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I Love Duplicity - Don't You?
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Post I Love Duplicity - Don't You? FG Minister
I love Republicans and hate Democrats. I loved it when Republicans gave it to Bill Clinton for his marital infidelity, but don’t seem to notice the three wives and multiple sex partners of Donald Trump. I loved it when Republicans called Clinton a liar and impeached him for it, but have no problem when Trump lies on a daily basis (i.e. “No, I didn’t know about a $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels).

I hate it when Democrats point out the fact that Trump loves loyalty toward himself but doesn’t practice loyalty when dealing with others (i.e. Jeff Sessions). I love it when Republican Sean Hannity talked incessantly about how much golf Obama played, but when Trump plays even more golf, Hannity is silent.

I love it when my party gives a wink and a nod to President Trump who gets the results they like, but keeps quiet about his lack of moral fiber. These are the same people who were quick to point out the lack of morality in Clinton and Obama.

I’m as conservative as they come and have been employed by Republican politicians. I hated most of the policies of Obama and most of Clinton's, and I actually favor most of Trump’s policies, but that is beside the point. Aren’t Christians supposed to stand firm on God’s Word no matter who is in the White House?

What I hate is when Christians on this board completely excuse President Trump’s behavior and tell us “we didn’t elect a Sunday School teacher.” But when Clinton and Obama were Presidents, these same people held them to “Sunday School Teacher” qualifications. But, I guess, if we are getting the political results we like, we should keep silent on those pesky Biblical standards. If lying and infidelity are wrong for a guy with a D by his name, aren't they just as wrong for an R.

I’m just tired of the duplicity among my fellow conservative Christian brethren. I can’t wait to hear the charges of lying and immorality when a democrat is back in the White House and the tide turns. Don’t you guys stand for anything? Shouldn’t the Bible be our standard instead of politics?
Posts: 875
9/10/18 8:26 am

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Post Amen! lodestar
Amen and amen. Character matters. For presidents and for voters.

The double standards among so called conservatives are becoming difficult to bear.
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9/10/18 8:39 am

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Post UncleJD
That's nice and holy and I would say the exact same thing about my pastor if he were like that.

For the record, I don't like Trump's flaws as a person either and if we find out he's having sex with interns under the desk in the Oval office, then we can say that he's doing the same thing Slick Willie was doing, but until then you have zero point on that subject. BUT, if he does that, then I'm sure most of us would be right where you claim we aren't right now and ready to see him gone. (and if you think just because the elite didn't put the full-press on the previous nice-guys in the office and expose every single thing they were doing, that it wasn't happening, you are sadly naive)

However, I don't need the POTUS to be nice, I need him to provide freedom of religion, speech, defend my rights, appoint conservative judges, lower taxes on business, put American interests above the globalists'.

But don't worry, you'll get your nice guy next time I'm sure, and we can go back down the sewer, but at least they might live up to your standard while taking more and more of your liberty to run your churches or worship in the manner you believe in, preventing you from being able to afford to start a small business, keeping your congregation from having full-time jobs and disposable income for giving, racking up hundreds of thousands of dollars per person in tax debt to pay for social medicine and all of the sexual disease and abortion that will entail. Hope you enjoy it.

And yes, in the long run, it doesn't effect my soul, but it probably will my decendents' when Christianity is villified and outlawed to the point of red-china or the USSR.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3145
9/10/18 10:33 am

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Post Here's the deal... Aaron Scott
It's perfectly "acceptable" to overlook many of Trump's moral shortcomings and focus only his policies...SO LONG AS you also overlook the moral shortcomings of those presidents you don't like, focusing only on their policies.

Like other here, I do like Trump's policies more than I would have liked Hillary's. BUT I DETEST HIS MORALITY.

Unfortunately, far too many who excuse Trump's morality, did not do the same for Clinton, Obama, etc.

If we aren't going to consider morality, but only policy, fine. But we have to do it that same for all comers.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6039
9/10/18 12:18 pm

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Post Re: Here's the deal... UncleJD
Aaron Scott wrote:
It's perfectly "acceptable" to overlook many of Trump's moral shortcomings and focus only his policies...SO LONG AS you also overlook the moral shortcomings of those presidents you don't like, focusing only on their policies.

Like other here, I do like Trump's policies more than I would have liked Hillary's. BUT I DETEST HIS MORALITY.

Unfortunately, far too many who excuse Trump's morality, did not do the same for Clinton, Obama, etc.

