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Wives submitting to their husbands
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Post Tom, unfair. Aaron Scott
What you may have found here is a scriptural resistance to having female leadership forced upon us by those who, disregarding the consistent "no" of the GA, keep bringing it up in one form or another.

I think you are about the nicest guy around. But if the claim that the SCRIPTURES give us direction to place women in the leadership of the church, I have no choice but to argue that, no, it doesn't.

As I have ALWAYS indicated, that doesn't mean that women aren't every bit as smart and effective as men. It simply means that, for whatever reason, that is the way God has done things for thousands of years, with a few exceptions here and there.

As for redemption not rule, I agree! BUT my point was directed at the wife who does NOT submit. And to try to apply my comments to a submissive wife is not fair. God dealt with rebellion. Yes, He tried to always be redemptive, but there were times He had to do more to get people to see the value of submission.

It is unfair to try to act like those who believe in submission are somehow narrow-minded and probably part of the KKK--you get the idea. The concept is scriptural. Including the part of a man having his household in order and subjection. What does that mean, exactly? If the wife is out of order, does that man have his house in order? Is he to do nothing BUT pray?

These things keep getting left behind in the discussion, as everyone is so quick to jump on those of us who see things differently.

But the other side knows that if they can make the rest of us look like narrow-minded bigots, then, even though it's is blatantly false, they can begin to carry the day.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6039
10/30/15 12:09 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
Slaves should obey their masters no matter what. Slavery is God's design, and inherently manifests God's own authority.

It's scriptural, period.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
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10/30/15 12:32 pm

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Post See, Quiet Wyatt, that's the kind of stuff you can't say with your real name! Aaron Scott

Or do I sense snark?
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6039
10/30/15 2:18 pm

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
An who said Actscelerate may be dyin a slow death.

Looks like its goin hot n heavy........... Laughing
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10/30/15 2:55 pm

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Post Re: See, Quiet Wyatt, that's the kind of stuff you can't say with your real name! Quiet Wyatt
Aaron Scott wrote:

Or do I sense snark?

Just following your patriarchal logic, bro.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12813
10/30/15 4:06 pm

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Post Cojak
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
An who said Actscelerate may be dyin a slow death.

Looks like its goin hot n heavy........... Laughing

And some good points on both sides of this discussion.

To the Rebellious Wife. The main question is why is she rebellious? What causes a person who is sane to try to destroy a mate's ministry, lively hood or reputation.

How important is the marriage? I have read on this forum, and my name could be included, "IF my wife was miserable as a pastor's wife and declared she would not stay with me at the present job or pastorate, and I was sure that was all there was, I would warm a bench in a local church, get a job and preach when invited.

If the reason was she just was not happy in the Christian life, church and all, I imagine a divorce would be in my life, but I do not know. I am wracking my brain to find the 'discipline solution', it is not physical for sure or the one administering the discipline would be on the way to court, to let the man decide.

I do see where Aaron is coming from, if LOVE doesn't work. If caring doesn't work, if crying and praying doesn't work........ In the case of REAL REBELLION what will work? Shocked
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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10/30/15 4:11 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Tom Sterbens wrote:

Having been a student of this discussion for decades, I'll offer you a "testimony" more than instruction, as I don't perceive myself in that light. What follows has always been for me a crucial and essential discipline for reading and understanding scripture: As much as is possible, always try and determine "primary intent" on any matter in scripture.The following quote helps clarify:
Long ago Athanasius and Augustine saw this problem and addressed it. They both insisted that when deriving a doctrine from the Bible, the theologian must first establish what is theologically primary or fundamental in the teaching of Scripture on any question in view and then read the relevant texts in this light.

For me, primary intent is disclosed to the extent we are able to determine the earliest declared intent on any matter. Where it concerns the relational disposition of the husband/wife relationship and matters of "rule," Genesis 1:26-27 would seem to inform us of PRIMARY INTENT. The first representation of male rule over the woman is in the language of the curse in Genesis 3:16.

