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Separating policy from the person. RE: Trump
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Post Separating policy from the person. RE: Trump caseyleejones
I know there is a great amount of anti-trumpism here. Admittedly, I am puzzled. What policies do you disagree with or what policies are anti-God or anti-church?

Sure, he's not suave and he's crass at times. I don't look at him as a savior or idolize him. He will likely get my vote.

Obama got peoples vote because of "feelz". Are you seeking "feelz"?

Still, he has done more for biblical christianity than any other president.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11796
10/5/19 10:31 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
I'm attempting to answer your question in good faith. I'm not particularly interested in a deep dive into any of these issues. I also think you'd probably do a better job eliciting constructive replies to your inquiries if you kept things like your "feelz" line in your head next time. That doesn't do a great job communicating that you're genuinely interested in what people think and looking for sincere, good faith responses.

- Bad foreign policy. Fawning over and enabling dictators as a result of himself being easily manipulated by praise. Standing with tyrants. See N. Korea, China (he recently agreed to stay quiet on HK for the sake of trade discussions), Duterte, etc.

- Antagonism toward traditional allies, esp. NATO. Recently spent ten minutes on a short call w/ Theresa May expressing his doubt to her that the US/UK intel assessment re: Skripal's poisoning was committed by Russia, based on the fact that Putin told him they didn't do it.

- Bad trade policy.

- Mental and psychological unfitness. Unrelated to character, crassness, etc. Just the simple fact that his mental faculties are rapidly waning, and that is an extreme danger.

- Consistently abuses his power as president. Clearly sees himself as impervious to oversight. Acts lawlessly.

Could go on, but those are the majors for me. Judges have been good, but they don't offset a whole branch of the government descending into lawlessness and mental ineptness.
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Posts: 13654
10/6/19 6:47 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
I'd also question the biblical basis of a political leader "doing more for biblical Christianity" than any other president. At its basic level, that doesn't seem to comport with New Testament teaching. Jesus said "woe to you when all speak well of you."

Tertuillian said the blood of martyrs is the seed of the Church. The notion of a Church that is doing well when it is popular and approved of by an obviously godless political leader is foreign to biblical and historical Christianity.

Trump has been great for Christendom. And that greatness has come at the expense of biblical Christianity.
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Posts: 13654
10/6/19 7:05 am

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Post UncleJD
Fortunately the anti-Trumpers have crawled back into the shadows for the most part. Even most of the hit-piece authors (Against Trump) from the traitorous National Review, have now recanted their stories and admitted they had it wrong. I read that Trump's approval ratings have hit around 95% in the GOP, that's Reagan territory. I credit the never-Trumpers (which I was one of up until about 2 weeks before the election), and the TDS afflicted with their endless and transparent attacks on both Trump and Kavanaugh (the latter of which we are seeing the same exact tactic of giving anyone who can type a "hearsay" letter, a platform. They have shot themselves in the foot. IF they could have stuck to the facts all along, then MAYBE Trump would have been replaced on the ticket (I doubt it), but at least they would probably have easily defeated him in 2020. Now they have very little hope, the more they scream, and the more "I heard from someone else" type "whistle-blowing" that comes out, the more they solidify Trump's support. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3145
10/6/19 9:47 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Calling a magazine that publishes articles you disagree with "traitorous" is a totally rational and normal thing to do. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
10/6/19 10:28 am

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Post UncleJD
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Calling a magazine that publishes articles you disagree with "traitorous" is a totally rational and normal thing to do.

I simply meant when it comes to the conservative cause which they claim to support but they tried to get a Clinton elected instead. You know I didn't mean it in the terms of treason to the United States, but spin is a necessary part of TDS.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3145
10/6/19 10:43 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Mmhmm. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
10/6/19 10:47 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Is there anyone who can argue with a straight face that the author of this tweet is fit to run a lemonade stand, much less fit to hold the single most powerful office in the entire world?

I fear that his supporters here will have no trouble doing so.
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Posts: 13654
10/7/19 5:24 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
BTW, UncleJD... let me know whether the president is referring to real treason here, or just the metaphorical pretend kind. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
10/7/19 5:25 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Last night, the president signed off on a withdrawal of US troops from northern Syria to create space for a Turkish invasion. Previously, the US was holding this territory to prevent Turkey from invading and slaughtering our Kurdish partners. Now we are giving them a greenlight, trusting their fate to the brutal tyrant Erdogan, who has long been public and clear about his desire to invade northern Syria and kill them.

According to multiple sources, this decision was made with no advance notice to the Kurds or US coalition forces in the area. The Kurds fought and died for US interests. They fought and died to help the US repel ISIS. This loathsome man's betrayal of them will have decades of ramifications for US policy in the Middle East.

I had stopped arguing about Trump on this forum for a reason. You guys brought it up again, because you're too uninformed to fathom a reason (other than "feelz") why anyone would be opposed to him. Hopefully my posts here have helped you. If not, I'm sorry to hear that, but don't bother telling me about it. I've long since concluded that it's hopeless to try to discuss Trump with people whose entire base of knowledge comes from the Fox News echo chamber.

I look forward to being able to enjoy political discussion with Christian conservatives in the future, once all of this is over and you guys move on to pretending like you never really supported Trump at all.

