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Continued Prayers for Tanner McGuire
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Post Carolyn Smith
Tanner has left the building.

GLORY TO GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5918
10/11/15 1:48 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith

By Mark McGuire — 2 hours ago

Today was a great day for us being able to see Tanner starting to move back into his element. Tanner has always been one who just gives a short answer too any question you may ask. Either way I want to say Thank you to Rev. Jimmy Harper for having Tanner and I at chapel today and we want to say Thank You to the Lee University Family for all of your support. After chapel was over it was great to see Tanner conversing with his friends and proved to all what a miracle this truly is.

Tanner and I also went to see the Orthopedic surgeon today for a follow up. Tanner is doing great, had his cast removed and is now in a boot. His bones are healing and are looking good but he is still not able to put weight on his right leg just yet. The next follow up for his foot is in 6 weeks. Tomorrow we will be going through an evaluation at Siskin for his outpatient rehab. While we were at Erlanger we saw by chance the rep from Shepherds Center and she was really happy to see Tanner making such progress. She asked if we had gone up to the TICU and we replied we were heading that way. She took us up to the TICU and as we walked into the unit the medical staff was stunned. WOW! It was if Tanner had become a rock star. The nurses started asking Tanner if they could take a picture with him. Of course Tanner said yes. I can talk about what a miracle Tanner's story is but when the medical staff that saw him that first day and cared for him every day for five and a half weeks looks at him and says you are a miracle says it all. It was great to see each of you today and yes I told Patrice you all said hello. Thank you again ERLANGER for your care with our son.

Well folks as I promised here is the link to the Chapel Service today at Lee University.
Just follow the link and look for the video. May God bless you and We love you guys. Keep praying and as things happen I will report them here. To God be the Glory.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5918
10/13/15 9:10 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Week one being at home.

By Mark McGuire — 18 hours ago

As we have completed another one of our steps in the journey, returning home. Things are starting to return to a new form of normal. The leaves are starting to fall and everyone is started to get into the fall mode. I don't think this year I will celebrate Halloween because I have seen enough of the devil to last me a life time. Just trying to be funny for you serious ones out there. I just thought I would let you know where we are in the stage and what we will be facing for the next couple of months.

This week we have been interviewed by Jimmy Harper at Lee for Chapel, seen the orthopedic surgeon, our family doctor, seen some of the nurses at Erlanger, went to Siskin for rehab twice, attended church Wednesday night and Patrice has returned to work. When we went to Siskin we met with the speech therapist and then the occupational therapist. After they completed the initial evaluation of Tanner this was what I was told, "He is well beyond what we can do for him in the occupational therapy side and we are just going to sign him off." Help me Lord! We will continue to use the speech therapy to just keep him on track and it will be for 2 times per week for 8 weeks. We still have not started on the physical therapy due to the injury to the leg and foot. We both went to see our family doctor and I thank them for allowing us to have two people in the same exam room. Tanner had to get an EKG and mine was blood work and diabetic stuff. The one thing that I wish all of you could have seen was when we returned to Erlanger. We had went to see the Orthopedic Surgeon and with that report we were given the everything is going as planned. According to the xray, Tanners ankle bone has not fully filled in and you can still see the break but all three are healing as planned. After we finished with the surgeon we headed over to the TICU but for those of you who know me we had to stop at Starbucks for a Venti Coffee with a little ice. I saw our rep from Shepherds Center and it was on. She told us that the TICU Nurses had been asking when Tanner was coming by? So she explained that we had to go there. With coffee in hand and Tanner with a bottle of water we headed off. When we got off the elevator there was the hall that for 5 and a half weeks we had walked down. I saw the people standing along the wall and I could not help but to simply understand how they all felt. Some had hope and others were clinging to every once of good news to just be able to breathe. Yes I said a simple prayer for each one of them. Well the doors opened and we rolled in took the left hand turn and there they were. The different nurses that had helped Tanner and us through those difficult days. This time they were smiling and asking if they could have their picture taken with him. Of course they could, I watched this team of nurses pour their hearts into Tanner and his care and I will always credit a part of his recovery to their diligence. Then when Josh came around the corner, you can't miss Josh because he is the one that has a smile that starts at one ear and goes completely to the other. What he said was great. He told Tanner that his story was the coolest story that had come through the TICU and survived." He also went on to say, "We weren't sure you were going to make it man." Well He made it that is for sure. The only thing I hate is that we missed Jill and Crystal and the night shift nurses. We will be back and show you the reason you do what you do.