In terms of the INTENT of submission: I think it is modeled by Jesus Christ in His relationship to the Father. (Arguably, this would be the earliest expression of primary intent, since it happened before the foundations of the world Smile ).
And the object/goal/purpose of the submission of the Son to the Father is about accomplishing REDEMPTION, not establishing RULE.

For 25 years, in the marriage seminars I teach, that is the statement I try to drive home: Submission is about REDEMPTION not RULE.
Here's what I mean: Redemption is about the restoration of God's created intent toward (and through) mankind. We (mankind) were alienated from God (Romans 5, enemies and sinners...) and were in "conflict" with God. Jesus the Son emptied Himself (Philippians 2) of equality with the Father to accomplish the mission of re-establishing the relationship between God and man. That work is a finished work in terms of the cross, and will be consummated at the end of the age.

The goal of submission was redemption not rule.

Ephesians 5 opens the segment in question with the instruction to "submit to one another." And then the text follows... The broad reality of the passage calls us to the same attitude that initiated the Son emptying Himself and dying to restore and REDEEM a broken relationship in conflict (you know, where we become "enemies")...and that remedy is:
SOMEONE in the relationship has to empty themselves of their entitled place in order to redeem the conflict at hand...
SOMEONE in the relationship has to be willing to cross over and meet the other one on their terms...
SOMEONE has to submit themselves to taking redemptive initiative...

What is amazing is how we have absolutely turned this redemptive narrative on its head so that we men might stand back, insist on the ENTITLED position of headship of the husband, and assert the problem can only be remedied by establishing RULE and demanding submission on the part of the wife! To me there is no single recurring point of glaring blindness and missed redemption! AND WE HAVE MADE A CREED of this blindness. We have made a sacrament of the curse of Genesis 3:16.

Side note - The fact that Paul uses the language of the prevailing understanding of domestic social constructs of marriage of the his time (namely, male domination), and that they were the norm can no more be taken as a divine prescription than does his instructions to slaves submitting being understood as a sanctifying of the institution of slavery.

Last - Everyone makes the point that when two people are living harmoniously in reflection of agreed principles, submission really is not seen. We all agree that submission happens only in the face of a disagreement or conflict. God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit understood the same thing...and the incarnation only happened because the Son said - "Let submission start with Me!" And we know the rest of the story of redemption...

The moment we begin with "Who will Rule" rather than "Who will Redeem" we miss the point entirely and the conflict in a home will never be resolved and relationship restored.

The moment we begin with the conflict narrative with, "You need to submit," rather than, "I will submit," we miss the point entirely and the conflict in a home will never be resolved and relationship restored.

For me the four or five critical passages in the New Testament concerning women and marriage, over which we constantly wrangle, begin to be seen clearly when considered through the lens offered here. So - for those who would choose to see otherwise - rock on.

It has been had been said to me on this forum through the years, by those like Aaron, Link and Chris (Poimen) - that "if you hold another position than one of male domination you are unbiblical or being influenced by culture," etc.... Too often I have "reacted" and spent a great deal of time trying to win an argument. I have come to determine that is wasted motion. Accordingly, even what is written here and the time I've invested in just this small effort is really not directed to them - but to the few who may read, in whom it may resonate and their heart and S/spirit may have some sense of the freedom found in any morsel of truth.

Tom, that is absolutely one of the best things I've ever heard/read about submission, and it makes perfect sense. Thank you for sharing!
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5922
10/30/15 6:52 pm

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Post Tom, again an unfair reading... Aaron Scott
No one is arguing that "I will submit" is not far superior to "you need to submit." But the question is not what to do with a submissive wife. It is about what to do--if anything--with the wife who says, at least in deed, "I will not submit."

You are creating a strawman. That is, you are arguing about something that seems to be "that's not way to act toward a submissive wife." Well, of course.

But when the woman will not submit, what then? It seems that your side--at least so far--has offered two suggestions:

1) it's the man's fault that she's not submissive; and/or

2). just pray for her, that's all.

No one is arguing to dominate women. The question that got to going (and which is apparently somewhat off-topic) is what to do when a woman does not submit to her husband. Should the husband do anything?

I say that he must--or at least should. I'm not saying be abusive. I am saying that as in all circumstances, there are both good and bad consequences.

