and conveniently choose to ignore what God is doing throughout the world in our day, a day in which the church of The Lord Jesus truly is growing more and more powerfully (primarily in the impoverished areas of the world) than ever before.
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2/11/13 5:29 pm

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Post Randy Johnson
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
About the great falling away/apostacy in the last days, that too has been happening since Paul first prophesied it in the first century.

It is not EITHER outpouring OR great apostacy; instead it is BOTH/AND at the same time.

Typically, those who would deny all hope for any outpouring now choose to focus only on the negative side of the last days prophecies in Scripture. They also tend to focus on the sad spiritual state of the church in the United States and Europe, and conveniently choose to ignore what God is doing throughout the world in our day, a day in which the church of The Lord Jesus truly is growing more and more powerfully (primarily in the impoverished areas of the world) than ever before.

It is hard to accept the idea that our nation, as we have known it, may pass away into oblivion and that doesn't necessarily mean that it is time for the return of Jesus.
Randy Johnson, Pastor
Ickesburg Church of God
85 Tuscarora Path
Ickesburg, Pennsylvania
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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2/11/13 5:42 pm

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Post revuriah
I am not one to bash the US church, I know that God is doing great things here. But I still see and experience, both personally, and in the church, this attitude of complacency. I had to personally repent of this, just today I came to the realization that I had grown complacent in my spiritual life. Not that I backslid, but I reached a place where I was doing ministry out of necessity, lacking that love and passion for Christ that I need. I found myself studying scripture not for my own spiritual growth, but for a sermon. My prayer life has become lifeless. I pray, to be sure. But more out of duty than a place of joy. It's sad.

I recognize the dangers of that. And I recognize just how easy it is to fall into that trap. Being bivocational, really, 2 full time jobs, a family, ministry, and everything else life tosses at me can really be drag. And if that attitude afflicts me, who else is it afflicting?
The World As I See It

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2/11/13 7:28 pm

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Post Revival 4golf
I heard Dr Mark Rutland preaching on this today. He said he didn't beleve there would be a last great revival in the Western part of the world, Europe and the U.S because we have seen our share of revivals in the past. He pointed out that revival is taken place in Africa, Indonesia, Guatumalia, India, and other places, but we are not seeing it here in the U.S. I am starting to believe that very same thing also, after being on mission trips out of the U.S and seeing the unbeliveable hunger for God and the Holy Spirit and here in the U.S we are more worried about programs and lighting and the lastest greatest thing and we have all of those but in alot of those places they have everything except the Holy Spirit!
Ronnie Lingerfelt A/K/A 4 golf.
Bound By Beaulah
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2/11/13 7:56 pm

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Post Link
Just from interpreting the Bible, I wouldn't say the 'latter rain' prophecy applies to Pentecost.

Sometimes people believe the Lord gives them a verse about something in their life or their church that describes it. I have a friend who is a missionary, and back when he first got stirred up about missions, he believed the Lord spoke to him through the verse that says that He put before him a door that no man could shut.

In context, I wouldn't say that verse is about my friend Mike if I were teaching on the passage, and tell everyone it's just a verse put in there so my friend could know he is a missionary.

But I wouldn't say the Lord couldn't use that verse to speak to my friend Mike about his missionary call.

And I wouldn't say the Lord couldn't speak to certain people at the Azusa Street revival over a hundred years ago out of the passage about the early and latter rain.

I wouldn't say people at Azusa Street were incapable misinterpreting scripture either.

I don't know of any specific prophecy that talks about a great last days revival. There are prophecies about the nations believing in Jesus. There is that part in Revelation about every nation, kindred, and tongue, and if I were ministering to a people or language group that had no believers, I could claim that verse to believe for at least some conversions among that people-group.

That's not to say a great revival couldn't happen. And I'm not saying God doesn't have any great revivals left for nations or that could sweep across many nations. God can reveal His will to do such things through prophecies. My wife's been prophesying that now is a time for the Japanese people and that the Lord would use people form the nations Japan colonized to plunder the souls of the Japanese. I'd like to do something to help them to get to Japan sometime if the Lord provides the opportunity.

Pentecostalism is a 'revivalist' religion and there is a lot of emphasis on revival. It feels great to hear people talk about revival and to predict revival. But when I look at the end times in the Bible, it looks like people in general are getting bad--the love of many growing cold, and things like that. There could be some revivals before that. Let's keep believing Yahweh for all the souls He'll save.
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2/11/13 8:59 pm

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Post There will always be a move of God... roughridercog
for those who have a genuine hunger for it.

But it is becoming the exception rather than the rule. All too many believers live as though Christ is never returning.

