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No defense of Kavanaugh on this board?
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Post No defense of Kavanaugh on this board? Resident Skeptic
How would you like it if when rumors of one woman don't succeed, they just create another one? It worked on Herman Cain and Roy Moore. Yet the church falls for it.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
9/23/18 6:29 pm

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Post Cojak
No need for me to defend him. This was LOOOONg ago and I read F. Graham's statement and agree with it. I can state my case but I cannot help him. I believe he is a victim of a smear campaign and the woman is risking MUCH to push the issue, unless she had a stellar childhood and did no mischievous stuff.

There is a problem with coming forward to praise or criticize because the press is all over ANYONE and their lives are a MESS until the case goes away.

Most folks are not public speakers and the average person cannot afford an attorney to be with them and run interference with the press. With out interference most people will make an 'English blunder, or just say something that can be taken several ways.

I think I would get irratated with mikes thrust in my face ever time I left my house. Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24282
9/23/18 9:24 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
Even if it did happen like Ford claims it did (which I seriously doubt, based on the fact that none of the people she cites as witnesses corroborate her story), I honestly don’t think it should matter at all what he might have done when he was 17 and purportedly falling-down drunk. His record since then has no spots whatsoever. Dozens of women he has known and worked with since then have all attested to his being a gentleman. It is not clear at all why this alleged incident should matter the least bit.

It is rather ironic to hear the party of Bill Clinton crying out that morality is important.
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9/23/18 9:49 pm

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Post I'm Just Happy That... FG Minister
President Trump is standing by Kavanaugh. Trump is not known for being loyal, but so far so good. The democrats are playing for keeps and going to revenge the Merrick Garland situation. They are going for the kill, and sadly, it just might work. I certainly hope they fail, but no matter what, Kavanaugh is damaged goods from now on, just like Clarence Thomas. Whoever said "sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me" was a liar. Acts-celerater
Posts: 875
9/24/18 7:40 am

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Post Re: I'm Just Happy That... Resident Skeptic
FG Minister wrote:
President Trump is standing by Kavanaugh. Trump is not known for being loyal, but so far so good. The democrats are playing for keeps and going to revenge the Merrick Garland situation. They are going for the kill, and sadly, it just might work. I certainly hope they fail, but no matter what, Kavanaugh is damaged goods from now on, just like Clarence Thomas. Whoever said "sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me" was a liar.

Truly sad. You hit the nail on the head.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
9/24/18 8:38 am

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Post Eddie Robbins
Nobody here knows the truth. I’m certainly not going to support a person I have never met and know nothing about concerning any allegation. I have my personal opinion but it’s personal. If anybody here knows the truth, let them speak it. M Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
9/24/18 8:40 am

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Post Resident Skeptic
Eddie Robbins wrote:
Nobody here knows the truth. I’m certainly not going to support a person I have never met and know nothing about concerning any allegation. I have my personal opinion but it’s personal. If anybody here knows the truth, let them speak it. M

Are you saying you would not be supporting him even if there had not been these allegations, based on the fact that you don't know him?
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
9/24/18 9:49 am

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Post Cojak
Eddie Robbins wrote:
Nobody here knows the truth. I’m certainly not going to support a person I have never met and know nothing about concerning any allegation. I have my personal opinion but it’s personal. If anybody here knows the truth, let them speak it. M

aw come on Eddie, it seems unlikely one has never supported someone they did not know personally. I supported Jimmy Carter, Adlai Stevenson, Jeb Bush, Perot and old Reagan and certainly did not know them.

I would have liked to, because their public records seemed good and intact. But in the long run it matters not what the truth is on old Kav, this did not help his image.............. anyway... Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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9/24/18 11:32 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
I don't have any idea if Kav did or didn't do something inappropriate as a teenager.

But in this country he should be presumed not guilty in the eyes of the law - and what should be more about the eyes of the law than a person on the Supreme court.

If ladies got molested - that is very sad - and I get why they never came forward...but so far everyone they have mentioned were also at the party can not corroborate their story. How do we hold someone accountable for something no one else can verify.

There is no DNA.
There are no pictures.
There is no corroborating testimony.
By both ladies testimony - they were seriously drunk - did they even know what was going on and with whom?

It could have happened - but on any level of fairness - there simply is no case to be made.

Every last person on Acts might have molested someone. It could have happened. But without any other verification from anyone else - why should I believe it is so?

This is another high tech lynching from the news media.