I hear everyone saying how that while they might correct someone else in church or the business world, and will correct their kids, the wife is apparently hands-off if she becomes rebellious. I don't know that I would know what to do, but I think it is right to do something instead if the knee-jerk "blame it on the husband."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6039
10/30/15 8:04 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
I totally agree with Tom's texts on relationships. In fact, I have already lifted some of it and used in a situation I am trying to help folks work through. Thanks Tom.

However, I must say I am intrigued by Aaron's question. A pastor has an unsubmissive wife - and through whomever's fault - the situation needs to be corrected. It looks bad. There is a Jezebel spirit that has taken root in the wife. How is that corrected?

How is that done - short of getting a divorce (or the rod of correction to those so inclined)

(Please see my post from a few pages back)
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10/30/15 8:59 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
I wish it were otherwise, but tragically, I can speak from personal experience about this. My mother, after 27 years of marriage and ministry, decided to run off with one of Dad's 'friends'. After literally thousands of dollars spent by Dad for marriage counseling in an effort to salvage the marriage, Mom still persisted in her adulterous affair. Whenever we tried to plead with her to come back and not destroy our family and ministry (Mom and Dad had built their local church up to 200 steadily over many years), all Mom could say was, "I know what the Bible says but I'm NOT gonna do it!"

I honestly don't see how treating her like a child (or even a good spanking!) would have helped her to stop being rebellious and start being submissive. She made her adult choice to rebel against God, destroy her family and for all intents and purposes, killed her husband's spirit and ministry for good.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
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10/30/15 9:24 pm

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Post Cojak
I believe this falls under the IMPOSSIBLE DREAM if the rebellious person does not accept the scripture or has no desire to'be a wife' of a Minister, or any Christian.

Everyone (methinks) agrees something must be done, but in our day and time any physical-discipline is out, whether it is effective or not, unless it is the courts. I don't know if this is a good statement anymore, but 'we are all free moral agents' married or not. Shocked
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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10/30/15 10:00 pm

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Post John Jett
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
I wish it were otherwise, but tragically, I can speak from personal experience about this. My mother, after 27 years of marriage and ministry, decided to run off with one of Dad's 'friends'. After literally thousands of dollars spent by Dad for marriage counseling in an effort to salvage the marriage, Mom still persisted in her adulterous affair. Whenever we tried to plead with her to come back and not destroy our family and ministry (Mom and Dad had built their local church up to 200 steadily over many years), all Mom could say was, "I know what the Bible says but I'm NOT gonna do it!"

I honestly don't see how treating her like a child (or even a good spanking!) would have helped her to stop being rebellious and start being submissive. She made her adult choice to rebel against God, destroy her family and for all intents and purposes, killed her husband's spirit and ministry for good.

Tragic story and I'm very sorry. This is why I don't think that all of the bravado espoused in the article would do the least bit of good. I too can speak from experience (thankfully not quite so close, but relatives nonetheless). And he attempted the very things that Aaron is so sure would be such a good idea, and it only further drove his wife into sin and rebellion (as should be expected). It may not have ended much differently had he done otherwise, but then again if he had "given himself for her" then who knows. In the end you are 100% correct, it is another adult who has chosen this path, not your employee or your child, or your property.

Tom, as usual, you put it very well. I think the husband should be "outdoing" his wife in his roll (which is giving himself up, easier said than done I know). At that point it is 100% in the hands of the wife and God.
Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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10/30/15 11:40 pm

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Post Tom, please, bro! Aaron Scott
While you speak of Christ's noble sacrifice, you conveniently leave out that that is NOT AT ALL how He responded to the out-of-line churches in the Book of Revelation!

He was loving, but quite pointed, going so far as to say this:

(Revelation 2:20 KJV) Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.

(Revelation 2:21 KJV) And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.
(Revelation 2:22 KJV) Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.
(Revelation 2:23 KJV) And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.

Now, we know that Christ loves the Church and gave Himself for it. But He loves the Church enough to also discipline the Church, correct the church, chasten the church.

In your example, apparently, it seems that Jesus should have done something else, along the lines of your statement: "willing to die to ourselves and empty ourselves of deservedly entitled places and positions in order to redeem our wives."