Finally as I finish up, I am reminded every day of how good God is. I get to look into the eyes of Tanner and sit and listen to him just talk about crazy stuff. Some of it makes sense but the other stuff is out there, that is for sure. I have got to hear him talk about how he wants to play rugby again and when he gets to go back to work at discount tire. We actually went by there today and he got to see some of the guys he worked with. Alex you and Zeek are gems. I guess a call was made and in walks one of the employees wife with her children. She wanted to see Tanner and just hug his neck. What a group you have working there. We have also received a call from our new pastor at South Cleveland and how he is looking forward to seeing Tanner. He like most of you have followed his story on-line plus he has been friends of the family for years. I am sorry for you guys in Waxahatche but I am glad for South Cleveland. But as I close this week thank you for all of the prayers and I and so glad that we now get to offer praise to the great physician, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We will meet with the doctor next week to find out what when the flaps will be put back in. We will also see the ENT and figure out what if anything can be done about the hearing in his left ear. We hope the small bones will repair themselves but we will see how God wants to work. What a miracle we have and are seeing in front of us. To God be the Glory and again Thank you.

Some have asked what is our address:
4924 Cindy Circle NW
Cleveland, TN 37312
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5918
10/17/15 9:56 am

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Post Carolyn Smith
October 28 2015 Update on Tanner

By Mark McGuire — 8 hours ago

Over the past two weeks we have had a great time having Tanner at home again. As you can imagine it has been hectic going to rehab, doctor appointments, Patti and I returning to work and Jocelyn and Cole getting to experience a form of normalcy again. I can't explain what it was like bringing Tanner home and hearing him in his room, or hoping up the steps and just knowing he is home. Not to mention as a dad hearing the patter of Cole running down the hallway and Jocelyn coming through the house and just knowing my little girl is with me and doing great.

Well here it is! Tanner is doing great and getting along wonderfully. He is handling himself better than I thought he would. One of the things I was worried about was his appearance and the scars he bares. When people ask him about his head, Tanner just takes off his helmet and shows people and explains what happened and the surgeries that were performed. He also goes on to tell people how God has brought him to this point in life and gives God the glory. He even tells people that it is a miracle that he is still here. Talk about making a daddy proud! We have been back to church and even went to his grandpa Bob's Sunday School class. We still stand in amazement of the goodness of God and the love from you that you have shown us. Each day as I watch Tanner you can see little progresses and then you also see small defecits that you would expect. I am not worried about the small things because if you did not see the scars on his head all you would think is this is a guy with a broke leg. It is amazing to see how God has restored him. In fact earlier this week Patrice took Tanner to see the neurologist who did the surgeries on Tanner's head. The doctor asked what type of defeciencies did Tanner have on the left side. Patrice explained the only thing she had noticed was his left side was a little slower to wake up compared to his right side. The doctor then asked are you sure? Patti replied yes I am sure! That is when the doctor looked at her and asked, "you are aware that he had several strokes deep in the right side of his brain?" Well there you go another miracle in this journey.

In closing, after meeting with the neurologist this past week Tanner was given the news he has been wanting to hear. He has been given the ok to have his bone flaps put back in on November 5th. Pray for us during this time for sure. After this surgery Tanner should be free from surgeries due to this accident. We are not sure how long we will be in the hospital, we have been given estimates of 24 hours to 5 days. Either way I know that God will see us through this time and again continue to pray for us as we get use to our new normal! Like I have said it is great when you see the doctors admit that Tanner's recovery is a God thing more than a medical process. God is still in the healing business.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5918
10/29/15 10:29 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Sorry...I got a little behind on posting these. (Please note dates)

Bright and Early

By Mark McGuire — Nov 4, 2015 11:00pm

Wow sitting down, just getting home from work and thinking about you having surgery today Tanner, I can't help but think back to that day when this journey started. I also can't help but think about how God has touched you, all that has transpired since that day and all of the people that we have met along this journey. From the nurses and doctors at Erlanger, the staff at Shepherds Center and how they all took care of you, to the people that have visited, prayed and just supported you during this time. The new friends we have made along the way and all of the places that you have been asked to come and give your testimony. It is amazing what you have come through and the places that you will go is absolutely amazing to try to comprehend. As you face your surgery today I can't help but express how much you are loved and we are all waiting to see you when you come out.

