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Lottery Ticket Question Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Lottery Ticket Question Link
I get a flier from a dealership in the mail that said based on my verification code, if I scratched off the four scratchoffs above and one of them had matching symbols, I won one of the four prizes.

Prizes or $10k, $5K, a Ford Maverick, and $2500.

I got the matching symbols right under the Maverick. I called in. While talking, I realized that $2500 said '$2,500 in Lottery.' Chances of winning were 1 in 90,000 for all of them except for the cash in lottery which was 1 in 89,000.

I was trying to figure out what the trick was before I saw the 'in lottery.' It's an apples to oranges comparison, I would imagine, since they give me the chance of winning for the cash and vehicle, but the chance of the ticket I am giving actually winning for the lottery tickets.

Now, its nearly a two hour drive to pick up lottery tickets that cost them two bucks. But if it were on the way to work, I might stop and claim my prize. Suppose I did that.

Now, if I won lottery tickets, should I take them?

If I win should I cash them?

If I cash them, do you believe I am obligated to pay tithes on the money?

If I pay tithes on the money and you were a pastor, would you want me to tithe to the church where you are?

Keep in mind, this isn't gambling on my part. In this hypothetical scenario, I don't have to 'gamble' the gas because it is on the way to work. It's not really gambling per se for the dealership, since it is just a promotional expense.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
1/24/24 10:48 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
No gambling on your part if you didn't buy a ticket.

The Nature Boy would accept your tithes - if your church doesn't want them.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
1/24/24 12:41 pm

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Post It is not a sin to play the lottery...but Aaron Scott
But it can become one.

Someone gave me some lottery tickets for Christmas. Those were two or three of the finest days ever! Why? Because I was thinking of all the wonderful things I would/could do with my massive winnings.

When I didn't win, well, I hadn't lost any money, had I. And if I ever need to feel wonderful again, I just go buy a couple of lottery tickets.

It can become a sin if it is bondage...or if it keeps you from taking care of legitimate needs of your family, etc.

I can find no scripture that says it is wrong to play the lottery--or for that matter, to gamble. Of course, "pure chance" games are hard to defend, since there is no skill involved. But the lottery is not a game, per se.

The other reason to not play is if it would damage your testimony. And it might do that for some people. It can sure make it seem like you want more than the Lord is providing, can't it?

But Link, one thing that should be a concern to you, I think, is that if you are playing all these mind games about this, that, and the other regarding the lottery, that is a sign of one of two thing, perhaps:

1) If you're that concerned, that's a sign not to play;

2) It smacks of the Phariseeism of the Bible (not that you are any way like them!). That is, there are so many i's to dot and t's to cross that it's no longer just something to enjoy, but something that bothers you to death. That sounds like the world or the devil is wracking your mind with that sort of concern.

But if that is the case, that may be another good reason to not play. If someone "games" me like they gamed you with the supposed prizes, I am automatically out. If they'll try to deceive you that way, what won't they stop at?
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
1/24/24 1:48 pm

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Post Cojak
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
No gambling on your part if you didn't buy a ticket.

The Nature Boy would accept your tithes - if your church doesn't want them.

I agree.

YES the thought of riches can be compelling, especially if you are not ignoring family or God in finances......

While hiking the AT I would buy a ticket in states with lotteries and plan as I walked what I would do with the money. It was ALWAYS Who could I give to that would bless the most people. It was fun thinking about it just like my brother Aaron said. It did not become a habit though since I never did win, LOL
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
1/24/24 8:39 pm

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Post Re: It is not a sin to play the lottery...but Link
Aaron Scott wrote:
But it can become one.

Someone gave me some lottery tickets for Christmas. Those were two or three of the finest days ever! Why? Because I was thinking of all the wonderful things I would/could do with my massive winnings.

When I didn't win, well, I hadn't lost any money, had I. And if I ever need to feel wonderful again, I just go buy a couple of lottery tickets.

It can become a sin if it is bondage...or if it keeps you from taking care of legitimate needs of your family, etc.

I can find no scripture that says it is wrong to play the lottery--or for that matter, to gamble. Of course, "pure chance" games are hard to defend, since there is no skill involved. But the lottery is not a game, per se.

The other reason to not play is if it would damage your testimony. And it might do that for some people. It can sure make it seem like you want more than the Lord is providing, can't it?

But Link, one thing that should be a concern to you, I think, is that if you are playing all these mind games about this, that, and the other regarding the lottery, that is a sign of one of two thing, perhaps:

1) If you're that concerned, that's a sign not to play;

2) It smacks of the Phariseeism of the Bible (not that you are any way like them!). That is, there are so many i's to dot and t's to cross that it's no longer just something to enjoy, but something that bothers you to death. That sounds like the world or the devil is wracking your mind with that sort of concern.

But if that is the case, that may be another good reason to not play. If someone "games" me like they gamed you with the supposed prizes, I am automatically out. If they'll try to deceive you that way, what won't they stop at?

I'm not planning on wasting 4+ hours of my time and several dollars worth of gas to get $2 worth of lottery tickets for a 1 in 90 thousand chance of winning a Ford Maverick. I do need a truck, but if the Lord grants that I can save up money to get a used Ranger.

My question was in response to some of the posts I have seen on this forum. If I won a lottery ticket and then the ticket won, I probably just wouldn't tell church people where the money came from or even tell them that I'd won it. Problem solved! Maybe they'd publish my picture, but for that size of prize, who would know?

The Pharisees liked to be legalistic about rules God didn't even command, which I think it analagous to some of the issues related to gambling.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
1/24/24 9:39 pm

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Post caviator
The Church of God states its position on many issues of social significance and global events through resolutions adopted at the biennial General Assembly.