No, he already did that. And I think there are men who have likely done their best to do the right thing...and still the wife is rebellious. What then?

In Quiet Wyatt's tragic case (and, man, that broke my heart), a rebellious wife broke her vows, her husband, and her husband's ministry. I don't know that there was anything that could be done. A similar case happened in my extended family. I don't know what could have been done, but I think most people would wonder WHAT should have been done? They will ponder "was there something different I could or should have done?"

Tom, your prescription is PERFECT for the already-submissive wife. But it might be near worthless for the difficult wife, though it might trigger a reaction of reconciliation.

But in some cases, we know that's not going to happen. It will be perceived as weakness, etc. As QW points out, an adult decision is made, etc. But if a man's wife, say, wanted to use his credit cards to visit an "old flame" and "get it out of her system," I trust it would be fine for the husband to say, "Not on my dime." He doesn't have to enable her.

What if she tells him that everything will be fine if he'll just quit the ministry? Well, I've known of wives that say that will start going to church if their husband will just go to another church. NEVER ONCE did that work out long term. So maybe the thing to say is that one will stay in the will of God...and that if your wife will not, that will jut have to be how it will be?

There are definite steps a man can take to effect a solution. Part of that might include taking the wife to dinner, on vacation, etc. (the Tom Things). Some of it, at least at some point, might have "an edge" to it. That is, we can use the carrot-and-stick approach.

I will tell you that I believe it is damaging to pretty much dismiss the scriptural statements of "rule" and "submission" and "authority." Try that with your kids. Tell them that their parents do not have any rule over them, that there parents should pretty much be submitting to them, etc. I cannot believe that such teaching would not have a negative effect in many homes (though certainly not in all).
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6039
10/31/15 4:45 am

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Post JUST FIGURED IT OUT!!!! Aaron Scott
I have just two words for you.

These words are the answer to the rebellious wife who just will not behave.

I know that Tom will see the wisdom of this immediately.


A facility just for rebellious wives. We already have a place for abusive men. Oddly enough, it also has "prison" in the name.

But now, just for the wife who will not submit, it's wife prison. Yep, three squares a day, but you can't go anywhere, can't do anything, and have to clean the jail until you're ready to go back home and do the right thing.

Also, every inmate is required to attend discussion classes on their poor behavior and lacking submission skills.

I knew it would come to me if I'd just keep thinking about it!
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6039
10/31/15 5:08 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt
Perhaps REGULAR whippings would have made her submissive. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12813
10/31/15 8:45 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt... Aaron Scott
Might have. Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6039
10/31/15 9:02 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt
Yep. Just like keeping slaves in line. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12813
10/31/15 9:25 am

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Post Carolyn Smith
Actually, Aaron, you've answered your own question re: the scripture above in Revelation.

Jesus died for our sin and paid the penalty when we were in rebellion. Yet, when people choose to continue on in their rebellion, the consequences of their sin will catch up with them. When He casts her into a bed and kills her children, it is not that He is punishing her. It is that she is reaping the consequences of her actions.

When there is rebellion in someone's heart, you can't beat it out of them. Sending to prison will only make them meaner. (I won't even acknowledge your last suggestion.) It is a HEART issue. God must deal with their hearts. And if that person chooses not to allow God to change them, that person (and everyone who loves them) will deal with the consequences.

God desires to give us mercy, but if we do not repent, the sin will be dealt with by Him.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5922
10/31/15 9:25 am

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Post Aaron, are you engaging in the dialogue? bonnie knox
I'm going to do the preacher thing and start out with a joke. Did you hear about the couple that got divorced because of religious reasons? The guy thought he was God.

The aspect of Christ's sacrificial love for the church is mentioned in Paul's admonition to the Ephesians with respect to the love a husband should have for his wife. This does not mean that marriage is analogous to every aspect of Christ's relationship to the church.
This is why John Jett said "True, but husbands aren't called to 'discipline your wives as Christ disciplined the church,' unless I missed that somewhere...." and why Tom said "The issue is taking the analogy beyond its intended purpose." Its why I tried to ask why you saw the lordship of Christ as the aspect being pointed out in the passage in 1 Corinthians.
I heard a rumor that a local pastor (with much greater than local influence within the family integrated church movement) actually performed a wedding for a couple in which he repeatedly told the groom during the ceremony, "You are Christ. You are Christ." Shocked

Tom, please, bro!