The parents of these young girls - especially the 15 year old - where were they? Who threw this party for kids - that's who needs to go to the slammer.
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Acts-pert Poster
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9/24/18 12:53 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
"It didn't matter because he was 17" is a REALLY bad take, in my opinion. He's accused of holding his hand over a 15 year-old's mouth and attempting to assault her, which ended only because she escaped. As I understand the allegation, he is not accused of stopping like a gentleman when she said no, like Franklin Graham said. The only way it wouldn't matter would be if Kavanaugh owned it, said it was a long time ago, that he regretted it, that his behavior since then was completely different, etc.

But Kavanaugh's not saying that. He's completely denying it, and as I understand it denying that he even knows Ford. And as NBF eloquently described, with the evidence as it exists today, no reasonable person could come to any conclusion except that he is telling the truth.

Therefore, "it didn't matter because he was 17" is not only a bad argument on the merits, IMO, but it moves the battlespace to that discussion instead of keeping it where it belongs, which is on the fact that Kavanaugh wholly denies the allegation and there has been absolutely ZERO corroboration for any of the allegations, based on lists of alleged witnesses that the two accusers provided.

I'm not willing to say Dr. Ford wasn't assaulted and I'm not willing to say she wasn't assaulted by Judge Kavanaugh. No one knows what happened except perhaps the people involved. But absent any firm evidence to the contrary, western judicial norms dating back to before the Magna Carta place the presumption of truth with the accused and not with the accuser.

Maybe I'm a little dramatic, but I can't remember a time when I have been more frightened about the future of discourse in the American Republic. A "credible accusation" (which, with all due respect to the alleged victims, thus far these are not) can NOT take the place of due process and the presumption of innocence. It DOES matter that Kavanaugh is not being prosecuted for a crime. It DOES matter that this is just a job interview. If a "credible accusation" is able to take the place of evidence in a case this significant, it will be a watershed moment for what it means to be accused in the USA.

If Dr. Ford and Ms. Ramirez have credible evidence, they should break loose of the abominable grip of the DNC handlers and present it to the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Montgomery County Police, and the American people so that Brett Kavanaugh can be held accountable. Otherwise, this has gone on too long already and needs to be brought to an urgent conclusion.

My two cents.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
9/24/18 3:32 pm

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In the 1980's, our church received a new pastor who was formally licensed with the AOG. He was a good man, and I personally liked him. He resigned about nine months into the pastorate due to health issues, and family matters.

I was later to discover that while in the Assemblies, a young girl had accused him of sexual misconduct. Those allegations were taken seriously, as they should have been. After an investigation, and a trial board, at the last minute, the girl confessed it was completely fabricated, and her mother put her up to it.

Apparently, the mother was disgruntled over something, and this was her way to get even. I wasn't given anymore details on the matter.

Although that pastor was ultimately exonerated, it was something he never fully recovered from. I'd say he tried to move forward by joining another denomination, and leaving town. But, the damage was done.

As some posters have already commented, we don't know the validity of the accusations surrounding the Supreme Court nominee. However, based on what we DO know, i.e. his overall track record with women, and the flimsy evidence presented (if you can call it that) thus far–– it appears to be a political hit job to keep this man off the court at all cost.
Live pure. Speak true. Right wrong. Follow the King.
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9/24/18 3:51 pm

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Post Cojak
US MALE wrote:
In the 1980's, our church received a new pastor who was formally licensed with the AOG. He was a good man, and I personally liked him. He resigned about nine months into the pastorate due to health issues, and family matters.

I was later to discover that while in the Assemblies, a young girl had accused him of sexual misconduct. Those allegations were taken seriously, as they should have been. After an investigation, and a trial board, at the last minute, the girl confessed it was completely fabricated, and her mother put her up to it.

Apparently, the mother was disgruntled over something, and this was her way to get even. I wasn't given anymore details on the matter.

Although that pastor was ultimately exonerated, it was something he never fully recovered from. I'd say he tried to move forward by joining another denomination, and leaving town. But, the damage was done.

As some posters have already commented, we don't know the validity of the accusations surrounding the Supreme Court nominee. However, based on what we DO know, i.e. his overall track record with women, and the flimsy evidence presented (if you can call it that) thus far–– it appears to be a political hit job to keep this man off the court at all cost.
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Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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9/24/18 8:08 pm

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Post UncleJD
Eddie Robbins wrote:
Nobody here knows the truth. I’m certainly not going to support a person I have never met and know nothing about concerning any allegation. I have my personal opinion but it’s personal. If anybody here knows the truth, let them speak it. M

I know enough of the truth as is actually relevant to this process, which is these allegations came after Diane Feinstein sat on them for 2 months, waiting until AFTER the hearing were over before she brought them out. That is political gamesmanship and proof that she did not care one whit for the "victim" (much less believe her story) or even the hearing process for that matter. Her only concern here is to DELAY the proceeding.