If we aren't going to consider morality, but only policy, fine. But we have to do it that same for all comers.

Examples of people who "excuse his morality" please? And be factual because pointing out that Clinton's immorality was both before and DURING his presidency is not excusing Trump, but I'm not aware of ANY president other than Clinton who dittled in under the desk of the Oval Office. So basically, unless you have spoken out against EVERY president in the same manner, then you are a hypocrite. Trump will answer for his sin if he hasn't already to God, but that is his problem. No excuse, but irrelevant to the office based on the same or worse behavior by most of his predecessors.

Obama - gay sex before being POTUS
GWB - promiscuous drunk before
Clinton - LOL
GHWB - Groper
Reagan - divorcee (at the very least)

On-and-on. You just don't have as much on the others because; A. Trump was a VERY public figure before and never planned on politics B. Because deep pockets within BOTH parties (unprecedented) are doing everything they can to destroy him (granted, he's done a lot to deserve it, but again, so far it hasn't been in the office). As for lying, I can't laugh enough, he's in a seat that has had more than its share of liars, including the last one who got on TV a few days ago to expand his lies by about 2 hours' worth.

By-the-way, It does indeed look like you love duplicity
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3145
9/10/18 1:03 pm

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Post Uncle JD...clarification Aaron Scott
You are right: I used "excused" when what I meant was something more along the lines of "not making a big deal out of it" or "not making it a dealbreaker."

Indeed, I don't know of ANY Christian who actually EXCUSES Trump's moral failures. We ALL think those things are wrong.

My point was rather that if Obama (say) had been caught (or even accused) in such things, many would have felt that was absolutely grounds for impeachment, etc.

Again, you are right. I misspoke. I hope my intention is clear now.

Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6039
9/10/18 2:17 pm

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Post Re: Uncle JD...clarification UncleJD
Aaron Scott wrote:
You are right: I used "excused" when what I meant was something more along the lines of "not making a big deal out of it" or "not making it a dealbreaker."

In that case then, the "deal breaker" for Obama, Clinton, etc.. has always been abortion followed by liberal/progressive policy, socialism and probably a dozen other issues ahead of their morality, or lack thereof. Which is exactly my point. This grand-standing about their relative morality is just a smoke-screen.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3145
9/10/18 5:20 pm

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Post JD... Aaron Scott
You are right again.

However, while that may have caused people to VOTE against liberals, it was what happened after the liberals took office that also bothered me. That is, it's a given about abortion, etc. But Republicans were acting like just about every single thing these guys did was wrong, wrong, wrong.

If Obama forgot to put his hand over his heart, then, by George, he was a communist who hated America.

When GWB did the SAME THING, not a peep.

That is the hypocrisy that gets me the most. It's one thing to not vote for them because of policy difference. It's another, when they are already in office, to act as if everything is proof of ulterior motives, immorality, etc.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6039
9/10/18 7:10 pm

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Post Re: JD... UncleJD
so Obama loves America? The husband of the woman who said she was never proud of America in her whole life until her husband was elected? All those little things might be true, but they are trivial to the real issues that I already listed. I freely admit that I didn't like Obama or Clinton so I probably picked at them more than I would those who's policies I agree with, but whether you believe me or not, I honestly tried to like Obama at first. I was even proud that he was elected as a minority, to lead a first-world country. The first time in history (dispelling forever the idea that this is a racist country btw). But as time went on and his policies began costing me both freedom and finances, I became less tolerant. And with Clinton, to this day I will admit that as a whole, he was the second best president in my lifetime after Reagan (maybe a close tie with GWB), but I still hated his stance on abortion (at the least), and then he fiddle-diddled with a young girl IN THE OVAL OFFICE, then pointed his crooked finger at all of us and lectured us on how he was the bastion of morality and we were all wrong to insinuate anything, then weeks of lectures from the media, sorry if I got even more jaded than ever, but to this day we still are hearing how that wasn't nearly as bad as Trump, even from holier-than-thous on this very board! Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3145
9/10/18 8:57 pm

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Post Resident Skeptic
Uncle JD is doing such a great job setting the record straight that I think I will go to bed.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
9/10/18 9:24 pm