WHEREAS gambling is a vice which is growing in popularity, having been legalized by almost every state and becoming one of America’s largest industries, with an annual income of 500 billion dollars; and

WHEREAS, cities, states and Native American reservations are turning to gambling as a profitable source of public income; and

WHEREAS gambling is the most regressive and unfair form of taxation, since research has shown that a disproportionate number of gamblers are poor and uneducated, who can least afford to suffer the losses; and

WHEREAS the odds of winning are heavily stacked against the gambler, in favor of “the house,” assuring always that the vast majority of participants will lose; and

WHEREAS gambling is a violation of the golden rule, resting on a scheme that the few winners will receive their profits from losses suffered by the many losers (Exodus 20:15; Matthew 7:12; Philippians 2:3,4; Romans 12:10; 13:10; 1 Corinthians 10:31-33; Galatians 6:2; James 2:8); and

WHEREAS Scripture commands love for God and our neighbor (Matthew 23:36-40; Mark 12:28-33), teaching us to do all for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31), and in friendship (John 15:13) to seek our neighbor’s good (Romans 14:19-21; 1 Thessalonians 5:15), while gambling seeks personal profit at the expense of others; and

WHEREAS Scripture emphasizes the sovereignty of God (1 Chronicles 29:11-13; Matthew 10:29-30); Philippians 4:19) while gambling encourages reliance on luck and chance; and

WHEREAS Scripture emphasizes the virtues of work (Exodus 20:9; Ephesians 4:28; 2 Thessalonians 3:6-12; Genesis 3:19; 1 Timothy 5:8) thrift and saving (Proverbs 6:6-11), contentment and virtue (Philippians 4:11) and peace (I Corinthians 14:33), while gambling encourages risk-taking and a something-for-nothing attitude; and

WHEREAS Scripture teaches Christian stewardship of resources, which holds that all things belong to God and that we are to use all earthly possessions as His agents in accordance with His will (Psalms 24:1; 50:10-12; Luke 12:42-48; 1 Corinthians 10:26; 2 Corinthians 8:5) while gambling encourages selfishness and reckless abandon; and

WHEREAS proper use of money does not include gambling, but instead: provides basic needs (2 Thessalonians 3:10); supports the family (1 Timothy 5:8); contributes to God’s work (1 Corinthians 16:1-3); meets human needs and gives to the poor (Ephesians 4:28; 1 Corinthians 9:6-15); and pays taxes (Matthew 22:21Romans 13:7); and

WHEREAS Scripture condemns greed, covetousness and materialism (Exodus 20:17; Matthew 6:24-34; Philippians 3:18, 19; Colossians 3:5,6), while gambling encourages these sins of the flesh, lusting after unearned and undeserved prize money in clear violation of God’s law (1 Timothy 6:10; Luke 12:15); and

WHEREAS Scripture teaches us to avoid all appearance of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22) and to hate what is evil (Romans 12:9), while gambling is a major source of income for organized crime, attracting criminal elements and encouraging participation in other vices and illegal activities; and

WHEREAS Scripture encourages saving with the hope of secure return (Matthew 25:27) and invites us to lay up our treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:19-21), which is very different from risking them for almost certain loss in gambling; and

WHEREAS Scripture condemns the exploitation of employees (James 5:1-4) and emphasizes their right to earned wages (Luke 10:7); and gambling is a threat to the economy, to legitimate industries and businesses, and to positive forms of entertainment and recreation; and

WHEREAS gambling produces an increase in unpaid bills, embezzlement, bankruptcy, and job absenteeism; and

WHEREAS gambling produces nothing and adds nothing to the economy; and

WHEREAS gambling is an addictive behavior which enslaves its victims, robbing them of their personal dignity and financial well-being (1 Corinthians 8:13; 2 Corinthians 6:3); and

WHEREAS gambling is injurious to its addicts, to their families, to other innocent persons and to society (Romans 14:19-21); and

WHEREAS gambling is personally selfish, morally irresponsible and socially destructive; and

WHEREAS gambling interests often corrupt police and government officials. undermining the welfare of society and their respect for law enforcement;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Church of God strongly affirms its opposition to Gambling in every form as a violation of God’s perfect will for His people; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that our preachers and Bible teachers urge our people to practice the virtues of labor, thrift and saving as God’s chosen means of supplying their material needs and bestowing His financial blessings upon them; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we urge our members to express their opposition to any government proposals that promote and/or legalize any form of gambling in their states and communities; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we widely proclaim the power of the gospel to deliver believers from the grip and guilt of all vices and addictions; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we will refuse to seek personal profit at the expense of other persons and families; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we do encourage our ministers and churches to inform themselves concerning existing gambling laws and the state of law enforcement in their states and communities; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we support laws, lawmakers and law enforcement officials who oppose gambling; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we will work within civic, community and business organizations to prevent their sponsorship of gambling in the community; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we actively oppose any government efforts to expand and/or promote the legalization of gambling; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that we commend legislators and government officials who oppose the legalization of gambling and support them in the defense of morality (67th A., 1998, pp. 54-57).

Hey, DOC
Posts: 58
2/6/24 11:02 am

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Post Link
I found a problem here:
"while gambling encourages reliance on luck and chance; and"

The Bible says the that the lot falls in the lap, but the decision is from the Lord.

If the Bible actually said thou shalt not gamble, then such a long elaborate explanation would not be required.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
2/10/24 7:37 pm

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Post caseyleejones
Lottery is a tax on the mathematical challenged. So, the lottery targets not so smart of people. That alone is a reason to not do targets the weak. Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
2/11/24 3:27 pm

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