Another truth I know is that if you read the account of the second accuser, then you'll see that she didn't know it was Kavanaugh until 6 days of some kind of regressive memory therapy led by democrat money looking for something else to smear him with. Her "testimony" wouldn't see the light of day in court. The only "attorney" touching this is an attention-seeking troglodyte.

Those are inarguable, cold, hard facts.

Its sad and disgusting how little the democrats care for this person they are using. Grassley and the Republicans have shown WAY more concern for Ms. Ford than the dems have.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3145
9/25/18 9:13 am

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Post Eddie Robbins
Resident Skeptic wrote:
Eddie Robbins wrote:
Nobody here knows the truth. I’m certainly not going to support a person I have never met and know nothing about concerning any allegation. I have my personal opinion but it’s personal. If anybody here knows the truth, let them speak it. M

Are you saying you would not be supporting him even if there had not been these allegations, based on the fact that you don't know him?

I’m saying that I cannot put my reputation on the line and support someone that I don’t know and trust because I have no way of knowing the truth. I hope he didn’t do it and I suspect he didn’t but I have no way of knowing.
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
9/25/18 3:57 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
Cojak wrote:
Eddie Robbins wrote:
Nobody here knows the truth. I’m certainly not going to support a person I have never met and know nothing about concerning any allegation. I have my personal opinion but it’s personal. If anybody here knows the truth, let them speak it. M

aw come on Eddie, it seems unlikely one has never supported someone they did not know personally. I supported Jimmy Carter, Adlai Stevenson, Jeb Bush, Perot and old Reagan and certainly did not know them.

I would have liked to, because their public records seemed good and intact. But in the long run it matters not what the truth is on old Kav, this did not help his image.............. anyway... Cool

I am saying that I don’t know the truth behind the allegations, therefore, I cannot support or not support him. I’m waiting to hear the testimonies and then I can make a judgment....maybe.
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
9/25/18 3:59 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
UncleJD wrote:
Eddie Robbins wrote:
Nobody here knows the truth. I’m certainly not going to support a person I have never met and know nothing about concerning any allegation. I have my personal opinion but it’s personal. If anybody here knows the truth, let them speak it. M

I know enough of the truth as is actually relevant to this process, which is these allegations came after Diane Feinstein sat on them for 2 months, waiting until AFTER the hearing were over before she brought them out. That is political gamesmanship and proof that she did not care one whit for the "victim" (much less believe her story) or even the hearing process for that matter. Her only concern here is to DELAY the proceeding.

Another truth I know is that if you read the account of the second accuser, then you'll see that she didn't know it was Kavanaugh until 6 days of some kind of regressive memory therapy led by democrat money looking for something else to smear him with. Her "testimony" wouldn't see the light of day in court. The only "attorney" touching this is an attention-seeking troglodyte.

Those are inarguable, cold, hard facts.

Its sad and disgusting how little the democrats care for this person they are using. Grassley and the Republicans have shown WAY more concern for Ms. Ford than the dems have.

That’s good for you. I haven’t studied it.
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
9/25/18 4:01 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
If the lady gives riveting, emotional testimony Thursday - says he ruined her life by touching her over her clothes - even tried to undo some of her clothes - yet stopped before actually doing so ... If he did this at 17 - does it disqualify him?

I know COG preachers that did a lot worse at 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22...even bragged about it later - some have had national ministries - does it disqualify them?
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Acts-pert Poster
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9/25/18 4:12 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
If the lady gives riveting, emotional testimony Thursday - says he ruined her life by touching her over her clothes - even tried to undo some of her clothes - yet stopped before actually doing so ... If he did this at 17 - does it disqualify him?

She has alleged that she was able to escape only by virtue of Mark Judge piling on top of them, which caused Kavanaugh to topple over and gave her an opportunity to flee. He did not "stop" according to Dr. Ford's version of the events. And yes, if he did that and today denies it, that should disqualify him.

But as I said above, this is a bad line of argument. Riveting, emotional testimony is not evidence. The argument should not be about whether or not it was disqualifying for Kavanaugh to have done this. It should stay laser focused on the fact that he denies it, and there has thus far been absolutely no evidence presented that would corroborate any account to the contrary.
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Posts: 13654
9/25/18 4:41 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Well, I left out the part about the other guy in the room - SINCE HE DENIES HE WAS THERE - and further states it never happened then or anywhere else.

It would appear that part of her testimony must be negated since two out of three say it never happened.
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Acts-pert Poster
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9/25/18 4:53 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
NBF, read my post more carefully. Ask someone for help if you need it. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
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9/25/18 5:07 pm

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