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Post Re: JD... diakoneo
UncleJD wrote:
so Obama loves America? The husband of the woman who said she was never proud of America in her whole life until her husband was elected? All those little things might be true, but they are trivial to the real issues that I already listed. I freely admit that I didn't like Obama or Clinton so I probably picked at them more than I would those who's policies I agree with, but whether you believe me or not, I honestly tried to like Obama at first. I was even proud that he was elected as a minority, to lead a first-world country. The first time in history (dispelling forever the idea that this is a racist country btw). But as time went on and his policies began costing me both freedom and finances, I became less tolerant. And with Clinton, to this day I will admit that as a whole, he was the second best president in my lifetime after Reagan (maybe a close tie with GWB), but I still hated his stance on abortion (at the least), and then he fiddle-diddled with a young girl IN THE OVAL OFFICE, then pointed his crooked finger at all of us and lectured us on how he was the bastion of morality and we were all wrong to insinuate anything, then weeks of lectures from the media, sorry if I got even more jaded than ever, but to this day we still are hearing how that wasn't nearly as bad as Trump, even from holier-than-thous on this very board!
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Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3382
9/11/18 6:40 am

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Post Have You Ever Noticed How Defenders of Trump Defend Him? FG Minister
Well, he's not as bad as _____. Really? That's the argument? He's not as bad as Hitler. He's not as bad as Pol Pot. Sadaam Hussein. Clinton (choose the Clinton with whom you would like to compare him). He's not as bad as Obama.

But can you defend this immoral man if his personal actions stand alone? Why does Rev. Jeffers not condemn Trump? Why doesn't Paula White? What about Jerry Falwell Jr.? They don't publicly challenge him because he is giving them what they want. That's why Skeptic and Uncle JD defend him. He gives them what they want, so they excuse him by saying he's not as bad as ____. I do hope Uncle and Skeptic aren't pastors. If you teach your congregations like you defend Trump, heaven help your parishioners.

Here is what the Bible says about comparing ourselves with others. Luke 18:11 The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’ 13 “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’

If Uncle and Skeptic are pastors they need to be consistent with their theology. They should say to the adults: as long as you aren't as bad as other people in the neighborhood, and you are giving to the church (the results we like), then you are OK. Results matter more than behavior. That might pass the test with some, but not with God.

All I ask is that you be consistent in your theology. If it was wrong for Clinton, it's wrong for Trump. Stop defending him because you like the results he's bringing.
Posts: 875
9/11/18 7:10 am

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Post Re: Have You Ever Noticed How Defenders of Trump Defend Him? UncleJD
FG Minister wrote:

All I ask is that you be consistent in your theology. If it was wrong for Clinton, it's wrong for Trump. Stop defending him because you like the results he's bringing.

I marvel that you would compare others to Pharisees who brag about how holy they are, then rip anyone who would dare come to the defense of our President.

Nobody is defending his past (except God perhaps if he's prayed about them, you can argue with that if you want). I AM defending his presidency though, and I make no apologies for that and will continue to do so until such time as it is proven he has broken the law as it WAS during Clinton's time. If you don't know the difference then I feel sorry for you. Again, you may need the POTUS to be your pastor (how'd that work out the last 8 years?), but the Church does not, that is Christ's and His appointed ministers' job.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3145
9/11/18 3:52 pm

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Post Re: JD... Cojak
diakoneo wrote:
UncleJD wrote:
so Obama loves America? The husband of the woman who said she was never proud of America in her whole life until her husband was elected? All those little things might be true, but they are trivial to the real issues that I already listed. I freely admit that I didn't like Obama or Clinton so I probably picked at them more than I would those who's policies I agree with, but whether you believe me or not, I honestly tried to like Obama at first. I was even proud that he was elected as a minority, to lead a first-world country. The first time in history (dispelling forever the idea that this is a racist country btw). But as time went on and his policies began costing me both freedom and finances, I became less tolerant. And with Clinton, to this day I will admit that as a whole, he was the second best president in my lifetime after Reagan (maybe a close tie with GWB), but I still hated his stance on abortion (at the least), and then he fiddle-diddled with a young girl IN THE OVAL OFFICE, then pointed his crooked finger at all of us and lectured us on how he was the bastion of morality and we were all wrong to insinuate anything, then weeks of lectures from the media, sorry if I got even more jaded than ever, but to this day we still are hearing how that wasn't nearly as bad as Trump, even from holier-than-thous on this very board!
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of course I pretty well agree. But that is to be expected. I like a leader who can get things done others could not. Kf anyone is interested the 'black unemployment is down'. And it seems the economy is good. I hve just diven 1500 miles in the last three days and saw construction in every city and ROAD construction to the point of aggravation LOL.
No one told the Texas DOT to do 50 miles at a time, they seem to like 300 miles at a whack.