While you speak of Christ's noble sacrifice, you conveniently leave out that that is NOT AT ALL how He responded to the out-of-line churches in the Book of Revelation!

(Edit: just a P.S.--I had not seen Tom's last post when I typed this response, but I see he again has mentioned taking the analogy beyond its intended purpose.)

Last edited by bonnie knox on 10/31/15 11:15 am; edited 1 time in total
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10/31/15 11:07 am

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Post Carolyn, I hear you, my sis... Aaron Scott
My problem is that in no case except, apparently, when it comes to our wives, do we just let the consequences take their course. The unintentional hypocrisy of this stance (assuming it's not a feminist conspiracy!) is what bothers me.

We will seek correction for a colleague, son, daughter, uncle, aunt. teacher, preacher, pastor, overseer, president, governor, senator, etc., but when it comes to the WIFE we are apparently to just pray and wait for Jesus to do something about it.

Yes, I believe that we have to handle some situations differently, especially those in which we have a closer bond, etc. But to DO NOTHING seems absolutely...sinful. It is to become guilty of the whole "he that knoweth to do good and doeth it not" concept.

Now, I don't know WHAT, exactly, to do. But neither do I know EXACTLY what to do when I have to correct my son, or a colleague, or a person in the church. Unless God gives us a word, none of us know PRECISELY what to do. But we DO SOMETHING!!! We may seek advice, we may just do the best we can, acting in love and concern (that often makes bitter medicine go down more easily, when you know that the person truly loves you and cares for you). But what we don't do is...NOTHING.

To allow a woman to trainwreck her life, her family's life, her ministry, their ministry--perhaps even their livelihood--without trying to do DO SOMETHING just seems like criminal negligence.

I'm not saying that a wife should not be treated any differently than one would a senator, for she is closer to you, certainly deserves some sort of allowances for that, etc. Further, what you do to her is certainly going to affect you.

As Quiet Wyatt indicated, it might be that there was not a thing in the world that could be done. What we DO KNOW is that praying and pleading wasn't doing the job. Divorce? Murder? (after all, you can get away with murder more easily than divorce in some churches). I'm being facetious, of course.

But I think there are things we can do that send some strong signals that the husband is not going to sit idly by while the wife runs the whole family and church over a cliff.

If a man's wife were driving a car toward a washed out bridge, I'm betting he'd do more than pray about it. But apparently our families and ministries mean far less than our own lives, so we would just say, "Honey, I want to be a better husband...and if you'll just stop the car I'll seek to do that."

Again, I don't know that there IS a good response. Jesus certainly didn't want to have to do what he did with the Jezebel, but He did it because he cares about the church. A husband would not want to have to confront a wife, I'm sure, but to protect her, the family, the home, and the ministry, he just might have to do that.

Maybe one of the reasons there are no means of dealing with an non-submissive wife, other than, apparently, praying and blaming the husband, is because we DON'T teach on it? Maybe if we did, there would be some good and redemptive (hey!) things that come out of it.

In my classes at school, if a student if failing, I offer a "pre-report card recovery." It is roughly 20 pages of WRITING. The student must write key facts 3-5 times apiece. It's not perfect, by any means. But the chance for the student to do the previous assignment is OVER. So now I give them an assignment that is meant to be onerous and difficult...yet at the same time redemptive (that is, at least they are having to write facts that can serve them in helping them grasp the material). At the same time, I want it hard enough so that no student just says, "Hey, I'll goof off for nine weeks, do a little writing, and everything will be OK." It's rough, but it's redemptive.

So, to seek to correct a non-submissive wife, one may take unpopular measures that are, at the end of it all, redemptive.

How would you treat an ADULT child that was wayward? Maybe that should be informative to some degree?
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6039
10/31/15 11:15 am

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