As long as they escape hell, they're happy.
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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2/11/13 9:04 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
I remember Carl Richardson saying "if you want revival, draw a circle and get in it. Then, ask God to send a revival inside the circle." Acts-pert Poster
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2/11/13 9:07 pm

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Post To the bored Western church revival = crowds/personalities Rafael D Martinez
4golf wrote:
I heard Dr Mark Rutland preaching on this today. He said he didn't beleve there would be a last great revival in the Western part of the world, Europe and the U.S because we have seen our share of revivals in the past. He pointed out that revival is taken place in Africa, Indonesia, Guatumalia, India, and other places, but we are not seeing it here in the U.S. I am starting to believe that very same thing also, after being on mission trips out of the U.S and seeing the unbeliveable hunger for God and the Holy Spirit and here in the U.S we are more worried about programs and lighting and the lastest greatest thing and we have all of those but in alot of those places they have everything except the Holy Spirit!

Sovereign moves of the Holy Spirit that interrupt the way whole societies and civilizations function in a given area as it enmasse responds to the Gospel .. that is what real revival is .. Acts 19 in Ephesus is a Biblical example.

Yes, there's a lot of bandwidth spent talking about how powerful were "revivals" of the day. Remember how Carman sang in his song "1955" about how "Oral Roberts, William Branham, Jack Coe and Billy Graham / Healed body, soul and spirit as they thundered 'cross the land." Remember the so called "revivals" of Cane Ridge, Toronto, Brownsville, Smithton, Brompton, etc? We still think they're heralds of a last days revival in which billions will be swept into heaven and all the screeching about this supposed Destiny routinely feeds the coffers of "Christian" TV these days. We think the past was a model we need to expect the future to be like.

But really, seriously .. when was the last time anyone looked around squarely at this degenerate culture we live in? Does America really seem to be a "Christian nation"? Is Western civilization really "Christian" at all.


We really think we're reaching a world .. how unimaginably myopic the children of light have become. We think the wombs of our churches are the "birthplaces" of societal change when all they are, as the old saying says, is aquariums for church keepers to perpetually clean .. instead of being places for fishers of men.

Jesus said it would be this way. No surprise there.

Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? Galatians 4:16

These are trying times. Everyone's trying something and getting caught. The Church Lady, 1987
Posts: 7766
2/12/13 1:30 am

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Post Rafael D Martinez
Eddie Robbins wrote:
Apostle Humptyscrunch: I feel another pen name coming on.

I agree with that assessment, Raf. For one thing, when we hear the word "revival," we think of a series of church meetings. That's not a revival.

Don't forget Reverend Doctor Ignatz, Prophet Dingleboulder and Church Pillar O'Salt .. or Deacon Freakin and Elder Bratwurst.

They're my favorite examples when I write and preach regularly.

Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? Galatians 4:16

These are trying times. Everyone's trying something and getting caught. The Church Lady, 1987
Posts: 7766
2/12/13 1:32 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt
For my part, I am not defining "revival" by past moves of God other than what is described in the Book of Acts. This has always been an essential Pentecostal concept--that God's will is that His church be fully empowered by the Holy Spirit in the last days so that she may be a proper witness unto Him. The abuse of a concept by some does not invalidate the concept itself.

If God's will remains the same today as it has been since Acts 2--to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh in the last days, and if it still is the case that it is not His will that any should perish, but that all may be brought to repentance, and if the fields are still white unto harvest, then we have good reason to hope for a harvest of souls in the days before Christ's return.

If the practical cessationist theory advocated by some is true, we all had better make sure we don't try to witness to anyone I guess. At least don't expect to see much good results for your efforts. Especially don't expect more than a very very few to be converted ever again, since we can expect no great moves of God any more and the "Laodicean Church Age" is unquestionably upon us. (Of course, this makes it so very easy to simply judge any and all "revivals" as not of God--just like cessationists have been doing since their unbelieving, pessimistic theory first became accepted as dogma).

Somebody had better tell all the Bible-believing, Book-of-Acts-type Christians in China, Africa, and in South America that what they're experiencing is not a genuine outpouring of the life-giving Spirit of God. They need to know that there will be no more genuine revivals, awakenings, or outpourings of the Spirit before Jesus comes back. Hope they wake up and realize how wrong they've been these past several decades. The sooner they learn to just hold the fort til Jesus comes, the better.