Any way, I guess it does not count that I DO NOT over look lies nor 'stupid' statements on TWEET. But I am intelligent enough to know even Christians can appreciate a job and a good economy.

Yes I am sick of the whole political climate now, but I did not create it. Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24283
9/11/18 9:35 pm

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Post Re: I Love Duplicity - Don't You? Amonine
FG Minister wrote:
I love Republicans and hate Democrats. I loved it when Republicans gave it to Bill Clinton for his marital infidelity, but don’t seem to notice the three wives and multiple sex partners of Donald Trump.

Is that like David and Solomon with multiple wives and sex partners or more like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with more than one wife, and we don't really know about their other sex partners?
Posts: 35
9/20/18 10:54 am

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Post Re: Have You Ever Noticed How Defenders of Trump Defend Him? Resident Skeptic
FG Minister wrote:
Well, he's not as bad as _____. Really? That's the argument? He's not as bad as Hitler. He's not as bad as Pol Pot. Sadaam Hussein. Clinton (choose the Clinton with whom you would like to compare him). He's not as bad as Obama.

But can you defend this immoral man if his personal actions stand alone? Why does Rev. Jeffers not condemn Trump? Why doesn't Paula White? What about Jerry Falwell Jr.? They don't publicly challenge him because he is giving them what they want. That's why Skeptic and Uncle JD defend him. He gives them what they want, so they excuse him by saying he's not as bad as ____. I do hope Uncle and Skeptic aren't pastors. If you teach your congregations like you defend Trump, heaven help your parishioners.

Here is what the Bible says about comparing ourselves with others. Luke 18:11 The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’ 13 “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’

If Uncle and Skeptic are pastors they need to be consistent with their theology. They should say to the adults: as long as you aren't as bad as other people in the neighborhood, and you are giving to the church (the results we like), then you are OK. Results matter more than behavior. That might pass the test with some, but not with God.

All I ask is that you be consistent in your theology. If it was wrong for Clinton, it's wrong for Trump. Stop defending him because you like the results he's bringing.

Last I checked Trump never had felatio performed on him from an intern in the oval office. As soon as he does, I'll call for his resignation, or when he lies under oath about raping someone.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI

Last edited by Resident Skeptic on 9/20/18 8:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
Posts: 8065
9/20/18 11:05 am

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Post Re: Have You Ever Noticed How Defenders of Trump Defend Him? Nature Boy Florida
Resident Skeptic wrote:
Last I checked Trump never got a BJ from an intern in the oval office.

For some reason - seeing this on a Christian website seems incongruous to me.

It did make me laugh.

Then I was ashamed - and feel the need to hide myself...

I self ban myself for the rest of the day. Evil or Very Mad
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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9/20/18 12:20 pm

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Post Re: Have You Ever Noticed How Defenders of Trump Defend Him? Resident Skeptic
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
Resident Skeptic wrote:
Last I checked Trump never got a BJ from an intern in the oval office.

For some reason - seeing this on a Christian website seems incongruous to me.

It did make me laugh.

Then I was ashamed - and feel the need to hide myself...

I self ban myself for the rest of the day. Evil or Very Mad

I guess I could have phrased it better.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
9/20/18 8:37 pm

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Post According to Trump Himself FG Minister
He could walk into Times Square and shoot people and his supporters would continue supporting him. I think he's correct. His supporters, many on this board, will defend any behavior he exhibits as long as he gives them what they want. We even have some on Acts-celerate who say "unless he does sexually immoral things in the Oval Office," they will still support him. What about lying in the Oval? What about denigrating other human beings from the Oval? Does this not bother you guys? I was unaware that the only sins we are held accountable for are sexual sins. Morality, or the lack thereof, encompasses much more than what Monica did.

Again, I hope Mr. Skeptic and Mr. JD aren't pastors. In their theology, there is only one disqualifying sin group - sexual sins. The others don't matter as long as you're doing some good things! Good works outweigh the bad ones.
Posts: 875
9/22/18 6:57 am

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Post Cojak
WOW, I just know I would be in high cotton if we just had 4 more years of Obama, Bush or Clinton!

The economy does not matter, really? That is what I seem to be reading.

I too would like to see a list of the people on ACTS that excuse Trumps behavior. I surely do not. Embarassed Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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9/22/18 11:10 am

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