And please forgive the lack of charity in this post. I am incensed about our country's betrayal of our Kurdish allies, and for the moment I don't mind that anger spilling over onto the people who support and enable the man responsible for it. I'm sure I'll regret parts of this post later, so please go ahead and forgive me for them now.
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Posts: 13654
10/7/19 6:02 am

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Post UncleJD
Dave, despite your demonstration of your inability to list the 100 amazing accomplishments next to the few head-scratchers, while picking one line out of my entire post to attack me on when the point was that 95% of Republicans now support Trump. I will admit that this new policy is one of those "head scratchers" for me. I'm not sure at all what he is doing with that, but unlike the TDS inflicted or even the Trump worshipers, I will wait 48 hours at least to have a better understanding of this. It doesn't look good, and I personally can't stand Turkey, but we'll see. So far it sounds like this is Trump's way to get rid of the ISIS fighters.
Meanwhile it looks like the Kavanaugh II Circus is well under way.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3145
10/7/19 8:15 am

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Post UncleJD
and it didn't even take 2 hours. Trump explained exactly that, Turkey gets to "manage" the ISIS fighters and they have been warned not to mess with the Kurds (in so many words). Fake crisis over, and to all reasonable Americans, those in the Middle-East will now be on the hook for managing the "caliphate" while we keep a watch. Its funny how 99% of the TDS patients probably insisted on the same thing under Bush and even Obama (something about not being the police of the world). But when they see what that actually looks like (or that its Trump dong it), then OH NO!!!

As I have stated strongly before, and just to reiterate, if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey (I’ve done before!). They must, with Europe and others, watch over the captured ISIS fighters and families. The U.S. has done far more than anyone could have ever expected, including the capture of 100% of the ISIS Caliphate. It is time now for others in the region, some of great wealth, to protect their own territory.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3145
10/7/19 11:13 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
UncleJD, I love ya dude, but I can't fathom how you read that tweet and found yourself reassured. That is the unhinged ranting of an absolute crazy man.

His great and unmatched wisdom? He'll totally destroy and obliterate their economy?

"Fake crisis?" Might want to check with your boy Lindsey Graham and other Republican members of Congress to see how fake it is. Of course, the Kurdish blood will soon be telling you how fake it is as well.

You are completely gone, dude. Totally and completely consumed by the Trump brain virus. You rant at length about how others have a derangement syndrome, but you're the one ready to brush one of the most historic betrayals in modern history away on the basis of that absolutely banana town tweet.

BTW - this isn't a new thing, Trump has been flirting with this at Erdogan's request for months. He almost did this exact same thing several months ago before being convinced not to. Trump's posture toward allies who have shed blood for the US is not new either, and was the primary reason behind Mattis' resignation.

I wish you the best man, but we're not gonna have any luck discussing politics when pretty much everyone on planet Earth is seeing something one way and you're seeing it another. This one was too much even for Lindsey Graham -- not to mention Nikki Haley and NUMEROUS others (including MANY people who are normally firm Trump supporters) who have issued stern denunciations today.

But Trump tweets something in his "great and unmatched wisdom" and UncleJD is good to go. You're just gone, man.
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Posts: 13654
10/7/19 11:27 am

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Post UncleJD
Sorry, his humor is triggering you. That's Trump, you can't handle it and I understand. It would be nice if you could muster objectivity and remember how you and most of us that consider ourselves America-first libertarians used to feel about paying for the world's bad-guy management programs.

And your "everyone on earth" claim is only true for you CNN fanboys. The rest of the earth either flat-out agrees, or wants the US to keep on paying their way (in which they make Trump's case).
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3145
10/7/19 11:32 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
His humor, sure. You guys keep running with that.

And re: everyone on earth, no, I gave you some examples and if you'll hop on the ol' Twitters or flip away from Hannity and Levin you'll see it actually is pretty much everyone on earth including huge numbers of normally very firm Trump supporters. I understand how you are forming your opinions given your total and complete lack of information and I don't imagine me being able to change that by giving you the facts, but take a look dude. You and the president are on an island here.
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10/7/19 11:35 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Lucas Tomlinson (Pentagon reporter at Fox News) is reporting that the Pentagon was -completely- blindsided by the order last night.

Jennifer Griffin of Fox News is reporting the same.

Regardless of the merits of the decision (they are NOT in question but let's put that aside for now) -- do you support a foreign policy where pivotal troop withdrawals come as a complete surprise to the Department of Defense?

Two days ago the DoD was touting the security arrangement it had with Turkey for northern Syria -- an agreement for how forces would conduct activity in the same area. Now that agreement is void, US troops are being withdrawn. No one in DoD received any kind of advanced notice.

This is madness. And you are mad to be so blindly eager to defend it.
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10/7/19 1:42 pm

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Post Resident Skeptic
Where is the Iraqi Army?

I hate to see a Kurdish slaughter, but it is time for America to have a new foreign policy. Our Founders never intended so much foreign intervention. Reagan intentionally kept us out of the middle east wars. Turkey is trash. It is time they be booted out of NATO. They do not hold to western values.

Let's get out of NATO while we are at it. Eastern and Central Europe can unite to be a buffer against Russia. Western Europe has regarded itself as unworthy of freedom. We need to focus on the Pacific with the goal to have all troops out of Asia within 30 years. Let Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Australia have nukes. Let Japan get some of its nationalistic pride back.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
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10/7/19 5:21 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Regardless of the merits of such things on the whole, we owe it to the Kurds to pay back what they have done for us. It is callous and cruel to say "I'd hate to see them killed, but..." when they are allies who have fought and died for our interests in the region -- whether those interests were wise or not.

Resident Skeptic wrote:
Turkey is trash. It is time they be booted out of NATO. They do not hold to western values.

But with that said, we are in total agreement concerning the quoted text. Turkey has long since overstayed its welcome in NATO.
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Posts: 13654
10/7/19 5:25 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Fox News foreign correspondent Trey Yingst details the exact promises that the Trump administration made to the Kurds, and is now breaking.

Video clip of FNC broadcast here:

Tell me some more about fake news, UncleJD.
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Posts: 13654
10/7/19 6:12 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Noted woke #Resistance warrior Pat Robertson:
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Posts: 13654
10/7/19 6:38 pm

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