It's a good thing the pioneers of Pentecost in places like the Shearer Schoolhouse and Azusa Street didn't believe the idea that the days of revival were past and that the most one could hope for was to win maybe a few souls occasionally before His return.
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2/12/13 4:04 am

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Post End time revivals PastorJackson
I experienced the "supposed" Brownsville revival and I saw what happened there I know what happened to me and to thousands of people I met so if you want to be critical I would not about moves of God. How can a child of God be so blase about a move where multiple thousands were added to the kingdom of God? The moves of the 90s were a revival in that it turned our hearts toward God and the impact is still felt weather you choose to accept it or not does not negate the truth.
I wonder how many here would have made the same statement of Acts, that it had to be a "supposed" move in the upper room, these could not be God since it did not happen as we believed it would "We think the past was a model we need to expect the future to be like. " and they acted all crazy drunk and all. SO we must ignore the fruit of the thousands added. I see way too much of this attitude in the Christian world today.
All I can say about the revivals is look to Africa and Asia now and see the revival there. Look up.
Are the things you are living for, worth Christ dying for?
Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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2/12/13 3:39 pm

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Post Re: End time revivals Randy Johnson
PastorJackson wrote:
I experienced the "supposed" Brownsville revival and I saw what happened there I know what happened to me and to thousands of people I met so if you want to be critical I would not about moves of God. How can a child of God be so blase about a move where multiple thousands were added to the kingdom of God? The moves of the 90s were a revival in that it turned our hearts toward God and the impact is still felt weather you choose to accept it or not does not negate the truth.
I wonder how many here would have made the same statement of Acts, that it had to be a "supposed" move in the upper room, these could not be God since it did not happen as we believed it would "We think the past was a model we need to expect the future to be like. " and they acted all crazy drunk and all. SO we must ignore the fruit of the thousands added. I see way too much of this attitude in the Christian world today.
All I can say about the revivals is look to Africa and Asia now and see the revival there. Look up.

The Brownsville Revival wasn't big enough to count for what is being talked about here.

There are over 7 billion people on this planet, that's 7,000,000,000.

"Thousands were brought into the kingdom" - perhaps.

1% (0.01) of 7,000,000,000 (7 billion) is 70,000,000 (70 million)

One tenth of 1% (0.001) is 7,000,000 (7 million)

One hundreth of 1% (0.0001) is 700,000 (7 hundred thousand, almost a million)

One thousandth of 1% (0.00001) is 70,000 (Seventy thousand)

One ten-thousandth of 1% (0.000001) is 7,000 (Seven thousand)

Let's suppose for the sake of argument that between 7,000 and 70,000 were saved at Brownsville.

In comparison with the population of the entire world, whom God so loved that He gave His only begotten Son, Brownsville does not qualify as a Great End Time Revival.

Let's suppose that 70,000 got saved at Brownsville, that means that after the Brownsville Revival 6,999,930,000 (that's six billion, nine hundred ninety-nine million, nine hundred and thirty thousand) people were left lost and going to hell.

Even if 70,000 got saved at Brownsville that means that 99.999% of the world's population remained lost.

I don't know about you, but I would hardly define that as a Great End Time Revival.

Even if you take away the number who claim to already be Chrfstians, your stats don't look much better.

Let's suppose there are 2,000,000,000 (that's two billion) genuine Christians on earth (the real number is probably between 1 and 2 billion). That is still only 28.57% of the world's population that is saved. That leaves 71.43% (almost three-fourths) of the world's population lost and going to hell.

How many of that 71.43% would need to get saved to qualify as a Great End Time Revival? Remember, God loves the entire world, not just the United States, and He is no respecter of persons.
Randy Johnson, Pastor
Ickesburg Church of God
85 Tuscarora Path
Ickesburg, Pennsylvania

Last edited by Randy Johnson on 2/12/13 4:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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2/12/13 4:12 pm

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Post Thanks for the good discussion MS7777
I personally believe we are living in the time of the end of the end - now. A persona lfriend fo mine, a pioneer of Pentecost, Arthur Burt from Wales, who is now 100 yrs old, who traveled with Wigglesworth and who just spoke in my church a couple of months ago gave this prohecy in 1930



He believes we are in that day he calls tabernacles. The fullness of the harvest. He beleives there will be a parallell of a mighty outpouring and revival and also a time of great anquish and trouble in this world. So do I. I also am experiencing what Mark Rutland (also a friend of mine) said. I see more hunger and more miracles away from the US than here. I travel to Africa again in April and I know what will happen there. THousands upon thousands will be saved, demons cast out and mighty miracles of the Holy SPirit will take place. Why? Because they are hungry and thristy and they will be filled.

But I also believe God is Not finished with America. I was just wondering how some of you felt. I can see this outpouring in Joel as I said but it is hard to pinpoint other specific scriptures to back it up.

I guess we'll soon find out. I was in the Full Gospel Businessmen's movement in the 70-80"s, been a part of the Charismatic movement, been to Toronto, been to Brownsville, been to Msisouri and experienced revival and the Presence of God tin those meetings and in my church and as I have preached around the world. We are still in the "this is that" that Peter spoke of. Revival is Pentecostalism. I for one want more and I believe we shall see it once more even in America before we leave.

Thanks again for all of your input. Still awaiting some scriptures.
Acts 1:8
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2/12/13 4:13 pm

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