Ok now lets catch everyone up to today. Over the past weeks I have been sitting and catching up with Tanner and getting to know my young adult. As Tanner and I were sitting and talking I remember him asking me if this had affected me? As I started to reply in a sarcastic tone, I stopped and listened to the question that was asked. I looked at my son and explained to him in detail how this had changed me and how this has brought to my understanding, my walk with God, the importance of family and overall my being a father. I also explained where in my life I found many short comings in how I dealt with each of those three areas and then explained how I planned on working intensely on each to be better in every walk of life. When he replied with, "Dad I can see the changes already happening," I just about melted. Then when Tanner opened up to me and explained that he wanted to make a difference in the lives of people, I opened up this site and looked at the visits and showed him that it was over 100K visits. I then explained to him that he had no idea of what an impact on the lives of people that he had already made. As we continued the conversation over several days, we also took a look at how God has brought him to this point. From the first responder being at that exact point and time, to the favor that God has shown on him at all three hospitals. I know explain to people without shame that you can't understand what has happened to Tanner without understanding that the footprint of God was also part of this process. I believe in medical knowledge and I believe that God works through the medical staff but I also understand that when there is no where else to turn that is when God is at his best. Needless to say that tonight I will not sleep, part of that is due to taking me a little to wind down from work, doing homework and just plain out anxious about today. If you come to Erlanger, I will be easy to spot because I will be the sleepy one sitting next to the pretty lady.

As I close tonight, most of you will just be waking up and reading this, I am asking that you pray for God to direct the hands of the surgeons and that the surgery will go better than expected with a speedy recovery. Tanners bone flaps have been on ice (layman's term) since they were removed and let's pray that they will take with no complications. I come back to the saying I started with; "Why would God bring you across an ocean to drop you in a mud puddle?" I cling to the promises that God has given and I am so looking forward to Tanner getting back to his complete self and being able to show people, in Tanners own special way, that miracles still happen in our modern day society. Also pray that God will continue to give Patrice and I wisdom to continue to make the right decisions along this journey. I will keep you updated when Tanner gets out of surgery and report what we are told. The surgery is suppose to start around 8am and should take 2-3 hours. As soon as I can get to my computer or tablet I will report back to you. Again remember us in Prayer, if I have learned one thing, it is prayer does still work! I would also like to Thank all of those who have brought meals to us every night since we have returned home. Even though it is just a meal, I am touched at your generosity towards my family, and each meal that has been brought to us is one of love and compassion. I personally thank you for your kindness.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5918
11/9/15 11:35 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Short Quick and to the point

By Mark McGuire — 22 hours ago

Today Sunday 8 November we brought Tanner home from his final surgery. As you know he had both bone flaps put back in and they removed the drainage tubes in his head. The irony of today is 2 years ago to the day we were bringing Coleman home from the hospital. All is well and Tanner is resting great and holding his own. Over the days, nights and weeks we have noticed little differences with Tanner. He is officially deaf in his left ear and unless God heals his ear it will be that way from now on. When the Audiologist explained to Tanner that they could drill a hole in his head for an implant, he stopped her in mid sentence and said Mam, there has been enough drilling on my head and that is not an option. You just had to laugh, then he told her, I will just sit those I don't want to listen too on my left and the ones I do I will sit them on my right. Gotta love it. Either way thank you for all of the prayers, support and help along this journey. I would never wish this on anyone ever because it is a roller coaster of emotions that you can't explain. You can only experience them. Well good night and God we praise you for what you have done. Please continue to pray for Tanner and that his, Fib, tib and ankle bones will continue to heal and on the 28th of November he will once again be back on his feet. Again Thank you.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5918
11/9/15 11:36 pm

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